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The Curse of the Brand



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Dusk was settling over the forest when Lehran awoke. He left his house and made his way to the one that was used by the royal family. Since most of the houses – including the palace – had been destroyed, they had to use whatever they got. Reconstruction progressed swiftly because the herons supported the workers with their galdrar, but it would still take some time.

Lehran noticed that something had changed. When he entered Lorazieh's house, he found out what it was. Leanne and Naesala had arrived.

"Lehran! I heard you were better now!", Leanne said.

"Yes, I am. Your father and brothers managed to heal my soul. Finally, I am able to see the beauty in this world again."

"I'm so glad to hear that."

"Tell me, Leanne, what about Maian? Is she feeling any better?"

"Yes, she has recovered. Micaiah helped me, I taught her how to use a few galdrar."

"How bad was it? I need to know."

Leanne closed her eyes. "It was terrible. None of us had ever seen anything like her... When she woke up the following morning, she started screaming again. Micaiah and I tried to calm her... Then she would cry, until there were no tears left, then fall asleep because of exhaustion... When she woke, she screamed again until she had no voice anymore, and then she wept again... We had to force her to eat, at first it looked as if she would just give up and die..."

Lehran closed his eyes.

"When she was a little better, we took her out onto the balcony because we thought that seeing the sky and everything would help her, but – she just stared into space, not seeing a thing... Everyone was so worried. At first, we managed to hide it from Duchess Liane, but eventually, she found out... After more than a week, there was progress. She started eating on her own and to realise what was happening around her. I don't really know what brought her back – but I believe it was either her love for Sanaki, or the love for her sister. Maybe both. As soon as she felt like it, she took over her duty as the new vize-minister... we tried to tell her to take it easy, but she was determined to help Sanaki. She has been a lot better for the last few days, that's why I decided to come here. Micaiah will be able to handle it should she get ill again."

"I see... well, I am relieved to hear she is better now."

"Oh, another thing... Empress Sanaki wishes that you return to Sienne as soon as possible", Leanne added, suddenly sounding worried.

"In that case, I shall depart tomorrow. I should not make them wait... My children, I am so glad we got a chance to meet. I am truly happy."

"Why – why are you talking like that?", Rafiel asked.

"We must face the facts... it is very likely that we will never meet again."

"You don't think – she's going to execute you?!", Reyson asked, shocked.

"I do not know what she has planned for me. But the crimes I have committed are severe... I would not hold my hopes too high."

"Can't we do anything? Appeal to her?", Leanne asked.

"No, child. You are the Princess of Serenes, not Begnion. There is nothing you can do to help me. I appreciate your concern, though. But I must atone for what I have done. I will go now and prepare everything for tomorrow. Farewell."

He could feel their worried glances as well as their emotions as he walked out into the night.

Lehran left before dawn, to avoid meeting the others again, or the parting would have only been more painful. It was a bright, clear spring morning and the air tasted fresh and nice. Lehran winged himself into the sky as he turned east and made his way towards Sienne. He suddenly missed his Warping Staff, but on the other hand, appearing in the middle of Mainal Cathedral might not be a good idea. Better to arrive in a manner that gave them some time to prepare.

Lehran was a slow flyer, given the fact that he could no longer transform and his human shape wasn't made for such long travels. On their way to Serenes Forest, Ulki had carried Lehran most of the way, because Tibarn had been frustrated by their slow progress.

Reaching Sienne on his own took Lehran all morning and part of the afternoon. He had to make a few breaks to rest and eat a few bites before he could continue.

Sienne was back to the way it had been before Judgement Day. The streets were full of people bustling around, full of life. Some of them looked up when he passed over them, so he decided to stay above the houses. Lehran had no idea how the people would react to the fact that their prime minister was in truth a laguz – or the fact that he had tried to kill them all.

He alighted in the court of the cathedral. Several soldiers who were practising looked up in surprise. Lehran put his wings in and headed for the entrance.

Tanith came out to meet him, her gaze just as unwavering and cold as ever.

"You came earlier than we expected", she stated. "Did you come alone? Why?"

"I saw no need to bother the others even more", Lehran replied. "I would rather get this over with, fast."

"I see. In that case, let us go."

After a while, he noticed her unusual tension. A quick glance at her mind revealed the reason for that.

"You do not have to worry, I am not going to attack you or anyone else here."

"Well, I am glad to hear that."

Despite that, Tanith didn't change her behaviour much.

"Would you mind telling me what happened while – I was away? I am truly curious."

"Well, Lord Pelleas and General Tauroneo left the first morning along with half of the Dawn Brigade, as well as Duke Renning, Count Bastian and some of the Cri­mean Royal Knights. King Caineghis sent Lord Giffca, the cat Lyre and the tiger Kyza home, Queen Elincia and her fiance, General Geoffrey, left this morning."

"Ah, yes, Leanne mentioned their engagement. I also heard that Lady Jill is going to marry Sir Haar and Micaiah Sothe..."

"Correct. And according to Queen Micaiah, King Naesala is going to marry Princess Leanne."

"Yes, they already have King Lorazieh's consent."

"I see. Another most unexpected thing happened – Lord Pelleas figured out who Princess Almedha's son really is."

"He did? Who?"

"Soren of the Greil Mercenaries. They're still in a kind of warm-up phase, but Soren has less trouble with accepting the dragons than he has with Ashnard."

"That is not in the least surprising. They have been enemies, after all. Does young Soren intend to lay a claim to either of the two thrones?"

"No. He's not interested in royalty at all – both Queen Micaiah and King Kurthnaga will remain in office."

They heard the sound of quick footsteps. Kurthnaga came out of a side passage and stopped to talk to them.

"Lehran! You have arrived."

"Hello, Kurthnaga."

"We met before, didn't we? In Goldoa."

"That is correct. I am surprised you remember... since I lived in hiding, I could not show myself to the people. You were young, so I thought you would forget, or believe it to be a dream..."

"I did. My memories of that time are very vague – I remember a man with black wings who could sing such beautiful songs... These memories are among the best I have."

"Thank you."

"Tanith, could you pass on a message to Empress Sanaki? We have to return to Goldoa – Ena is pregnant and she wishes to go home before the child is due."

Both Lehran and Tanith stared at him.

"You brother's child?", Lehran asked.

"Yes. Soon, I'll have another nephew – or a niece. Ena is so happy..."

"Of course, I'll pass your message on, Your Majesty", Tanith said. "Please pass my best wishes on to Lady Ena."

"Thank you. I will. Soren will come with us, as well... my sister and I feel we need to get to know him better. And he is quite curious about Goldoa."

Kurthnaga smiled, happiness radiating from him.

"Well, we need to go", Tanith said. "We should not keep Empress Sanaki waiting."

They continued towards the throne room and Tanith resumed her explanation.

"Empress Sanaki has issued a decree that laguz, beorc and hybrids are to be trea­ted as equals. Together with Queen Micaiah, Prince Soren and Vize-Minister Maian she has revealed the truth about herself, the other rulers are backing them. This has caused quite a commotion – that is why everyone is a little on edge right now. Young Tormod has been appointed general of the army, and Sir Muarim is now Minister for Laguz Affairs. Empress Sanaki has prolonged her contract with Sir Ike, he will help us stabilize the country. Both Duchess Liane and the vize-minister re­ceived an order because of the great services they have done to the empire and the empress. Duke Tanas has been stripped of his ranks and titles and exiled to his summer estate, the bird tribes will keep an eye on him. The senate has been temporarily suspended, all the political affairs are being managed by the empress, the vize-minister and Sir Muarim. That is about all that has happened. Right now, we are still busy organising everything and rebuilding the country... there is a lot of work to be done."

Commander Sigrun was waiting outside the throne room, along with some of Maian's guards. This made Lehran guess that she was with Sanaki right now.

"Go on in, they're expecting you", Sigrun said to Lehran. "Tanith, you may resume your duties now."

Tanith bowed and left. The guards opened the door and Lehran entered.

Sanaki was sitting on her throne, reading a report or something. Maian stood at her right side, watching her. Lehran slowly advanced. He was certain that they had noti­ced his presence, but for now, they were ignoring him.

As Lehran moved closer, Sanaki nodded.

"A good draft you made there. I will consent this."

She picked up a small board and placed it on her knees so she could sign the document. Then she handed the piece of parchment to Maian and put the board back onto the floor.

"Please see to it that this law is introduced as soon as possible."

"Of course. You also should restrict the power of the senate while it is still suspen­ded because most of its members will stand trial and it is weak."

"You know that means restricting your power as well."

"I did not become a member of the senate because I wanted power, and that has not changed. I am quite content with what I do right now, I would not want more."

"I see. I will take it into consideration."

Sanaki looked up at Lehran. He dropped onto one knee and bowed his head.

"I have come, just as you requested."

"Yes, I can see that."

He sensed a faint amusement coming from her and had to resist the urge to take a peek at her mind.

"Before I shall pass judgement, I have a few questions, and I want you to answer them truthfully."

"I will."

"Very well. Tell me, ever since when were you planning the end of everything? How many years have you been plotting this?"

"The trigger was the Serenes Massacre, and Misaha's assassination. Before that, I barely noticed what was happening outside of Goldoa, but then – I lost all of my children on a single day. I felt that a world as cruel as that – where newborn child­ren and defenseless people were killed because of racism – had no future. I could no longer bear the pain... Because of that, I felt like I had a right to judge the people, and the world. By now, I have come to realise how selfish that was of me – and that there is still beauty left in this world, that it is worth fighting for."

"Is that why you joined us in the end?"


"So you started planning this even before I was born... What about Zelgius? Did he know of your plans?"

"He knew most of it. That is why I tried to keep him away from Maian as much as possible – there was a chance that she might have discovered our plans in his mind. However, I did not tell him everything."

"So you used him."

"I used all of you, actually."

Sanaki stared at him. Lehran smiled wryly.

"You asked me to speak the truth, so that's what I am doing."

"Well, it is a relief to see that you can be honest sometimes", she replied sarcasti­cally. "So, was everything just a lie? Did you never care for me at all?"

"No. My feelings were always true and honest. I greatly enjoyed the time we spent together – but it was not strong enough to pull me out of the pit of despair I was trapped in."

"But despite of that, you tried to kill us."

Lehran sighed. "I had never expected it to come to this... The first judgement was supposed to end everything. You can probably imagine my surprise when Ashera told me that quite a lot of people had survived and joined forces with Yune. All of you were supposed to die during the first judgement – without knowing of my in­volvement. But when you reached the tower, a confrontation became inevitable."

"I see. I am done with my questions now", she replied, glancing towards Maian, who nodded curtly. Lehran guessed that they had gone through the questions Sanaki would ask beforehand.

"Lehran, you are charged with treason and war-making, causing the deaths of countless people, and attempting the destruction of our world. Do you have any­thing to say in your defense?"

"No, nothing. The crimes I have committed are severe, and unforgivable. I am ready to take responsibility for what I have done."

"Very well. In that case, I shall now pass judgement."

Lehran lowered his gaze again. So, this was it.

"Just as you have said it, your crimes are severe indeed, and it would be only just for me to deal the most severe punishment. However, I must take into consideration the reasons why you did what you did, and what your intentions were. As such, I will convert the death sentence into a milder one – I will respect Goddess Yune's wishes and keep you alive. You will atone for your sins by helping us to build a better world for all of us. That will be your punishment."

Feeling utterly perplexed, Lehran looked up. He had expected anything, but not this. Sanaki was clearly delighted by the fact that she had managed to surprise him.

"I have a rather selfish reason as well", she admitted. "We have a lot of work to do, and it is almost too much... you are a good politician, and I need you... I want you to be prime minister again, Lehran."

"I – I am at a loss for words", Lehran finally managed.

Sanaki could hardly suppress a smile. "Do you accept your punishment?"

"I do. Thank you for your mercy."

"I am in a generous mood today", she replied, smiling. "Well, then. Rise, Prime Mi­nister Lehran, Duke of Persis."

While Lehran slowly got to his feet, Sanaki turned to Maian, who still hadn't spoken a word.

"Do you have any objections?"

Maian, who had been staring at a point somewhere above Lehran's head, turned to face Sanaki.

"I will follow whatever decision you make... though I do not approve."

Her voice was cold, even and Lehran realised in horror that she was suppressing all of her emotions. It probably took all of her willpower not to show any kind of reaction.

Sanaki didn't seem too happy about the way she acted, but made no further comment on the subject.

"Well, since I am rather busy myself, Maian, please take Lehran with you and give him some of your work."

"At once."

"Lehran, you will stay here at the cathedral for the time being. That is easier than having you and Maian go home every evening just to come again in the morning."

So Maian is staying here as well...

Maian moved forwards and swept past him without even looking at him. Lehran gave Sanaki a slight nod before he followed Maian out of the throne room.

Outside, she was immediately surrounded by her guards. Some of the laguz grow­led at him, while most of the others preferred to pretend he wasn't there. Maian didn't seem to notice.

Lehran soon saw for himself that Tanith had been right about the people of Sienne. Most of the servants bowed to Maian, but some turned away in disgust when they saw her approach. Maian's guards growled, hissed or sometimes even shouted at them. Again, Maian didn't seem to notice.

They reached the room Maian now used as her office. Nala followed her lady inside, while the others positioned themselves along the corridor and around the door.

Maian walked around her desk. Two piles of documents covered part of it, one was significantly bigger than the other. Maian took the upper half of the bigger pile and handed it to Lehran.

"Here. Once you are done with these, take them to Sanaki's office so she can prove-read and sign them."

For the first time, she looked him into the face. Her eyes – though they hadn't changed colour – were cold, almost dead. Again, he felt that creepy calmness she was emanating.

Lehran nodded. "I will."

Just as he was about to add something, Maian dropped her gaze and started arran­ging documents and writing tools. Nala cleared her throat loudly and jerked her head towards the door.

Just as he shut the door behind him, there was the sound of breaking glass accom­panied by a high-pitched shriek.

"Vize-Minister!", Nala called.

Lehran froze, his hand still on the doorhandle, while several of Maian's guards immediately stood to attention.

"It is nothing. I am fine. I just – broke the inkwell."

"Vize-Minister, look at your dress! It's ruined – I don't think anyone will get those ink stains out of it again. You'll have to change before dinner..."


"Vize-Minister, what's wrong? Why are you - "

"I am s-so sorry... you t-take care of m-me so diligently, and a-all I do is cause y-you more trouble..."

"Don't. This isn't your fault."

Feeling the accusive stares of Maian's guards, Lehran left.

Maian obviously hasn't fully recovered yet. And they blame me for her condition... And they are right. It is all my fault...

Since it was almost time for dinner, Lehran made his way down to the Great Hall. He had not often been there before – Sanaki preferred the smaller ambient of her rooms, the hall was only used on special occasions. And since quite a large number of guests was still in Sienne, they had no choice but to use the hall. But that was only the official reason. The inofficial one was that Sanaki wanted to make sure Maian took a break every now and then, and that she ate enough. Lehran had al­ready gathered that Maian was taking her new responsibilities more than serious and spent almost her entire waking time working.

Lehran turned around a corner and spotted Maian, who was leaning against a wall. She had brought several pieces of parchment with her, apparently she didn't intend to waste any time.

Slowly, Lehran advanced. Maian didn't seemed to notice him, or she was just igno­ring him again.

"Do you not think you should take a break?", Lehran asked softly.

Maian's head jerked up and she stared at him.

So, she really didn't notice me...

"I cannot afford to take a break. There is far too much work to be done."

Again, her voice was indifferent and cold.

"I heard that you are already pushing yourself again. At this rate, you will endanger your health."

"This sounds strange, coming from the man who tried to kill me", she replied sar­castically.

"I never tried to kill you – not in person."

That did it. He could feel her mood shift the same moment as her eyes turned green. A searingly-hot fury built up inside her.

"Oh, is that supposed to make me feel any better? That you were not trying to kill me, just trying to destroy the world I happen to live in? Pray tell me, where is the difference?!"

Lehran stared at her. So, that was what she had managed to suppress so far. It was more than anger – it was hatred. It took Lehran all he had not to show how much that hurt. Maian glared at him, looking as if she was about to commit a murder.

The sound of footsteps was a welcome distraction and Lehran's mood improved greatly when he saw who the newcomer was.

"Lehran! Sanaki told me that you had returned", Micaiah said, rushing forwards to meet him.


"Are you feeling better now?"

"Yes, thank you. I greatly enjoyed visiting Serenes Forest."

"I see... I have to go there myself someday..."

Then she seemed to sense the disturbance Maian was causing.

"Vize-minister? What's wrong?"

Maian blinked and her eyes turned brown again, while she managed to calm down a little.

"It is nothing."

Micaiah didn't look convinced, but didn't press the matter any further.

Soon, they were joined by Ike, Sothe and Tormod. The three of them didn't seem as delighted as Micaiah had been to see him.

"So, you're back", Ike stated.

"As you can see."

"Well, if Sanaki decided to spare you, that's fine with me. I don't really care as long as you stay out of my way, but..."

"You think that my punishment isn't severe enough?"

"Yeah, sort of. Though I don't think that anyone has been charged with "attempting the destruction of the world" before."

"No, not that I'm aware of. But you are right – I deserve punishment, not mercy."

"How very right you are", Maian said icily.

That hurt. Lehran had never thought there would be so many different kinds of pain...

"Maian!", Micaiah protested.

"Do you disagree?"

"No, but..."

"But what? If punishment is what he wants - "

"That is enough, Maian, stop it!"

Sanaki appeared behind Ike, flanked by Muarim and Vika. Maian inclined her head.

That moment, the doors leading to the Great Hall were opened, which ended their argument.

Lehran had to admit that he greatly enjoyed the presence of so many different people: Micaiah, Sothe and some of their soldiers, Caineghis, Skrimir and their war­riors, and the Greil Mercenaries (except for Soren, who had already left for Goldoa, along with his family). Lehran quickly noticed there was another couple nobody had mentioned to him – they had probably not realised it yet: Ike's sister Mist and Boyd, one of his men. Somehow, this made Lehran feel even better – maybe because he could sense their happiness.

Since he was sitting opposite Maian, he could easily watch her. She had used a spell to make her papers float in front of her so she could read them while eating, without making them dirty.

Lehran thought it rather unappropriate to bring one's work to dinner, and he wasn't the only one. Skrimir reached over and snatched the documents away, before Maian had time to react.

"General Skrimir! Give that back!"

"No, I won't. You should concentrate on eating, not working. Just look at how thin you are! Besides, you're working too much, that can't be good for your health."

Lehran felt that it would be better not to mention that he had already told her the same thing.

Maian was frustrated, but decided not to argue with Skrimir. The lack of work didn't make her more communicative, though.

Suddenly, she pushed her chair backwards.

"Maian? Where are you going?", Sanaki asked.

"I am not hungry any more. I will now return to my study."

"Alright, but you won't work until midnight again, I won't have that! You need to rest every now and then, you know."

Maian nodded while standing up, then she held her hand out towards Skrimir. The lion prince sighed quietly as he handed her papers over. Maian turned on her heel and strode out of the room.

Around the table, conversations had stopped.

"Is she worse now because of me?", Lehran asked.

"Yes and no", Micaiah replied. "She didn't have those mood-shifts before, it would seem that seeing you again caused them... but she's been working most of the time ever since her recovery, and she barely takes time for eating or anything else... All she thinks about now is work."

"But why?", Sanaki asked. "She knows it's not good for her..."

"As a distraction", Lehran replied. "She buries herself with work so she has no time to think. Maybe she also hopes that if she drives herself close to the limit of exhaus­tion that she won't have any dreams during the night... I do not know for sure. This is just a guess."

"But it sounds plausible enough", Ike said. "If I'd been through something like that, I wouldn't want to think about it too much..."

Lehran felt a wave of despair overcoming him. He hid his face in his hands.

"What have I done?"

The next few days followed more or less the same pattern. Lehran, Sanaki, Maian and Muarim spent most of their time doing the paperwork, while Tormod, Sigrun and Ike took care of the military business. Both Micaiah and Caineghis helped in any way possible, as did their entourage. Ike and Sothe had stopped treating Lehran like he was a bad person, seeing that he really put a lot of effort into building a new world. Tormod, on the other hand, still kept his distance and Lehran was rather amused to see that the thing that angered Tormod most was the fact that he had betrayed Sanaki.

Everyone else got gradually used to the new circumstances – everyone except Maian. She still treated Lehran with cold indifference, but didn't try that hard to hide her feelings any more. Lehran guessed that she wanted to make sure his punish­ment was really that – and he had to admit that she was good at it.

Both Sanaki and Micaiah tried to stop her whenever they felt Maian was going too far, but they weren't always around when Lehran met her, and he saw no use in trying to fight back – that would only egg her on.

But there was one person Lehran hadn't yet taken into account...

"Prime minister. So you have returned."

"Duchess Liane."

She uncrossed her arms and took a few steps closer.

"I must admit that I was rather surprised when I heard your story – Lord Giffca was kind enough to tell me what really happened that day everyone was petrified. After the alliance returned from the tower, I received word that everything had gone well. I could tell even before that, I saw the statues coming back to life... I was told that my sister was exhausted and that Empress Sanaki had her taken to Mainal Cathe­dral so she could rest. But after several days, I still had no word from my sister, so I went to see the empress. She told me Maian was still too weak to leave, but after some more days, I came to realise that there had to be more to it. I insisted on seeing her... Do you have any idea what kind of condition she was in?"

"Leanne told me", Lehran replied. "I can imagine it rather well."

"She did? Anyway, I demanded an explanation for my sister's terrible condition. I was shocked to learn that you were the cause – the one she trusted, the one she loved. Why? Why did you do that to my sister?!"

"I never meant to hurt her, believe me! It would have never come to this, had my original plan succeeded..."

"But it has not. You have hurt my sister... you should know her well enough to understand that she will never forgive you."

"I knew that from the very beginning, ever since I started to try to win her trust. I al­ways knew that if I should ever abuse her trust, that she would never forgive me... it is not like I would deserve her forgiveness. Scorn me, if you like. I deserve that."


After another day of hard work, Maian retreated to the rooms Sanaki had given to her. Maian liked them. She had a comfortable living room and a large bedroom with a magnificent four-poster positioned in between one of the windows and the door leading out onto the balcony. The curtains where made of very thin silk, designed to keep mosquitoes away rather than cold – which would have been silly, considering the warm climate of southern Begnion.

Maian had been to the bathing house along with Sanaki and Micaiah (and several of their guards, of course). For Micaiah, this was a totally new experience, since bathing houses were not known in Daein.

Maian dropped her dressing gown into one of the chairs and lay down on her bed, staring up at the ceiling through the canopy of her bed. Moonlight was coming in through the windows, illuminating the room with its silvery light... Maian's con­sciousness faded away.

Fire. Burning trees. The smell of burnt flesh and feathers, the cries of numerous people, trapped between the blaze and a horde of vicious beorc... Men, women, children being slaughtered like cattle... Despair, pain and fear...

"No... somebody, please, help them... save them... please..."




"The fire... somebody stop the fire! It burns... it burns..."

With another loud cry, Maian finally broke free from the nightmare. Shaking all over, Maian sat up straight and hid her face in her hands. Reliving this vision always did that to her... Tears were streaming down her cheeks as the pain she had felt that day returned...

A hand lightly touched her shoulder and then arms wrapped gently around her body, pulling her closer. Maian hid her face in the other one's chest, letting her tears flow. One arm closed around her shoulders, while the other hand gently stroke her hair.

Liane... thank goodness...

After she had calmed down a little, Maian blinked through the tears and tried to take in her surroundings. The moon had gone and it was dark in her room, so it took a while for her to notice that a few things weren't right.

Her sister's hair was curly, not straight like this one. And not as silky... besides, Liane was at Idras Manor, so there was no way she could be here now, comforting Maian. And the body she was resting against was definitely not a woman's. Slowly, Maian's brain started to work out the details a little faster. And then she recognised the scent – pine needles.

Maian's body froze as she realised who the other person was.

Sensing the sudden change, he immediately released her. Maian moved away and stared at him, blinking the tears away.

Lehran watched her, anxiously and concerned.

"What – why are you here?", Maian finally managed, her voice sounding hoarse.

"I was just passing your rooms when I heard you talking in your sleep", he replied quietly. "So I decided to have a look... I was worried that you were ill again. I tried to wake you, but I could not reach you... You were screaming."

"I know. I am used to this nightmare. It has been haunting me for 23 years now..."

"Is this – about the Serenes Massacre?"


Feeling that she needed to get some fresh air, Maian crawled past him to the far end of the bed while willing her dressing gown to fly across the room. She caught it and put it on, then she walked out onto the balcony.

The cool air helped her to calm down and clear her head. As she walked over to the balustrade, she noticed Lehran's presence. Apparently, he had followed her.

"You never said anything."

Maian made a choking sound. "You were not the only one who kept secrets, Lehran. I never felt the need to tell you."

"I wish I could do anything to help you..."

"But you cannot."

"True. But – Micaiah knows how to perform the Galdr of Slumber, she could - "

Maian whirled around.

"No! There is no need to disturb her because of something as petty as this."

"You consider your own well-being as "petty"?", he asked in disbelief. "Maian, this is insane, and you know it!"

Maian stared at him, feeling a familiar wave of fury and irritation building up inside.

"Why do you even bother?"

"I am worried about you."

"I do not need you to worry about me!"

Lehran flinched. Somehow, it was gratifying to see that he was suffering – if proba­bly not as much as she was. He looked like he wanted to say something, but then decided not to. Instead, he turned his head away.

"Go! Just go! Get out of my sight... And do not wake Micaiah!"

Maian turned away, afraid that she would snap for real if she looked at him much longer. Feeling that the pain was unbearable by now, she hugged her chest tightly and concentrated on breathing.

Lehran's presence faded away. As soon as she was sure that he was really gone, Maian slumped against the balustrade and hid her face in her hands, unable to control her emotions any longer.


Micaiah woke with a start to find someone bending over her. A finger touched her lips.

"Don't shout, it's me."

"Lehran", she gasped.

He straightened himself and Micaiah sat up, giving him a confused look.

"What are you doing here?"

"I need your help. Please... it is Maian."

"Oh no... is she ill again?"

"No, it is something different... it would appear that the vision she had about the Serenes Massacre now haunts her as a nightmare. I heard her, so I went to take a look... After she woke, I tried to comfort her. At first, she didn't seem to realise who I was, but when she did, she was not exactly pleased to see me. I tried to talk to her about her nightmare, but she lost her temper again and demanded that I leave... She collapsed outside, on the balcony. Please, Micaiah... you have to help her."

"Of course."

She slipped out of her bed and grabbed her cloak, then she followed Lehran out of her rooms.

"I believe you will have to use the Galdr of Slumber on her, she was rather dis­traught when I left. Once she is asleep, I will help you carry her inside. But – please do not mention that I asked you to come. She opposed that suggestion fiercely... it is a good thing she no longer can read your mind."

"But why? I don't mind helping her..."

"I believe that it is the fact that you would be inconvenienced because of her that made her react like that..."

"But that's just stupid."

"Another reason may be my involvement... I believe she never wanted me to see her like that – weak, vulnerable. And she clearly does not want my help..."

"Oh. That's a different story, then..."

They had almost reached Maian's rooms by now. Lehran stopped.

"I shall wait here, or she will sense my presence."


Carefully, Micaiah pushed the door open while trying to think of a good excuse. Maian was neither in her living room nor in the bedroom. Micaiah could hear her sobs coming from outside...

She found Maian cowering on the floor, leaning against the balustrade.

"Lady Maian? What are you doing out here? You will catch a cold."

Maian turned her head, her eyes full of tears.

"Q-queen Micaiah... why a-are you h-here?"

"One of the servants told me you were feeling unwell", she replied.

She can't possibly go interrogating all of them...

"I am fine. Th-there is no need for you to worry."

Micaiah crouched down next to Maian.

"No, you're not. You need to calm down, go to bed and rest."

Maian shook her head. "You are making too much out of nothing, I - "

"For heaven's sake, stop being so stubborn!", Micaiah exclaimed. "At this rate, you'll end up endangering your health – more than you're already endangering it by working too much. I just want to help you!"

"But you cannot do that. No-one can help me..."

Micaiah could sense the pain and despair Maian was feeling.


"I can at least make you sleep peacefully tonight. And don't talk back to me!"

Micaiah started to sing the galdr. This time, it didn't take too long to take effect, since Maian was already exhausted. Micaiah caught her when she collapsed.

"Lehran! She's asleep now."

Lehran hurried to her side and together they carried Maian back to her bed. Lehran covered her with the blanket, then he just stood there, watching her.

"You still love her... It's not fair, the way she treats you."

"No, I deserve it... What I did to her was unforgivable. But we should better leave now – we, too, need to get some sleep."

"Should I sing to you as well?"

"You would do that?"

"Of course, Lehran."

"I really would appreciate it."


It was almost noon when Maian finally awoke. Upon her call, some of her servants entered her bedroom to help her getting dressed. Maian felt she had no time to bother with jewellery, so she simply ordered the maids to fasten her hair in a way that covered her ears.

Nala, who had been lounging in one of the chairs in the living room, rose to her feet the moment Maian entered.

"Good morning, vize-minister. I heard you had a rather rough night."

"Yes... I dreamed about the Serenes Massacre again. Lehran heard me..."

"So he came to take a look."

"Yes. That did not exactly help me calm down... In the end, Micaiah had to sing me to sleep..."

"Yes, I already heard that part. She's been here this morning, checking on you."

"I see..."

"You haven't eaten anything since yesterday, you should have some breakfast - "

"No, there is no time for that. I need to catch up with my work..."

"Then I'll have the servants bring some food to your study. You have to eat."

"Do as you please."

While Nala hurried off in the direction of the kitchens, Maian took Cynthia and several of her other guards with her.

The pile on her desk seemed smaller than yesterday and Maian didn't need her visions to figure out what had happened. The others had taken on some of her chores to make up for the time she had been sleeping...

This is very – kind of them, but they should not have done that... it makes me feel bad.

Tlia had transformed and curled up in a sunny spot to doze off, a big cat taking a pleasant nap. Maian smiled to herself and started to work.

It was almost time for lunch when the doors leading to her study were opened and Micaiah entered.

"Good morning", the queen said, smiling. "You are looking a lot better now."

"Queen Micaiah. I need to apologize... I know you wanted to help me, but instead of being grateful, I just caused you more trouble..."

"Please, don't. You don't have to feel sorry for anything. I came to help you because I wanted to."

"Well, if you insist..."

"Could I talk to you – in private?"

"Of course."

Maian signalled for her guards to leave the room, while she put her quill into the inkwell and folded her hands.

"What about Tlia?"

"Sleeping like a log", Maian replied, smiling. "I do not want to wake her."

"I see. Well, I wanted to talk with you – about Lehran."

Maian blinked. Micaiah watched her with an expression that made it clear that she feared Maian would go on a rampage every second.

"About Lehran? Why?"

"Well, I've been asking 'round and everyone agrees that the way you act around him – it's not normal. You've never been like this before – attacking people verbally, hurting them... you do that every time you two talk to each other. And he never fights back... It's hard to watch, not just for me... Sanaki doesn't like it, either."

"I know this is not like me. Please get to the point."

"Right. I know why you're doing this, but – can't you forgive him? He's really sorry..."

"Forgive him? Me? I cannot do that."

"Wh-what do you mean?"

"He betrayed me. My trust. He used me. And lied to me for ten years. I thought he was being honest with me, but all the time, he was keeping secrets..."

"But – can't you at least try?"

Maian leaned back in her chair.

"That man broke my heart – into tiny little pieces – thinking nothing of it."

"And now you break his heart."

"Tell me, Your Majesty, what would you do if Sothe was to betray you?"

Micaiah gasped. Slowly, Maian nodded.

"Now you understand. There is nothing you can do about it, Your Majesty."

"I see. But please, you don't have to be so formal with me... you are my sister's mother, after all. Please, call me Micaiah."

"As you wish... Micaiah."

Micaiah smiled.

"Is there something else you wish to say?"

"Well, yes, actually. But – it's kind of awkward..."

"Just take your time. Think about what you want to say."

Since Leanne had taught Micaiah how to shield her mind, Maian could no longer sense her thoughts, so she had no idea what Micaiah was so nervous about.

"You see, I never had a real family... sure, the old lady who raised me was kind, but she was more a grandmother... I never had a mother... I wanted to ask if – if it's not too much – whether you would like to – be my mother."

Micaiah's voice had gradually become more and more quiet, until it was barely au­dible. She didn't dare to look at Maian, as if fearing some kind of rebuke.

Maian rose from her chair and walked around her desk to stand in front of Micaiah. Gently, she lifted her chin with one finger.

"I would be honored – delighted – to have you as my second daughter, Micaiah."

The yellow eyes brightened with joy and Micaiah threw herself into Maian's arms.

"Thank you... now I feel like I finally got a real family... Thank you so much."


Late that night, Lehran and Sanaki had returned to her rooms and now she was busy braiding his long hair. Lehran had tried to complain, but she had simply used the argument that her own hair was too short to do much with it. So he had given in.

Just as Sanaki was starting a second braid, the door was opened and Maian entered. She stopped dead at that sight, letting out a strange sound as if she had to try hard not to laugh.

"You have to help me, please", Lehran begged, smiling wryly. "I had no choice... she insisted."

A smile pulled at Maian's mouth as she shut the door behind her.

"Sanaki, why not do your sister's hair? Lehran is a man, you know."

"But Micaiah's hair isn't as long and silky as his, don't you agree? The only one whose hair is even more beautiful is you, but you were not in reach... You could take Lehran's place anytime, though."

"I must decline that offer, however generous it may be."

"Maian, I heard that you adopted another daughter", Lehran said.

"Yes... Micaiah asked me to be her mother as well. How could I have refused? She was so happy, saying that finally she feels like having a real family..."

"You adopted Micaiah?", Sanaki asked.

"So to say. It is not like I will be her guardian or anything – she is a grown-up woman, after all. But I will do anything to give her what she wants – a mother."

"You're so kind, Maian."

Maian looked taken aback. It took her a moment to regain her composure.

"I have finished those", she finally said, placing the pile of documents she had brought with her onto one of the tables.

"Thank you. But, you should rest - "

"I know. I will not do any more work today. But since you are bringing this up – is it not time you went to bed?"

"Oh, right. Would you sing to me?"

"Of course. Come."

Maian held out her hand. Sanaki took it and the two of them disappeared through the doors leading to Sanaki's bedroom.

As soon as the empress was out of sight, Lehran hurried to remove the braids. He had never approved of too extravagant hairstyles – although he had to admit that it looked good on some other people.

Next door, Maian started to sing the familiar tune of the Galdr of Slumber. Soon, Sanaki would be sound asleep...

The singing stopped and Lehran expected Maian to come out every moment. Five minutes passed... ten... Feeling suddenly anxious, Lehran got up and walked over to the door. There was no sound except for their breathing, slow and even. Care­fully, Lehran opened the door to see what was going on.

Sanaki most likely owned the biggest bed in all of Tellius, it was big enough for several people to sleep in at the same time. Sanaki was lying sprawled over several cushions, covered with her blanket. And next to her lay Maian, still fully dressed, curled up and fast asleep.

She must have been more tired than any of us guessed.

Lehran walked over to the bed and removed Maian's sandals, then he carefully pulled the needles and gems from her hair. He hoped that sleeping in her dress wouldn't be too uncomfortable for her, for there was no way he could remove it without waking her. And he certainly didn't want to have to explain that to her, either.

Just as Lehran covered her with the other end of the blanket, Nala entered.

"What are you doing?!", she hissed.

Lehran put a finger to his lips.

"Be quiet, will you? You might wake them."

Nala seemed to realise he wasn't about to commit a crime, for she came over to join him.

"What happened?"

"I assume she fell asleep after singing to Sanaki. I believe it would be best to let her rest here."

He made Maian's belongings float over to one of the tables, then he turned back to watch Maian.

"Tell me, Nala... what did you observe during your travels? How much did she change – grow?"

"Hm... it's difficult to say. She fainted every now and then, but I don't think that it was because of weakness, but rather that the stress got to her. She mastered her first battle magnificently, even though she didn't want to fight... And she made King Deghinsea let us pass through Goldoa."

"Really? I'm amazed. How did she do that?"

"She told him she knew you, and that Deghinsea would only cause his own downfall if he allowed Begnion to wipe out the Laguz Alliance."

"I see. You need not to tell me more about that."

"Ah, stop reading my mind! Really, why do you bother asking questions?"

"I just felt that this would take rather long to explain. Please, tell me what happened after that."

"Well, it was more than obvious that she was stronger than any other magician around – including Soren. And she seemed to grow stronger and stronger – especially after we reunited with Sanaki. She was determined to protect her... at a time, I believe she was ready to kill Micaiah for that.

But it was not before Judgement Day that we got a real taste of just how powerful she is... Near Lake Semper, we were attacked by the Disciples of Order, led by Valtome. I remember Tibarn, Elincia and Maian arguing who had the greatest right to kill him... Maian won that argument. But the following battle was really tough... they were stronger than our average fighters, and we stronger ones couldn't be everywhere at once... it looked as if we were about to lose. Tibarn asked Maian if there was any way to turn the tides, and she decided to use the Galdr of Death..."

"So that is how they found out about her."

"Yes. Lady Maian wiped out more than half of the enemy army with the galdr, the remaining ones – including Valtome – she killed with magic. Somehow – somehow it was frightening. Such power in one so young... I wonder how strong she will become from now on."

"Yes, an interesting thought... I also heard that she was involved in healing Duke Renning."

"That's right. She and Prince Reyson performed the Galdr of Rebirth together."

"I see... well, a teacher is always happy to see his student excel."

"Oh, there's another thing that you might want to hear – we found a way to make her eat more regularly. I had some servants bring her small cakes and some fruit that were placed on her desk. She doesn't mind eating as long as she doesn't has to interrupt her work for it. Of course, that doesn't replace a meal, but it's better than nothing."

"I completely agree. A very good idea. Will you stay here the night?"

"I'll sleep outside, in the living room. The chairs around here really are comfortable..."

Lehran chuckled. "Well, then, I wish you a good night's rest."


What are birthdays for? They just remind you that you get closer and closer to your own death...

Maian rolled onto her back and raised one hand to shield her eyes against the sun­light that was filtering through the white silk curtains.

I actually managed to live long enough to celebrate my 40th birthday...

Maian didn't really feel like celebrating. She still had too much work to do... But knowing the others, there would be no way to avoid this.

Maian selected a dress and the jewellery she would like to wear today, then she made her way down to the Great Hall.

Maian had expected them to prepare some kind of celebration, but not this. The whole hall was decorated with flowers and green branches had been fastened around the pillars which made it seem as if they were in the middle of a forest. Everyone seemed to be waiting for her.

Liane greeted her with a warm smile.

"Congratulations, Maian!"

The others joined her and soon after that, they started handing over presents.

Her sister presented her with a new dress, pale green, embroided with silver and white threads, and decorated with small peridots. Maian marveled at its beauty, then she hurried to thank Liane.

Micaiah and Sothe had bought her a new set of writing tools including an inkwell, sealing wax and several eagle-feather quills. Maian had almost run out of quills by now because she was using them so much.

From Sanaki she got a set of hair decoration. The pieces were made from pure silver and inlaid with tiny gems in different colours so they would match with any dress Maian owned. Carefully, Maian traced the little figures and patterns with her finger.


The soft, gentle voice came from behind her. Maian put the box with Sanaki's gift down, just in case.

Lehran. What is it? Do you want to ruin this moment? You know I will only get irrita­ted again if you talk to me.

It was very quiet in the hall as everyone dreaded Maian's reaction.

She sought her sister's eyes. Liane nodded encouragingly and slowly, Maian turned to face Lehran.

He was holding a box similar to the one Sanaki had given to her, but his was bigger.

"Please, accept this gift, as well as my congratulations."

Maian was surprised. She stared at him, unable to say anything. She hadn't expec­ted Lehran to give her anything for her birthday – not after how she had treated him during the last week.

Finally, Maian's brain managed to reach a decision. She reached out to take the box. Lehran's fingers brushed hers as he let go.

Maian placed the box on the table and opened the lid.

It was a necklace and earrings made from emeralds. They had exactly the same colour as Maian's eyes when they turned green. Maian gasped.

"How precious", Micaiah whispered. "It makes our presents look pretty pathetic next to it."

"It's the thought that counts, really", Ike replied. "I doubt she'll be angry at me for not giving her anything – it's not like I know what to give to a noble for her birthday, to begin with."

"Maian! Put it on, come!", Sanaki exclaimed.

Maian opened her necklace and took the earrings off. Just as she wanted to put the emerald earrings on, Micaiah produced a mirror from somewhere.

"I knew this would come in handy", she said, smiling.

Maian replied the smile, then she picked up the collier. One glance at it told her that she wouldn't be able to fasten it around her neck without help.

Lehran stepped behind her.

"Allow me to help you."

The last thing Maian wanted right now was to quarrel again, so she didn't object. Maian pulled her hair over her shoulders so he had a clear view. Lehran closed the necklace and Maian adjusted its position.

"Looks good on you", Skrimir observed.

"Yes, I agree", Liane added.

Ike grinned. "Family heirloom?", he asked Lehran.

"Very funny, Sir Ike. My parents died a very long time ago."

"I figured as much. And don't call me "sir"!"

Maian's fingers traced the shape of the gems as she watched herself in the mirror. The same moment, her eyes changed colour.

"A perfect match", she whispered. "Thank you... all of you."

Unable to sleep, Maian tossed herself around in her bed. Too many thoughts were swimming in her mind. But no matter how much she tried, she could not grasp a single one or stop her mind from working...

Frustrated, she seized one of the cushions and threw it across the room. It hit the door with a soft "thump" and dropped to the floor. Somehow, this didn't make her feel any better.

Maian got out of her bed and walked out onto the balcony, not bothering to take her dressing gown. It was warm enough already, she wouldn't be cold.

Almost a week had passed since Maian's birthday. Caineghis and his entourage had left the same day. The bond between Sanaki and Tormod was growing steadily and Maian had a feeling this could become something more deep than just a wor­king-relationship.

But apart from that, nothing had changed. The Greil Mercenaries were still in town, and she quarreled with Lehran at any time possible – although "quarrelling" per­haps wasn't the right term to describe it – since it was a very one-sided thing. Lehran still refused to do anything to defend himself.

Feeling a sudden wave of pain and despair ripping through her, Maian doubled over, clasping her hands to her mouth to stop herself from screaming, while tears streamed down her cheeks.

She heard the sound of wings and felt Lehran's presence at the same time. He alighted somewhere behind her.


"Please, do not come... go away..."

"I cannot do that. I cannot leave you like that... even if you tell me to do so. You are in pain... crying – again – because of me."

Maian spun around and crossed the distance between them with a few strides. Lehran didn't flinch or back away. Maian seized the front of his robes, noticing that he had put in his wings.

"No... you do not understand. I am not crying because of you – well, actually I am – I mean... no... that is not it... I..."

Lehran looked at her, bewildered.

"My apologies, but I completely fail to understand what you mean..."

Maian shook her head.

"I – I am confused myself... I... I..."

Feeling another wave of pain crushing her, she hid her face in his chest. She could sense his surprise, but he recovered quickly, gently wrapping his arms around her.

"Just calm down... then, you can tell me what it is you mean to say."


Maian tried to concentrate on her breathing, listening to the sound of his heartbeat, close to her ears. Eventually, she managed to calm herself, but the pain remained. Carefully, she tried to free herself from his grip. Lehran immediately released her and she took a few steps backwards. He watched her, concerned and worried.

"Can you tell me now?"

"Yes, I hope so... I must have sounded ridiculous to you... What I meant was that I was crying because of you – but not in a way that you have in mind. I was not crying because of what you did – but because of what I have done."

"I – still do not understand."

"No? Let me explain it, then... What I did... I am – a horrible person. A monster..."

"Maian - "

"No, hear me out! Ever since you returned from Serenes Forest, I have been giving you a hard time... even though everyone else had forgiven you... even though I could feel that you were truly sorry for what you had done... and that you really meant to help us build a better world for sure now... I was so absorbed by my anger, hatred and my hurt pride that I was blind to all that... all I saw was myself. Every time I hurt you, I felt your pain and that caused me to suffer as well... and Sanaki and Micaiah, too... I – was so foolish... what I did is despicable. I was confused – confused by my own emotions. I hated you for what you had done, I really did, but at the same time, there was still some lingering affection left... I could not make up my mind whether to hate or love you."

"Maian, if you are trying to apologize – you do not have to! I am the one at fault here – I hurt you enough you wanted to die..."

"But does that give me the right to hurt you as well?"

"Well, no, but I understand... I deserve it, that is why I never fought back..."

Maian shook her head. "You are my teacher. You should make me aware of my mistakes, and correct me if I am wrong... and I was wrong!" She took a step towards him, clasping her hands in front of her chest. "Can you forgive me?"

"Me? Forgive you? Even if you consider what you did a crime, I do not, so – there is nothing to be forgiven. You need not feel bad anymore, Maian."

She could feel he really meant it. Relief washed over her like a cool, refreshing breeze. She closed her eyes to enjoy this feeling.

A finger carefully touched her face. She opened her eyes to find Lehran standing right in front of her.

"Please tell me if I got this wrong, but – does that mean – you forgive me – against all expectations?"

"Yes, I do. I – I understand why you did that... You kept all of your pain hidden from me... why?"

"I felt that I was burdening you enough already... You were always doing so much for me, some of it unknowingly... I felt it would be wrong to burden you with the pain and worries of an old man..."

"You should have told me. I might have been able to help you... and then all of this would not have happened."

"Maybe. We will never know what would have happened. We can only try to do it better next time..."

"True. I will not repeat my mistakes. What about you, Lehran?"

"I certainly will never do anything that might make you leave me again. I love you too much, Maian..."

"I would be out of my mind to leave you... that would be like tearing my heart out."

Lehran smiled, then he tilted her head upwards. Moonlight caressed their bodies as he bent down to kiss her. Maian's hands locked around his arms as they wound themselves around her waist, pulling her closer.

Ah... how long have I waited for this? I do not remember...

Finally, their lips parted again. Maian noticed a strange gleam in Lehran's eyes, something she had never seen before. And a new wave of emotions – he was no longer trying to hide anything, nor was he holding back.

"It is rather chilly out here. What do you think of going inside?", he suggested.

"An excellent idea. Let us do that."

Lehran wrapped his right arm around her waist and she leaned her head against his shoulder as they turned towards the door.

Maian could tell that she was awake, but she refused to open her eyes yet. She noticed that she was resting on something soft and warm, and it was moving... Slowly, she blinked into the first light of dawn to find out that her cushion was Lehran.

He was still asleep, but as Maian tried to push herself up onto her elbows, his arms locked around her body more tightly, as if he was afraid to let go of her. Maian smiled and lay down again to huddle against his chest. His breathing was slow and even and strands of their hair covered the cushions, gold and back entwined.

So... this is what true happiness feels like...

One of his hands suddenly moved to trace the outlines of her face.

"For a moment – I thought this had only been a dream", Lehran said, raising his head to hide his face in her hair. He took a deep breath to inhale her scent.

"In that case we would have both had the same beautiful dream. And I would not mind dreaming again."

Lehran started to laugh, dropping his head back onto the cushions. His hand moved from her face to her chest to trace the shape of her Brand. Maian shivered.

"So, that is where you have it. I figured it had to be somewhere under your clothes, but..."

"Well, I normally do not show this part of my body to the public – especially not if men are present."

Lehran grinned mischievously. "I would prefer it if you could keep it that way. After all, you are mine."

Now it was her turn to laugh.

"You know, your three sons are very beautiful, but I think that you are the most beautiful of all."

"Why, I am so glad to hear that."

Lehran wound his arms around her neck and pulled her down. Time seemed insi­gnificant to them, but Maian knew that reality would catch up with them eventually.

Someone knocked at the door.

"Lady Maian? May I come in?", one of the maids called.

"No, not just yet! I shall call you."

This time, Lehran allowed her to pull away. Maian struggled to get out of the blanket, then she looked around for her nightgown.

"Would you prefer it if I leave now?", Lehran asked in a low murmur, picking up his night-robe which he had dropped on the floor the night before.

"Yes. And please use the window. I know we will be unable to keep this secret for long, but – my servants finding you in my bedroom would be rather embarrassing."

"Of course, I understand."

He quickly crossed the room, put one hand against her cheek and kissed her on the forehead.

"See you at breakfast."

Then he was gone.


Micaiah arrived in front of the Great Hall to find Maian already there. Immediately, she noticed that something was different. Maian was radiating happiness.

"Good morning, Maian! Did you sleep well?"

"I did sleep well indeed, thank you. How about you?"

"I always sleep well. And it's really good to see that you're so happy."

Maian smiled.

"Good morning, ladies", Lehran said from behind Micaiah.

Oh, I just hope they won't start quarrelling now...

"Lehran! How are you feeling today?", Micaiah asked.

"Well, to be precise – I feel wonderful."

A very unexpected sound made Micaiah jump. Maian was laughing.

"What is it?", Lehran inquired.

"Oh, I was just wondering about what makes you feel like that."

"Well, I suppose you know the answer", he replied, his eyes sparkling.

Micaiah looked from one to the other, and then the meaning of everything sunk in.

"Oh! You finally made up!"

Maian nodded, smiling. "I managed to overcome my confusion. I am myself again. You helped me with that – thank you."

"Don't mention it, I'm just glad it's over!"

"Now you don't just have a mother and a father, but parents", Lehran said, smiling.

"Great! Now you'll really be my mother, Maian! I'm so happy!"

Lehran put an arm around Maian's shoulders and she leaned her head against his.

"Oh, but I believe we are more happy than you are."

"It's hard to say which feelings belong to whom right now. But I think that doesn't matter."

"Yes, you are right."

Soon, the were joined by the others. Everyone was very glad to see that Maian and Lehran were on good terms again – or more than that.

"I heard from some servants that Lehran wasn't in his room last night", Sothe whis­pered in Micaiah's ear. "Do you want to guess where he spent the night?"

"Sothe, they can both hear you!"

"Like I care. And I doubt they mind – it's rather obvious, really. Actually, I'm surpri­sed they didn't do it earlier – what with knowing each other for ten years."

"We have known each other for the same time, too."

Sothe blushed. "Yes, but I was a kid back then! She was almost thirty."

"An interesting discussion, really. Perhaps we should change the subject?", Maian suggested.

"Yes, please", Sanaki said. "There are minors present, you know."


"Hello, Soren", Ike said. "Welcome back. How was your trip to Goldoa?"

"Very interesting. I learned lots of things and they all treated me very friendly – I don't know if it's because I'm the king's nephew or that the dragons aren't that biased against other races. While I was there, I got another addition to my family – my little cousin. Ena named him Rajaion, after his father."

"I see. Is she happy now?"

"Yes, very."

"And how did you get along with your family?"

"Rather well, I'd say. Remember how Almedha – my mother – always used to dote on Pelleas? Luckily she didn't try that with me. They all took their time to see what kind of person I was. I visited the library in the Royal Palace – it's magnificent. So many books, and none of them have been rewritten... they're all accounts of what really happened. Most of them were written in Ancient Speech, so the dragons helped me to read them. Ena's been elevated to the rank of a princess even though she and Rajaion were never married."

"They meant to, and she's the mother of his child, so that's justified, if you ask me."

"I didn't say I object it, Ike. Anyway, they invited me to come and visit anytime I like – and I think I'll take them on on that offer. Actually, all of us are invited – but I think we should leave our little racist Shinon behind."

"I'll simply tell him to behave himself, besides, I doubt he'd dare to insult a dragon. That'd be suicide."

"Right. Where are we going?"

"To see Sanaki and Micaiah. Our contract with the empress is fulfilled and we're going home. You came back just in time. By the way, I believe we have another marriage coming up. Maian has forgiven Lehran."

"Really? She did? I never expected her to."

"Everyone was surprised – including Micaiah. From the way Maian had treated Lehran, no-one thought she'd ever forgive him. But she did."

They had reached Sanaki's apartments by now. Ike knocked and they entered.

As expected, Maian, Lehran, Micaiah and Sothe were with the empress.

"Ah, Prince Soren - "

"Don't call me prince."

Sanaki smiled. "I have to thank you for all you did during the war – and the one before. Your payment is below – I doubt the two of you would be able to carry it."

"Alright, then. We'll be off as soon as possible – I can't wait to return to my old life", Ike replied.

"I have also decided to discard the title "apostle", from now on I'll just be the Empress of Begnion. Both goddesses have left Tellius, so we'll have to get used to doing things ourselves."

"I don't plan to assume that title, either", Micaiah said. "And we'll return to Daein, you don't need me here anymore."

"We'll have to rebuild all over again", Sothe added. "Hopefully, it will be the last time."

"No", Ike replied. "Don't say "hopefully". Make it the last time. If anyone can do it, you two can."

"I don't doubt it. But thanks for the vote of confidence."

"Thank you, Ike", Micaiah added. "I won't ever forget what you did for us... Come visit anytime you want. We'd be delighted. Perhaps I'll hire you sometime..."

"I would be honored."

"You are welcome to visit us too, of course", Sanaki said.

"Thanks. Ah, one last thing – Maian, please keep an eye on your soon-to-be hus­band. I don't want him to cause me any more trouble than he already has."

Maian flashed him a brilliant smile. "No need to worry. I shall make sure."

"Good. Well then, we'll be off. Take care, everyone."


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