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Sackin' Withit

Autor:  Charlett
In the CS...

*steps inside the room*
"Good 'mornin', Dude! How r ya?"
-.- "Fine, I think." *eyes the visitor curiously* "What're they doin here?" *raises an eyebrow*
"Star called em over."
"Hm." *grunts in understandin, but same time in dislike*
"Hey, Sparky! Sorry for leavin ya at the hospital yesterday, but... it's been a really hard time with ya all gone that 'crazy', ya know...?" *gives him a truely breathtakin, big smile*
... *scratches his neck* "Uhm... yeah... I guess... well.. uh, ok. Never mind. I survived, don't I?"
"Thanx, babe!" *flies over and kisses him tenderly*
*flushes a bit* "What are u wearin? Isn't that Star's shortie?" ô.o ... "Whatever... so, dudes. Sup?" *turns to the others*
"Was just 'bout to tell everyone. So sit down 'n listen!"
*does as told*
And everybody listens to Robins depiction of the happened events.

Meanwhile at the mall...

"Where to go?"
*shrugs* "Dunno. What r u searchin for?"
-.- "Yeah, I know! I mean - what sort of?"
"Somethin hot and cool! Like u r wearin! Somethin dark!" *.*
*quirks an eyebrow, but remains incurious like always*
"So, maybe 'Withit' would suit ya. This way." *heads for "Withit"*
"Kyyahhhh!" XD
"Just thought maybe u'd like it." -.-°
"I LOVE it!!" ♥.♥
*storm the shop, grap everythin that suits me and head for the changins*
*takes a seat besides the mirror*
*step out in a new outfit*
"Nice." -.-
*return to changin room, change and step out again*
"Nice." -.-
*return to changin room, change and step out again*
"Nice." -.-
*return to changin room, change and step out again*
"Nice." -.-
This procedure continues over a few hours...
Finally we step out of the shop, loeaded with tons of bags, filled with new clothes for me.
*sighs heavily* "Hope u got everythin. I won't survive this one more time!!"
^^° "Yeah. It's a great store! I got everythin I need, includin fittin accessoires! Thanx so much for ur company!" XD *hug*
"Never mind." -.- "I've to admit I'd doubts about the hole 'new stylin'-thin, but honestly-" *eyes me* "U do look hot!"
*wearin black, tattered fish net stockings, a very short, plaid fustanella, tight-fittin black shirt with the white label: 'I said no to the drugs, but they just wounldn't listen!' and of course fittin accessoires* "Thanx!" XD *bounce and beam*
"Can we go home now?" -.-
"I'm afraid, we cannot! We've to buy all the stuff for the party!!" ^__^
"Great!" -.-°
A lamp on the ceilin explodes.

Later back in the tower/CS...

"So she forgot everythin?!" O.o
"Yeah, seems like. But I told her everythin she needs to know."
"Well, everythin about everyone of the Titans, how we all met, what fights we've been in and so on."
"See..." *continues too look doubtfully*
"So she didn't know anythin of what happend before?" *smirks*
"Like I said! ... Why?!" *looks daggers at him*
"Just asked... And she also seemed bit of - changed..." ?.?
"Mh." *grunts and nods shortly*
"So what shall we do 'bout it?"
*shrugs resignin* "Nothin, I guess. Just wait and see."
"Uh, k. If u think that'll be best..."
"Yeah, I think so. Let's just wait a few days. Maybe it puts itself right by time..."

------------------------------------------------------------------END PART XIV

Ok, I know this one isn't funny and I didn't even tried to be. It's just explainin a few thins.
I wanned to have the part with me and u (Rae) shoppin to be real fun, but it turned out - it isn't. -.-°
But don't cry - just think of the next part, where "THE PARTY!"'ll take place. *gg*
Luv ya, please comment anyways. <3

P.S.: I know "Withit" is in the UK, but in MY freaky, strange and scary world there're branches in the USA as well! XP

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