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The Morning After...

Autor:  Charlett
*open my eyes* "Uah! Pink!" *schudder*
"Where the heck am I?" *take a look around*
*sicken* "Everythin in here's violet or pink!!!" >.<

*steps into the room*
"D'AAAAH!" *shock*
"D'argh!" *jumps* "What the-? Oh, me!" *scrubs his neck* "Well, I'm sorry. Just wanned to see, how u are and if u wanna go get some breakfast." *smile*
"Uhm... sure, Spikey." *hops out of the bed*
*sweat-drops* "Why do u call me that?"
"What? Spikey? I'm sorry hun, I just can't remember ur name."
"Robin it is. I told u so." -.-
"Gosh, don't be so fuddy-duddy!" -.-° "Robin isn't ur 'real' name, right? So never mind!" *smirk*
"What- Why- I mean... How dya know?" O.o
"U'd have to be seriously birdbrained, if u'd use ur real name, although u maskin urself... BIRDbrained! Got it? AHAHAHAHAAAAAA!" *ROFLMFAO*
*slowly recoverin* "Common, let's go, birdy-boy." *pant and still chucke*
"Errr, don ya wanna dress up or somethin like tha?"
"I'm dressed."
"Yeah, uh... sure. It's just. U r wearin just a shortie..."
"Thanx for stating the obvious, moron."
*sighs* "Would ya please just dress?"
"Last night I went through my closet and everythin in there is purple!" *shudder again* "I'll go to the mall after breakfast to get some REAL clothes."
"So can we get somethin to eat now? I'm starved!!"
"Well... certainly."
"Sweet!" *head for the CS*
*follows me*
We finally arrive at our destination and enter.
"Not again!" -.-°
"What the fuck-?!"
*riding the green elephant again, enjoin herself noisy*
*transforms into human shape*
*recognizes me and the masked guy*
"Staaarly! Ooooh Stahaaaarly! Common to Candy Mountain, Starly!!!" XD
*jumps over to me and hugs me tightly, placin kisses all over my face*

"Greetins to u too, dark one." *smile*
"Wait!" *push her away from me*
"KYAAH!" *points a finger at the still giggling cloaked girl*
*jumps in shock*
"THAT's what I wanna wear! HER style is phat!"
"Her hair is also lavender!"
"Yeah, but her way it looks cool! And btw I never said I don' like lavender! I do love that stuff, even pink, as long as it's in the right 'balance', ya know? It's just way too much to take inside my room!" @.@ *gettin dizzy just by the thought of it*
"Whatever u say." -.-°
*thump him* "Don't be such a jerk, birdy boy!" *smirk*
*yanks my arm* "Common Staaaarly! To Candy mountain, Starly!"
*look at the masked boy* "What's she want?"
*shrugs* "Dunno. I suppose they took some more analgesic."
?.? "Whatever, I don' mind. Take me along, Raven."
"HEY! Why do u remember HER name?!" *pissed*
*chuckles* "Raven? That's her name? Honestly?" *lol* "Never mind. It suits her well." ^^
*takes me off the floor and flies with me up to the top edge of the immense screen, places me down and sits down next to me*
"We're sitting on the TV." -.-°
^___^ "It's a MAGICAL TV!" *.*
"Uhm, sure. Sorry that I didn't recognize that fact instantaneously." <.<°
*dangles with her legs above the edge and gigges nonstop*
"Sweetie? I'm starvin. Can we go back to the floor now?"
"Alright!" *floats back to the ground and starts to tickle the strange green boy all over*
*sigh* "Great!" -.-°
"Hey! Ronin!"
*hisses* "Its Robin!" >.<
*sigh shirtily* "Alright, RoBin! Would u mind helpin me?!"
"Just fly!"
"I cannot! So if u please-?!!" *gettin annoyed*
"Never mind!" *also annoyed, but opens his arms*
"U kiddin me, fucker?!"
*drops his arms* "Fine, stay there." *heads for the kitchen*
*suppress scream of fury* "Very well then!"
*catches me*
*feel his strong and muscular arms, his manly and steely chest, become all hot and my heart beats up*
*motices my reaction and smiles*
"U ok?" *smirk*
"Uh... umm..." *pull myself together* "Of course! Would ya please let go of me now?" *look daggers at him*
"Hey! Stop that!" *chuckles* "I didn't do anythin to ya! Just catched u, ya remember?" *heads for the kitchen, still smirkin*
*follow him grittin my teeth*
*starts to make waffles*
*sit down at the table and observe the strange, obviously drugged couple at the sofa*
*still tickles the shapeshifter*
*turns from one animal into the next, tryin to get away from the goth, giggling madly*
"When will they be back to normal?" *turn to face Robin*
"We've to put them in cold water or just wait till the effect wears off."
"How long'll that take?"
*shrugs* "Dunno." *places a plate with waffles in front of me* "Help urself." *smiles and takes place across from me*
*mutter* "Thanx."
"So whatcha think about me telling ya everything about... ya know - everything. U must feel kinda confused or err... disoriented?" *smiles warmly at me*
*a prickling feeling emerges from my stomach, but I try to quell it* "Sure. Why not?" *shrug* Haven't anythin better to do." *try to sound as unenthusastic as possible*
*looks right through me and chuckles inwardly*
"Well, let's go then..."
nd so he tells me everything about... well - everything. ^^°
How we all meet, where we all come from, who I am, what our duty is, what we all experienced together and finally about my exams, the drugs some "Cy" gave to me, the trip to the rink, the first incident, the following accident and the events in the hospital. He also told me everything about the other Titans. You see - he really told me everything of everything! ^^ (Just me who thinks, he does, isn't it? ^^° U smart asses! ^.~)

"...and if u don' mind, I'd appreciate if we go see the Doc once more today. Cuz of ur amnesia or whatever it is, alright?"
"Fine with me." -.-
"Fine! Then let's go now."
"Stop! Not until I got some 'fittin' clothes!"
*sighs* "Ok, we'll stop at the mall." -.-°
"No way! I wanna go with HER!" *point once more at Raven*
"But she's all..." *makes a spinning motion with his finger next to his temple*
"So, just means we've to do something about it."
"And what? Throw them into the pool again?" -.-°
"Too stressful!" *g*
"I suppose u've a better plan on hand?"
"U betcha!" *smirk and pull out my comm* "Redhead callin East! Redhead callin East! Aqualad, can u hear me?"
"¡Estrella! ¡Princesa! ¡Diosa! ¿Como poder asistimos?"
"Mas, Menos! My two little Sweethearts!" XD
Hearts fly out of the screen and it me in the head.
"Ow! I mean: Is Aqualad around? I could use a helpin hand here, ya know..." *put on brightest smile ever* *.*
♥.♥ "¡Acudimos en auxilio, mi corazón!" *connection closed*
"What're u up to?" *quirks an eyebrow and eyes me suspiciously*
"U'll see..." *smirk*

--------------------------------------------------------------END PART XII

So, I think I never look back - I'm back on track! XD Or on the best way...
It's not as funny as I wanted it to be, but I can live with this one. ^^
I already have so much of the floowing events in my head - I hate to stop here.
I wanted to have Cy and East already in here, but it turned out too long until this point. So I'll pull myself together and write the rest tomorrow or at least a part of it. >.<°
Luv ya! ♥
Please comment and review! <3

Datum: 25.05.2007 16:59
"To Candy mountain staaarly!"
omfg! jetz isses vorbei lol hab mich grad annem fischstäbchen verschluckt weil ich so lachen musste XDDDDDDDDD ROFÄL
olinger un das "its a magical TV ♥.♥" lachmichweg XDDD

aka Batperson *emanzipiert is +.+

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