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On the Way...

Autor:  Charlett
With Cy and Bee...

*flies almost over the coast of the mainland*
"Could we make a short stop here?"
?.? "In the water?" O.o
"Well... nice idea!" *leer* "But ya can debark on the beach as well, sweetheart." ^^
"Uh, 'k." *drops Cy on the beach and lands next to him*
"Now, come to daddy!" *pulls her grinnin into a tight embrace and kisses her fiercely*
*returns the kiss passionately, but breaks away after a short time, also grinning*
"Someone could see us, Sparky!" >.<
"That's the point where ur idea with the water comes into play." *g*
ô.o ... "Well..." *leer* "That's fine with me." ^_^
*pulls him into another boisterous hug and kisses him heatedly, slowly movin into the water backwards*


With BB and Roy...

*talks nineteen to the dozen since the departure, about the same theme - nonstop*
"Woah! I can't get over Star in this dress!" *drools* "I mean, she's always been HOT! But now she's just..." *searches for a satisfyin word* "Awesome! Top of the hots!" *begins to overexcite*
*can't take it anymore an drops him*
"D'Aargh!" *alights in the water with a big swash*
*emerges again*
"What's ur prob, jerk?" *really pissed*

*transforms into human shape and ends up in the water as well*
"Kyaaaaaaah!" *screams like a girl* "My hair! My wonderful, amazing, gorgeous hair!" *bursts into tears*
*sighs* "Look, I don't like ya hittin on Starlett. But well, I guess it's nothin to me."
"U're damn right, brat!"
"Anyway - it's her funeral. But I can't stand ur babblin any longer! Just shut the fuck up and we'll get along! Got it?!"
"Whatever." *shrugs*
"Wonderful!" -.-
*retransforms into the pterodactyl, graps the readhead and flies on*
*fetches his omnipresent pocket mirror and tries to fix his devilishly beloved hair*


With Aqua, Rae and me...

*split my side laughin*
*giggles madly, tryin not to burst out laughing aloud*
*grunt* "He didn't!" *wheeze* "Don't tell me he said that!!" *roflmfao*
*chuckles* "But that's exactly what happened! I swear!"
"Ya really know how to tell stories, Dude!" *only slowly recoverin*
"She's right." *whipes a tear of laughter from her eye*
"Thanx." *blushes slightly* "I haven't had such a nice company for a long time." ^_^
"I haven't had such a enjoyable chat for... well since I lost my memory, I may say: at no time yet!" XD
*chuckles again*
"There she's havin a point again." ^^ "I'm really enjoyin this."
*blush deepens* "Thanx a lot! U both r very special and awesome woman!"
*bluhes and lowers her eyes*
*blush* "Ya charmer!" *thump him and giggle*
O.o "Aren't that Beastboy and Speedy there?" *points down at the water*
<.<° *sigh* "Boys!" *g*
"Present company excepted, for sure!" ^^
*nods smiling*
*whispers* "After all... ya're more a man than a boy..." *turns pink*
*scratches his neck in abashment* "Thanx!" XD
"Aren't that BB and Cy makin out in the water?" *point at the two people beneath us*
"No comment..." <.>°
*nods, slightly disgusted*
*nods, slightly ashamed*
"Seems like we'll be there first." ^^°
"Yep." -.-°
"Ok, c'mon, Aqua! Tell us another... - Wait!"
"I don't wanna call ya Aqua."
"Everybody calls ya Aqua or Aqualad. I think, after this nice gatherin we should've an own name for ya!" ^^
"What about Aqui? Nah!" *shake my head in disagreement* "Fishy?"
*shake head again* "No! That's abusive!"
*nods hastily*
"Ocean-man!" ... "No, that's too long..." *sigh resignin*
"Ya can call me 'Garth' if ya want." *smiles warmly*
"Is that ur 'real' name?"
*nods, still smiling*
"Wow! That's..." *don't find any words and look at Rae seekin help*
"...well, that's incredibly kind of ya!" O.o
*finds her voice again* "Thank u very much!"
"I'm the one who has to thank ya both." ^^
*just aspiratin* "Never mind." *.*
*lowers the black flyin disc on a parkin lot*
"Here we are."
*erases the disc*
*step fleet-footed to the ground*
"Thanx, Rae!"
*also settlin down*
"Yeah, thanx Rave."

"My pleasure!" ^^
*scream, almost screakin*
"C'mon! Let's sack the mall!!!" XD

------------------------------------------------------------------END PART XVI------------------------------------------------------------------

Ok, this one ought to be "the shopping" but... ya're already sick of my apologies, aren't ya? ^^°
So.. maybe I'll write the next one subsequently followin...
Don't wanna go to work tomorrow, anyways. ^^°
Please COMMENT, fuckers!!!! ♥.♥ o:-)
Datum: 11.06.2007 12:28
we're so damn cute ♥.♥
*nothin more to say.... *drop out with hearts over my head *-*
aka Batperson *emanzipiert is +.+

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