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Shoppin, flirtin, barfin >.<

Autor:  Charlett
*just entered the superstore and now turnin to the other two*
"So, whatta we need?"
*shrugs* "It's ur party."
"Hmm... Well, I guess the most important thin is booze. No party without booze, right?!"
-.- *sighs*
"Ok, what do we wanna drink? Beer - sure! Rae, would ya please take five - no better seven crates of it, k?"
*sighs again and lifts seven crates of beer with her powers*
"Ok, whatelse? Wine? Sparklin wine? No way! We ain't no sissies, ain't we?! Ok... some hard stuff's required, I guess. Let's see..." *study the shelves* "Vodka, grain liquor, single malt, brandy, ouzo" *put everything into the cart and go on* "Grappa - ick! I hate this fuckin crap!" >.< *shudder, put it back in the shelf and keep goin on* "Bourbon, rum, tequila, absinthe, some more vodka, some more tequila and absinthe and that's it!" XD *smile proudly*
"Ok, what else...? Right! We need lemons and salt for da tequila!" *beam, search and grap the required thins*
"Do we need somethin to eat? ... Hmm, I think we'll order somethin, but some snacks won't hurt, right?" XD *toss a lot of random snacks into the cart, bouncin with excitement*
"Ok, I think that's it." ^^
"Don't we need some decoration?"
*snort* "What're we? Kids?!"
*waggles with some spraklin garlands and blow-outs before my very eyes*
♥.♥ *grap em* "Alright, we need decoration as well!" *.*
*sweat-drops but cannot hide a small grin* ^^°
"Hey guys!" ^^
"Cy!" *hug him stormily*
"Woah, hon. Sup?" ^^°
"She appears to be a bit 'overexcited' with all the shoppin and party stuff." -.-°
"I see." *laughs, rehugs me and puts me to the ground then, pulling gently away*
"Have fun, don't we, hon?" ^^
"Of course!" XD *.*
*can't suppress a small chuckle anymore either*
"That's great, Sweety."
"Hey, ya're still weraing my clothes."
"Yeah, kinda ease into em." *gg*
"I never could! ... Anymore..." *giggle*

"Ok, so ya got everythin?"
"I guess. Whattaya think?"
"Don't care." -.-
"If u think so, it'll be fine with us, I think." ^^
"Thanx, Garth!" *hug him*
"Garth?" ô.o
"Never mind!" >.>°
"'K." ^^°
"Err, hon?"
"Yes, friend Cy?"
"Dontcha think, we should get some drinks for mixin? Like coke or some limonade?"
O.o "Sure! Ya're ingenious!" *.* *hug him once more*
*pats my back* "All right!" ^^° "Let's go get some."
*dance over to the non-alkoholic drinks*
"Rae, can ya carry some of these as well?"
"Sure." *nods*
"Sweet! Thanx!" ♥.♥ *hug her*
"Yes, friend Raven?" *still huggin her*
"U're huggin me." -.-
*let go of her* "I apologize." XD
"Never mind." *sigh*
We head for the cash desks, pay, call a hack, hand all the shopping over, pay the hackie and return to the mall.
"Can we go home now?" -.-°
"I guess... But - hey! Where're Cy and Bee?"
*catch sight of four legs, poking out under the curtain of a photo booth*
"Here they go again." -.-
*giggle* "Well, r we goin to wait for em, or-"
"Gorgeous, I pined for ya!" *wraps his arms around my waist and starts to nibble on my neck*
*giggle again* "Hey, groper." ^^
"Oh, hottie" *places both of his hands upon the left side of his chest, lookin dramatically hurt* "Ya're breakin my heart! Isn't there another nick, ya've for me?" *makes puppy eyes*
*laugh* "Aw... Well, I'll call ya... hmm..." *think* "somethin fittin..." *eye him acccurately* "Tiger. Yeah, that's it!" *smirk*
*smirks, too* "Roar!" *pulls me into a hug again, my back tightly pressed against his front side and sucks on my eralap*
*giggle again* "That tickles!"
"I can tickle ya on entirely other spots, too." *leer* "Wherever ya want, whatever ya want!" ^.~
*clears her throat*
^^° "Ok, first I wanna have ice cream!" XD
"Well, than ice cream it is. Let's go!"
*pulls me towards the next ice cream parlor, still holdin me tightly and whispering flattery and almost naughty things into my ear*

*go on giggling*
*looks keenly worried and sighs*
"Wanna get some ice cream, too?" *smiles and offers her an arm*
"Er.. sure." *links arm with him and follws me and my tiger* (Roar! XD)
"Uhm, Speedy?"
"Yes, dark hottie?"
-.- "I just wondered... Where's Beastboy?"
"Uh... Well, I kinda 'lost' him on da way." ^^

At a table in the ice cream parlor.
The boys are busy makin the ice cream runs.
Rae and me already took a seat at a table outside.

*watching my redhead tiger and his HOT backside*
"Sup?" *only grudgingly avertin my eyes away from him*
"Ya think, that's... wise?"
"Whattaya mean?" *quirk an eyebrow, suspiciously*
"U and Speedy... the whole 'tiger'-thin, ya know?"
"No, I do not know!" *tryin my best not to scream* "All I know, is that I'm free as a bird and can do whatever I wanna do!!"
"Goth! Chill out!" -.- "If ya really want it... I just wanned to remind ya of a certain boy wonder, beein in the tower, probably worrying his ass off and surely beein still in love with ya."
"Ha!" *laugh sarcastically* "Fuck it! Ya wanna know what?!" *point my finger at her nearly hittin the roof*
*only raises an eyebrow*
"This motherfucker can fuck off! He didn't even tell me about our 'relationship'! Whattaya think does that mean? Huh, genius?!" *fight back the fuckin tears* "It means he doesn't care! Got it?! He doesn't give a shit!!" *eyes fill with tears at last* "He doesn't give a damn about me and he's happy to get rid of me after all in all likelihood." *slump into my seat again, run all out of steam at once*
*dumbstruck, totally taken by surprise and cannot think of anything to say*
*swallow the tears that wanna ooze out and whipe the remaining ones away*
"Hey, Hotties. We got ur ice cream!" *sits down, passing me my hot fudge sundae, smiling brightly*
"This one is on me." *winks*
"Thanx." *rather absent-minded*
*eyes her solicitously*
"Hey darlin!" *graps me, kisses my glaring red hair and examines me carefully afterwards*
"U ok?"

"Sure." *buck up and draw the familiar - this time false (and frequently fake) - grin an my face* ^_^
"Sweet!" ^__^ "Dig in, folks!"
*take a spoonful and shudder*
"Somethin wrong, sweetie?"
"No!" ^^ *force myself to gulp the fuckin, nauseatin ice cream, that seemed so delicious just a short time ago*
*quietly chows down hers, looking notably absent and crabby*
*looks mostly alarmed*
*looks mostly unaware*

*clears his throat* "Hey guys!" >.<°
"Yeah, it's me. I hope I don't disturb ur little 'party' here!" *stares daggers at Garth*
"Of course not!" *floats over to him and hugs him*
*coughs* "Well I think it's time to... err... Shall I look for Bee and Cyborg?"
*turns to him* "I don't think that's a good idea, but ya could do me a favor..." *tries to look especially nice*
"Anytime! What can I do for ya?"
"Erm... if ya -" *nods towards a place in some distance*
*nods in agreement and follws her out of our earshot*
*casts them an awkward look before settling down in front of us and pitching into Rae's sundae*
*smile at him, still goin on eating this sickish ice cream*
"U ok, Star? Ya look, kinda... green?" ô.o
"I'm fine, friend Beastboy! Thank u, for ya concern!" ^^
"Sweet!" *keeps gorgin*
*steps back to our table*
*follows him*

"I'm headin for the tower now. See ya soon!" *smiles at the guys, winks at me and leaves*
*takes seat next to BB and nestels - nontypical for her - tight against him*
*pulls me closer and spoon-feeds me*
*nearly puke*
*startin to make out heatedly* (In public! What's goin on?! O.o)
*has to seize the chance, pulls me even closer and brushes his lips against mine*
*start to respond the kiss timidly*
*moves his tounge over my lips, asking for entrance*
*bestow it and open my mouth*
*necking overtly and untamed ... until-*
*hears soft, smackin noises, opens her eyes and peers around, catching sight of me and Speedy*
*breaks away from BB and gives a noisy cough*
*ceases from me - grudgingly - and looks at Rae*
*follow his gaze - hesitantly*
*remains silent, but flames blazes in her eyes*
*stumble onto my feet* "I'm sorry, I've to use the bathroom!" *wrest a smile and a giggle and run instantly towards the bathrooms, where I empty my whole inside into the next bowl*
*slump onto the floor beside it* "Fuck it! Fuck this whole situation! Fuck this suckin life! Suck it all! Crap! Shit! Fuck! FUCK!" *start to cry* "I don't wanna live this fuckin live any longer! I can't stand it all! It suck's!" *sniff* "I just wanna die!" *sob*
"U emo or what?" *looks at me deprecatingly, one eyebrow raised*
*cast her a disbelieving look and go on weepin*
*sighs* "Just stay here." -.- "Don't move! OK?!"
*just nod under more tears*
*go on sobbing*
*hands me a toothbrush and toothpaste*

"Clean urself up!" -.-
*look at her with widened eyes and continue crying*
-.- *offers me a hand*
*take it, the toothbrush and toothpaste as well and start cleaning my mouth*
"Alright. If ya'd now just let me know, what excatly made ya pukin. The ice cream, Speedy or r ya pregnant or what?"
"Say what?! Keep ur fuckin trap shut! I'm not pregnant! This isn't one of this fuckin fan-girl-stories, where the main character gets pregnant or married in the end!" *sicken and shudder*
"Ok, now that's cleared. So what was it then?"
*sigh and splash some cold water in my face*
"Dunno. The ice cream, I think." *shrug*
"Ya were strainin at the leash to have some! Don't play me for a sucker, Star!" -.-
"Argh! Ya're really annoyin! Does somebody tell ya yet? Just leave me alone, bitch!"
*tryin to make my way past her*
*blocks the door*
"No. Ya won't get away with that." *stays untouched*

"Up urs! Ya fucking tart!!" *screak*
*sighs* "Right... ya don't have to explain urself. I already know. But I'd appreciate it much if ya'd stop makin an assault upon me!"
"... Just leave me fuckin alone and I won't bother ya anymore!!"
*sighs again* "Well, dig ur own grave..." *clears my way for the door*
"Thanx!" *still pissed off, heading for the others*
*follows me*
*approachin BB and Speedy*
"Hey, BB! Would ya please take me to the tower?"
"Uhm..." *casts a nervous glance at Raven*
*nods barely noticeable*
"Sure, Star." *turns into the pterodactyl again, graps me gently by the shoulders and takes off to the tower with me*

"What's wrong with her?" -.-
"Don't ask!"
*conjures her black flying disc up once more*
"Take a seat. We''ll have a little chat on our way!" *stares daggers at him*

*trembles slightly, but does as he was told*

------------------------------------------------------------------END PART XVII------------------------------------------------------------------


I know the 'italic'-thin is new. All the time it bothered me, that my parts and the 'common' parts're the same. But I didn't know how to differ em. I didn't wanna use another color. So that's the answer: italic letters! XD
Yeah, bro - I know an remember all the lessons in typography. *gg*
But I think it works anyways. If ya don't think so - tell me.
And btw. I'll edit the other parts soon (concernin' the italic letters)!
At this one point Rae/u said "Goth!".
Explanation: What I/she/u really meant was "Gosh!" But I (in my sick head) thought, it'd be fun to have her/u say "Goth!" instead of "Gosh!", cuz u're a goth, ya know? ^^°
Ok, not funny, huh? -.-°
Please comment or/and review anyway!
I really DO wanna know how to do better!
Tell me if the 'moods' r proportional. Is the bit of drama ok? Is fluff ok? Are the declarative parts as boring as I think or do ya rather like it just funny and nothing else?
Please tell me! I have to know!!!
I can't do better, if ya don't tell me! ;__;
Datum: 11.06.2007 12:26
OH - MY - FUCKIN - GOD!!!!
loooool like ya said bro - "goth" is so damn hilarious *wipe away tears of laughter X'DDDD but I think "U emo or what?!" is muuuuch funnier !!! *ROFL XDD
give me more biatch - I need to get more of those jokes XDDD
aka Batperson *emanzipiert is +.+

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