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The Curse of the Brand



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The Black Knight's Story

"Are we going the right way?", Ike asked as they followed Yune up a long and narrow staircase.

It led from one wall right across the room to the opposite wall. While the flying units stayed in the air, the magicians used magic to carry the horses. The dragons had tried to carry some, as well, but the horses had been too terrified to hold still enough for the dragons to grab them without hurting them.

"Yes. Ashera is at the top. We're going up. This is definitely the right way."

"I'm a little disorientated because it is much bigger than it looked from the outside. It's not my imagination, is it?"

"To be honest, you probably shouldn't look around too carefully. True miracles can overwhelm and terrify the mortal mind. If you dwell on what you see here, you might stop climbing."


"Yes, really! For the most people, anyway. You are all the exceptions. You are all focused on one goal, and you can't die until you achieve it. That's what you think, right?"


"Desire propels people forward. That's how it's been since the beginning of your kind. You hope, give, take, fight, struggle... Out of all those needs and desires, hate and strife are born. And that's alright. You should want. You should strive to fill that want. You should challenge your fates. When all else fails, you can still die fighting."

"Your philosophy is pretty extreme, too. Ashera doesn't forgive people for their im­perfections. But you embrace both good and evil natures of people. You seem to enjoy our internal struggles."

"A straight road is boring. Defeat and destruction are far more interesting than stasis."

"Huh. Is there a goddess who takes the middle-of-the-road approach?"

They had almost reached the next door by now.

"Well, long ago... Wait. The next one who stands in our way is someone deeply tied to you."

"Let's go."

Ike was pretty certain about who they would run into now.

They entered the next room to find the Black Knight waiting for them.

"You've come. Welcome, son of Gawain. Welcome all, courageous warriors."

The next moment, soldiers led by General Levail of the begnion army filled in behind them. They were trapped.

Ike turned and rushed at the knight. He was again amazed by the speed with which the armoured knight moved. A powerful blow sent Ike flying through the air. He jumped to his feet just in time to block the knight's attack with Ragnell. Both of them tried to push the other's sword away. After a few seconds, both of them took a step backwards and lowered their blades.

"I wonder how I didn't notice?", Ike asked. "You composure, manner, voice... it seems so obvious in retrospect."

The Black Knight didn't reply.

"I wish I'd had the chance to fight you – or see you fight, general. Then I'd have known a lot sooner."

"Unfortunately for both of us, that opportunity never came."

"So, it really is you. The Black Knight... no, General Zelgius!"

Slowly, the knight took off his helmet. Zelgius' green eyes seemed to pierce Ike.

Behind him, both the daein and the begnion people let out shouts of surprise.

"Ike. I have long looked forward to the day we would fight again. Now that it is here, let us not delay any longer! Raise your sword and begin!"

"Let's finish this!"

"Stop right there", Tibarn said angrily. "I have a debt to settle with this scum!"

"True, your revenge against me remains uncomplete. However, might I ask you to step aside for now? Though at different times, Ike and I both learned the way of the sword from the same master: one of Daein's famous Great Riders, General Ga­wain. He left Daein under an assumed name and formed a mercenary company. I was entranced by Greil's swordsmanship while he was in Daein. I studied under him, I fought next to him... I idolized him. When he left, I was crushed. I vowed to find him again and challenge him to a duel. I had to know if I had surpassed him! Three years ago, I found him. I challenged him, and was victorious. But something was wrong... The fight had been too simple. I thought I'd never feel satisfaction again... Then, Ike told me why it had been so easy. Greil had severed all the tendons in his right hand, and sworn to never draw a blade again. Can you imagine my joy at that news? I knew a swordsman of his stature couldn't have been so easy to defeat! My master's skill was passed down to his son, Ike. I will defeat him and finally surpass my master! I trust that you understand. Once our fight is finished, I will allow you to settle our quarrel, hawk king."

"Please, Tibarn."

"Fine. If you're taking my place, you'd better win. Got that?"

"Of course. This is my chance to avenge my father's death. This time, he won't walk away."

"Let us begin", Zelgius said.

He stuck his sword into the ground and a blue barrier flashed into existence between Ike and his comrades.

"I won't let anyone interfere with our fight", Zelgius explained.

"Agreed. It's better this way. I can focus on you!"

"No draw. No escape. One wins. One loses. We shall end this."

He put his helmet back on and pulled Alondite out of the ground, pointing it at Ike.

"One of us will live... and one of us will die."

"I'm ready", Ike replied, pointing Ragnell at him. "Good-bye, General Zelgius."

Both of them attacked at the same time. Ike could tell immediately that Zelgius wasn't holding back anymore. This time, he was dead serious.

But I can't lose this fight... that would mean abandoning everyone... besides, I've got to avenge father!

On the other side of the barrier, his companions were taking on Levail and his soldiers. Maian was preparing a spell, her grey wings spread. Soren stood right next to her, chanting. Elincia and Marcia had joined forces with Sigrun, Tanith, Haar and Jill. Maian's guards were fighting on their own. Since their strategy depended on laguz and beorc cooperating perfectly, they couldn't mix with any other force. Oscar and Titania had joined their former comrades from the Crimean Royal Knights, the other magicians were fighting on their own. Tibarn and Naesala attacked from above, while Caineghis, Nailah and Skrimir clawed and bit their way through everything in range. But the most amazing thing were the three dragons. Kurthnaga had overcome his dislike of blood and now he, Nala and Ena were roasting and crushing their enemies.

Ike and Zelgius exchanged series of heavy blows, each of them giving all they had got. Since their last fight at Nados Castle (Ike didn't count their encounter at the Ribahn, since he had had to leave early), he had grown a lot stronger and refined his skills. Additionally, Yune's blessing had increased his strength even more.

Ike felt a sudden pain when he failed to block a blow correctly and Alondite cut into his right arm. And somehow, Ike had a feeling that healing spells wouldn't work because of the barrier. Luckily, the wound wasn't deep.

He dodged Zelgius' next attack and spun around to strike at his enemy's back. Zel­gius had turned, but a little slower, so he had not enough time to raise his sword.

Ike's blow sent him flying into a wall. With a rattling and jingling sound, he collapsed onto the ground. Alondite had fallen from his grip.

"Impressive... Most impressive!", Zelgius said, struggling to take his helmet off.

Ike went over to him and collapsed as well, clutching his hand around the wound and fighting for breath.

"You are stronger... much stronger than before", Zelgius said.

"I have you to thank for that. I grew stronger through our previous fight. To be ho­nest – I was overjoyed when I heard the Black Knight was still alive. That surprised me. I felt neither sadness nor hate. Just joy. My hands were shaking with anticipa­tion... I couldn't wait to fight my most formidable enemy again! Your swordsmanship was fearsome. Fiercer and more powerful than any I had ever seen. After our duel three years ago, I trained hard, trying to remember each of your skills and tech­niques."

"General Gawain was invincible at the time he trained me. To surpass him was my ultimate goal as a swordsman."

"Was I as skilled as my father was in his prime years? Did you see his shadow in my sword?"

"I certainly did, Ike", Zelgius replied, smiling for the first time since Ike had met him. "Thanks to you, I was able to fight my master at the height of his glory days."

"Black Knight Zelgius. You were my father's killer. And my last teacher."

"I spent most of my life shrouded in darkness... but my life had meaning. Now I am certain of it..."

His eyes closed as his breathing suddenly sounded heavier.

"...phiran, I'll be waiting for you... in the afterlife..."

His head dropped to his chin. Ike closed his eyes.

In the meantime, the others had finished their fight as well and the magicians had dispelled the barrier. Yune came over to join Ike.

"Let's move on", Ike said. "We don't have much time left..."

As he got to his feet, both swords suddenly started glowing.

"The swords are calling out to each other", Yune said. "The holy sword Alondite... It's the counterpart to your sword, Ragnell. I think it wants you to take it up."

As Ike reached for the sword, something happened. It was as if something within him had splittered to pieces and the next moment a memory came welling up inside him – a memory Ike couldn't remember to have ever had.

"What happened here?!", a soldier asked.

Though he looked younger, Ike recognized Zelgius. The village they were in was the beorc settlement in Gallia, where Ike had lived with his family... but something was wrong. There were corpses everywhere.

"We have arrived too late", another man replied. Sephiran looked just the same as Ike remembered him from three years ago, he was wearing a ragged cloak again.

He didn't age in such a long time?

"General Gawain!", Zelgius called, spotting a figure lying motionless on the ground. Next to him lay another, holding a medallion that was glowing in a blue light.

Zelgius hurried over to Greil's side.

"General Gawain... oh, thank the goddess. He's still alive. But – oh no... what has he done? Elena... Did he kill her?!"

"It must have been the medallion. He touched it, and the chaos bound within sent him into a rage beyond reason. Tragic..."

Suddenly, they noticed the boy who stood there, watching them.

"Ike, wait for me!", a girl called.

Mist came running to her brother's side and stopped dead.

"Ah! Mother, father!"

She dashed forward.

"The general's children...", Zelgius said.

"What's wrong with them?", Mist asked. "Are they asleep? Father? Mother?"

"They are very tired, child", Sephiran replied. "Let's not disturb them."

"We can't let them sleep here! It's cold out! We have to take them home!"

Ike just stood there, without saying anything.

"Ike?", Mist asked.

"I'll take them home", Zelgius said to her. "Will you show me the way?"

"Yeah! Come with me."

Zelgius lifted Greil into his arms and followed her.

Sephiran knelt down next to Elena and checked her pulse.

"May your final slumber be a peaceful one", he said, closing his eyes. "It appears that the medallion was too much for Lord Ashnard. It would be unwise to allow him access to it again."

He reached out for the Fire Emblem. The same moment, Mist returned.

"Ah! Hey! That's my mother's medallion! No-one's supposed to see it!"

She bent down to pick it up.

"No, child, you mustn't touch it!", Sephiran shouted, reaching out to stop her.

Mist snatched the medallion from her mother's fingers and backed away.

"We can't let it get lost. I'll keep it."

"You – you are unchanged?", Sephiran asked, clearly astonished.

Mist ran over to where Zelgius stood.

"You said you would take my mother home, too."

"Yes, of course."

While Zelgius carried Elena's body away, Mist turned to he brother, who still hadn't moved.

"Ike? What's wrong? Why are you just standing there? Are you hurt?"

"You saw everything, didn't you? Poor child", Sephiran said.


A flash of light emanated from Sephiran's staff and surrounded Ike. Again, he saw how his father stabbed his mother.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh! Aaaaaahhhhhh!"

Ike collapsed, clutching his head.

"Ike? What's wrong?", Mist asked.

Zelgius came running out of the house.


Ike turned and clung to his sister.

"Ouch! Ike, that hurts! Let go!"

Again, Ike screamed.

"What happened?", Zelgius asked.

"Give me a moment", Sephiran replied.

Again, his staff started to glow.

"Sweet children... sleep now. Rest."

"What did you do to him?", Zelgius asked, as both children collapsed.

"Merely helped him to forget. I could not leave this memory to haunt him. It is too heavy a burden for one so young."

"What will you do with the medallion?"

"The girl seems to be safe from its influence. We will leave it with her, for the time being."

The next moment, Ike was back in the present.

"Wh-what was that?", he asked.

"You saw it too, didn't you? That memory – could that have been - "

"I – I was there... in that... place... My mother, she tried to stop my father and he killed her... I saw it all..."

"Is that what happened? I was contained inside at the time. I had no idea."


Ike raised his sword in salute and bowed his head to the dead knight. Then, he picked up Alondite.

I think I'll give it to Mist. One sword's enough for me.

"Can you still fight?"

"Yes. I will keep fighting. I won't stop until I die."


Yune watched Ike leave. As she started to follow him, she was swallowed again by a whirlpool of memories...

They were inside a room full of weapons. A muscular man was sitting on a crate, facing the wall opposite them. His jerkin was lying on his knees and there, on his back, was a black shape...

"You bear the mark", the narrator said. "So that's your secret... the blood of the laguz runs through your veins."

"Yes. There was someone on my father's side who – who was with – a laguz", the sitting man replied.


"My lord – the brand... do you know of a way to remove it? This cursed thing... I – I am an outcast from my family. I joined the military to escape the shame and hatred in their eyes... I live in fear of discovery. When I think that I might see the same shame and hatred in another's eyes, I... I come close to despair. I have lived my life alone, unable to trust or come close to anyone..."

"Such loneliness and isolation. You poor child... It pains me to tell you that I know of no way to remove your brand."

"I – I understand. It was a foolish question... I apologize."

The man got to his feet and turned around. Short black hair, and green eyes full of pain...

"Lord Sage, I – I realized some years ago that I age more slowlier than others do."

"And you wish to conceal that fact, don't you? Is that why you rarely remove your armor, even when indoors?"

"Yes, but this ruse will not work indefinitely... in a few year's time, I will be forced to leave this army's service..."

"And once again, you will be alone."

"I am used to being alone. My only hesitation is that – I will miss studying the sword under my commander, General Gawain."

"When the time comes for you to leave, will you then come to me, perhaps?"

"My lord?"

"We share a – similar condition. I see something familiar within you. I can... under­stand your pain and isolation."

"But why me?"

"I have a task that I must accomplish. With you at my side, I would feel more confi­dent of my success."

"If I join you, will I be redeemed?"

"I cannot say. At the very least, however, you will no longer be alone. And neither will I."

"That is enough, then. You have made my decision simple. When I leave here, I will find you. I am a soldier in the daein army. I serve under the command of General Gawain. My name is Zelgius. May I ask your name, my lord sage?"

"My name? Of course..."

The memory faded away.

"Whose – whose memory was that?!", Yune complained. "It's just one of many... they swirl everywhere... The tower resonates with their strength. But – who is it? Who do they belong to? There is such sadness. Zelgius met someone. One lonely soul calling out to another... But he's no longer with us. Zelgius is gone... And now the soul that remains is once more... alone..."

Yune turned and left the room.


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