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The Hard Life of a Bee

Autor:  Charlett
*steps in* "What the fuck?!" O.O
O.o o.O
*regains conciousness*
"Help me!" *gasps* "Pleeease!"
*flyies over and pulls Cy off the Doc* "Sparky! Whatcha doin'?!"
"MOMMYYYY!" *huddles against her boobs*
"Man, what's goin on?"
*scream* "íEl boludo soba nuestra princesa!!"
*realizes the visitors* O.o
"U like my tits?" ^__^
"Unfortunately we can't see em, babe. Cuz that jerk's insulatin' em from our view." ;___;
"Fortunately!" >.< *catches my hospital dress with the foot and slips it over me*
"Aw! Whatta bummer!" ;____;
*still horny* "Gotta go!" >.< *locks himself in the bathroom*
"Eastern friends! Did ya come to enjoy the circus with us?"
"Circus?" O.o
"Yeah! We already have an elephant and a cat!" XD
All eyes wander to the still playing BB and Rae.
"What the heck is happenin here?!"
"It's the analgesic. Seems like it does not jar with their superpowers!" -.-°
"I see." -.-
"So lets get the fools outta here an home! Aquaboy, u'll take care of BB. Mas and Menos: go for the girls. I mean - look after them!!"
"And Speedy, u-"
*steps out of the bath* "D'AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GET OFF MY GIIIIIIIIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
*busy doin the making out with me*
*jumps at him, draggin him off of me and bashes him*
"AQUALAAAD!!! For fuck's sake! Do somethin! Slow him down!"
*shoots a jet of water at the postal goin boy wonder*
*pauses and drops the now unconcios and bleeding Speedy*
"U're not influenced by the drugs, r u?"
*shakes his head, panting*
"Great, so u'll have to take Speedy then. Mas, Menos: the girls! Aqua, let's go!"
*busy with fighting for who'll take care of me*
"No dice! I won't allow someone to touch my Baby!! ... again!" *eyebrow twitches*
*dropping from Aqualad's water jet, clothes completely soaked*
"Well ok, u take care of her then!"
"But I wanna ride the elephaaaaaaaaaaant!" *burst into tears*
"NO WAY! Cy said, I'll be allowed to ride him!!!"
"U said?" *looks at him*
"Sure, Mommy" *starts to suck on her cloaked breast*
"Stop that! I don't need marks of ur slobber on my uniform!"
"Raven, the elephant is hurt. He can't carry u now. Maybe later, ok?"
"íTengo cuidado con la chica!" "íNo, yo!" *brawl*
" I don' wanna drive! Cars're mostly dangerous!" *bawl*
"We'll take the car! All of us! And we'll head for ur tower! NOW!!!"
Dead silence.
"Good kiddies!" ^^

-------------------------------------------------------------END PART VIII

If u didn't figure out:
Mas y Menos
I wanned to make Bee yellow and May y Menos white, but you can't read that properly.
Sorry, for my bad spanish! I'm out of it for too long. ^^°
I'm also sorry, that it turned out so short. Maybe I went for broke last night. >.<°
Please comment! <3
Datum: 17.05.2007 23:06
yeahiiii I got the colours right *.* xD
b!atch - I so damn wanna know what happens next!!
pleeease pleease write as soon as possible <3
aka Batperson *emanzipiert is +.+

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