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The Curse of the Brand



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With a feeling of anxiety and dread Hetzel followed the vize-minister. Until now, the surviving soldiers had reported back to them, but this time, no-one had returned to Sienne. Lekain had taken Hetzel and their strongest men to investigate the last battlefield.

Finding the place hadn't been that difficult. Now Hetzel stared in dismay at the corpses covering the ground. Not a single one had survived.

The soldiers were checking the bodies. One of them called the two senators over.

"My lords, this is strange... Most of our soldiers weren't wounded, but they're dead nonetheless... Normally, even magic leaves a trace on the body, but not here... it's as if they just – stopped living."

"What does that mean?", Hetzel whispered. "What kind of power could that be?"

"We found Senator Valtome!"

Hetzel and Lekain hurried over to the soldier who had called them. Valtome had been killed with magic, that much was obvious. And someone had shattered his necklace.

Lekain placed a hand over his heart.

"He died trying to protect our world from the dark god's wrath", he said solemnly.

Hetzel nodded in agreement and looked around. He noticed a slab of rock that had been erected. It was like a very big tombstone.

"Look at that, vize-minister."

Both of them stared at the words that had been engraved onto the rock with magic.


In the name of Empress Sanaki, I have judged

the traitor Valtome and his minions.

Senator Maian, Second Duchess of Idras

Attesting witnesses:

Tibarn, King of Phoenecis

Elincia, Queen of Crimea

Reyson, Prince of Serenes

Almedha, Princess of Goldoa

Lekain let out a scream of rage.

"That insolent girl! How dare she defy us! The dark god's tainted minions have defeated our forces at every turn. Now they have set foot on the holy ground of the empire itself! We have no choice but to lead the army ourselves and end this once and for all! We are the chosen ones! Our will is the goddess' will! With us at its head, our army is invincible!"

"Y-yes. Quite. As you say, vize-minister", Hetzel replied.

"When I've beaten that brat, Sanaki, I will make her kneel before me and beg for her life!"

Lekain started to laugh, looking slightly insane.

The vize-minister says he hears the will of the goddess, yet I have heard no such thing in my ears. Why would the goddess choose Lekain and me? We are the ones with the most to atone for...


As the Silver Army crossed into Grann Desert, Leanne had some surprising news.

"I just received a report from Reyson. They were attacked by Senator Valtome and it seemed as if they would lose the battle... The enemy had the advantage of numbers. It was Senator Maian who turned the tide – she used a galdr to kill the disciples."

"A galdr?!", Micaiah echoed.

"Yes." Leanne looked at her. "It turned out that she is half heron – a heron-blooded hybrid. She killed almost everyone within her reach and then executed Valtome and those who survived the galdr."

Cynthia and Sanaki both looked thunderstruck.

"She never said anything", Sanaki muttered.

"But it makes sense", Cynthia pointed out. "It explains why she didn't age, nor ever chose a husband... and why she never trusted anyone. She never let anyone close to her, fearing discovery..."

"But – she's always been very close to Sephiran."

"According to my brother, he knew about her, as did Captain Nala", Leanne explai­ned. "And two of her guards had made a bet whether or not she was one..."

"But why would she choose to reveal herself?", Micaiah asked. "That could have re­sulted in her death..."

"The Hawk Army was about to lose", Leanne said quietly. "She did it to save everyone... Reyson assumes she was prepared to pay for that with her life... She knew exactly what risk she was taking. But her guards chose to remain loyal to her – despite her true nature – and none of the others dared to harm her. It seems that they have accepted her the way she is. Actually, my brother was very glad to hear she was part heron – she is a link to our tribe, after all."

Sanaki was sitting on a dune, thinking about what had happened. Maian had been keeping more than just one secret from her, but in that case Sanaki could under­stand the reason.

She didn't even trust her own guards... what kind of life is that?

"Empress Sanaki."

She looked up.

"The Silver-Haired Maiden!"

"Yes, it's me, Micaiah. Um – might I sit next to you?"

"What? Oh – uh..."

Micaiah looked worried about something.

"Of course you may."

"Thank you."

Micaiah sat down, wrapping her arms around her knees.

"This is awkward. I'm sorry, I know that you're not very fond of me, but I wanted to talk to you."

"It's not that. I like you just fine. It's just that... you make me feel inadequate."

"It's because I can sing the Galdr of Release and hear Yune's voice, isn't it?"

"How – did you know?"

"I can sense the flow of people's thoughts. By seeing the movement of a person's mind, I can usually deduce what he is thinking..."

"You can read minds?! What a boon that would be to ruling a country... If I could read minds, I could tell what the nobles and senators were thinking behind their smiles... I wonder why the goddess didn't bless me with such power..."

"Micaiah was born with her power. We didn't give it to her."

Sanaki looked up into a pair of red eyes.

"Ah! Is that you? The dark – no, I mean – Yune, Goddess of Chaos... Let me ask you one thing, Yune. Why was Micaiah able to sing the Galdr of Release, and I wasn't?"

"I'm sorry, little empress, I don't know. But I knew Micaiah could sing it, that's why I stayed close to her."

"I don't understand. How can you be a goddess and not know? I thought gods were perfect beings who knew everything."

"Gods? Perfect? Where did you get that idea? You haven't met many gods, have you?"

"Well, no. But divinity created life out of nothing! Surely only a perfect being could do such a thing."

"We did create life, and we can do many things you creatures of flesh can't. But that doesn't make us perfect. It only means that we can make mistakes on a much grander scale... We're not what you've been taught, and we are much closer to you skin-wearers than some will admit. But we do make mistakes... Sometimes we make terrible mistakes. Sometimes it takes only one emotional outburst and the whole world is drowning underwater!"

A strong wind suddenly made the sand fly. Sanaki covered her face with her sleeves and tried not to inhale the sand.

"Ow! Where did the sandstorm come from? Yune! You need to calm down!"

"I wish we were perfect. Then there would be no wars and no-one would have to die because of our mistakes!"

"Y-yes! I understand, Yune! But now, please calm down!"

Yune took a deep breath and closed her eyes. The wind died away.


"She's gone now. She got upset... she hasn't lost control of her emotions like that in a long time..."

"Micaiah, I'm supposed to be the voice of the goddess Ashera. Yet I've never heard her speak... I wonder what she's like?"

"We may find out before this is over..."


They had set up camp at the foot of a mountain to have some shelter. As Micaiah wandered about, she met Naesala.

"King Naesala. You are by yourself today?"

"Yeah. How about you? Where's that stone-faced sidekick of yours?"

"He's just hesitant to show his emotions!"

Naesala grinned. "I'm only joking. Don't get so defensive."

"Then don't insult my family."

He snorted.

"You say he's your brother, but there's as much resemblance between you as between me and Skrimir."

"We're not related, but we are very close. Perhaps like you and Princess Leanne."

Naesala's head jerked up.

"What?! You didn't..."

"Yes, I can sense your emotions. I also know that you just closed up to keep me from looking in."

"You possess the same powers as the herons? How stupid of me to let my guard down."

"I'm sorry."

"What else did you sense?"

"Excuse me?"

"Did you find out anything else about me?"

"No! I didn't try to read your mind intentionally. I just sensed that your feelings for Princess Leanne were very warm, that's all I saw."

"You're sure? Fine. You're a lot like me. I'll let you off the hook this time."

"What do you mean by that?"

"You'll see when the time comes. See you later."

He turned on his heel and strode away. Puzzled, Micaiah looked after him.

Shortly after that, Sothe came to talk to Micaiah.

"Yune "visited" again?", he asked. "Did she have anything interesting to say"

"Sort of. I think she might be responsible for the ancient flood that sank all of the other continents."

"What is she doing all this time, anyway?"

"I don't know... she just said she had to look for something."

Naesala, who had been on patrol, came swooping down towards them.

"Sorry to break up your alone time, you two, but we have Disciples of Order troubles again."

Within minutes, the Silver Army had assembled. Micaiah was surprised to see Le­kain among the enemy soldiers.

"I knew this would happen, eventually", Sanaki said.

The next moment Lekain appeared right in front of them.

"Ah, my dear Sanaki, the false apostle! What a pleasure to see you again, and this time, I have an army of the righteous behind me, ready to strike you down!"

"Vice-Minister Lekain. You are the foulest kind of traitor", Sanaki replied. "I can never forgive you!"

Lekain merely laughed. "How amusing. Forgiveness from a fraud is of no value to anyone."

Sigrun urged her steed forwards.

"Empress, please don't force me to listen to his blasphemies any longer! Allow me to silence him for you!"

"Hold, Sigrun. I want to understand. Lekain, on what ground do you claim that I am not the true apostle?"

"The apostle shall be the first-born daughter of each generation in the line of Altina, first empress. She will give voice to the goddess. She will pass judgement, give prophecy, and protect her people and their lands. Sanaki, you have never once heard the voice of the goddess, have you?"

"That is – that is only – because I have not come of age yet!"

"Oh, what a hysterical coincidence! That is just what the senate has been telling the people for years now! "Apostle Sanaki is too young to hear the goddess. Give her more time." How funny that the lie you have been living is the same lie we have been telling."

"But, how... Explain yourself, Lekain!"

"Poor, false apostle... No-one ever told you about your older sister, did they? Not even your so-called "parents"... She was the true apostle."

"I – had a sister?", Sanaki asked.

Micaiah could sense her disbelief. Everyone else felt just the same way.

"She died before you were born, assassinated along with Empress Misaha by the heron clan. So the senate installed you, the second daughter, as the apostle in­stead."

"You lie! You impugn both me and the noble herons!"

Lekain laughed again. "I am glad to have exposed your secret. Maybe you will be able to accept the truth now."

"Silence!", Sigrun shouted. "The lying tongue of a treacherous senator proves nothing!"

"You seek proof? Fine. We shall settle this in the ancient way – in a battle to the death. Whomsoever the goddess sees fit to win the day must be in the right!"

But instead of challenging Sanaki, Lekain warped back behind his soldiers.

"Lekain... we've finally found you", Micaiah said. "Now's our chance, Sothe! We must do whatever it takes to get the Blood Pact!"

"Right. Let's go!"

They moved out. Micaiah, Sanaki and Laura created discs of magic under their feet to hover across the sand. Naesala and Skrimir shifted and led the charge, along with Sigrun and Tanith. Next was Fiona, followed by the foot soldiers. Leanne stayed back, as usual.

Just as in the Desert of Death, fighting here was difficult, but Ashera's blessing didn't give the enemies better footing, either. They just had to make sure to take the enemy flying units down as quickly as possible.

As they fought their way across the dunes, Naesala passed by.

"Say, can't you use a galdr like Maian to get rid of those disciples?", he asked Mi­caiah.

"No, unfortunately not... and I doubt the Galdr of Release would do them much harm."

"I see. What a pity..."

Naesala took off again to engage an enemy draco-knight.

"No matter how many we defeat, more keep coming... are we destined to perish here?", Micaiah asked Sothe.

A red diagram appeared on another dune that was occupied by enemy soldiers. Dreading the arrival of enemy reinforcements, Micaiah gripped her tome more tightly.

The Black Knight appeared and easily took out the disciples. Then he turned to face Micaiah.

"My Maiden... hold on a little longer. I am here."

"Ah, Sir Knight! I am glad to see you're safe. I knew someone of your power wouldn't have turned to stone."

"I am glad to see you're safe as well, Maiden."

"Are you here to save us again?"

"Not "us"."


"I am only here to save you. No-one else."

"But, why? Why just me?"

"We will talk more when the battle is over. I should not have said anything yet. Forgive me."

He turned away.

"Sir Knight..."

Sothe crossed his arms.

"You know, Commander Ike's going to beat you this time."

"Maybe. If he has the strength and skill to do so, then so be it."

"Shouldn't you sound a bit more worried?"

Leanne, who had been chanting until now, noticed the Black Knight and gasped. Micaiah could feel a mixture of dread and fear emanating from the princess.


The Black Knight slowly turned his head.

"You fear me? I do not blame you. I apologize for the circumstances of our last meeting. Be assured, princess, that I mean you no harm."

Leanne didn't look convinced.

"If it makes you feel better, I will step aside."

The Black Knight inclined his head and left to take on some disciples. Leanne looked after him, frowning slightly.

"What happened between you two?", Micaiah asked.

"During the Mad King's War, he kidnapped me. He threatened to kill my father if I would not come quietly... and he killed the guard Tibarn had assigned to me."

"Oh. I see..."

As they finally managed to get close to Lekain, the vice-minister looked around.

"Hm, it is beginning to look dangerous around here. I suppose I must turn back for my own safety. It is vital that I not to be harmed, for the good of the world to come! While it pains me to leave the field of battle, I mustn't put myself at risk."

He disappeared in a flash of red light.

"Coward!", Micaiah shouted, turning her attention to Duke Numida.

Sothe took care of Numida's guards so Micaiah could focus on him. He was a magi­cian as well, but not as strong as she was.

"This is for the people of Daein, the people you made suffer!"

Numida collapsed. The remaining disciples fled.

Micaiah turned to the Black Knight who had arrived by her side.

"Sir Knight! How good to see you! You always save me from danger."

"Maiden. I have a favour to ask of you. Will you come with me? My master awaits you at the Tower of Guidance."

"The Tower of Guidance? If I might ask, who is your master?"

"You will see when we get there. Please take my hand. We will be there in the blink of an eye."

Micaiah closed her eyes.

"I can't. I can't leave everyone else behind. We have to get to the tower together."

"Your allies will turn to stone when the light of judgement next shines. I do not wish for you to see it."

"The light will strike again? When? Please tell me!"

The knight slowly shook his head.

"Maiden, I will come for you again. Make your mind up by then."

He took a step backwards and disappeared in a flash of red light.


Sothe appeared behind her.

"Don't tell me, he's gone again, right? I knew we couldn't count on him."

"Um, Sothe..."

"Lekain got away, didn't he?"

"Yes, he did. But we'll have another chance."

"I'm sure of it. I know he's going to attack us again. Don't know if that's good news or bad..."

"I know. We have to be ready."


It was getting dark when they finally made a break. Sanaki was tired, frustrated and angry, but at the same time she felt very lost.

"Sigrun, Tanith. I need to talk to both of you."

"Empress. Why so serious? Whatever it is, you can be sure that Sigrun and I will help you with it."

"Tanith, let her speak."

"When the last apostle was assassinated, and I was not yet born, the country went for a long time without central authority. The people were frightened, both of the murder and the power vacuum. Without the Voice of the Goddess, Begnion was lost. Sephiran told me once that when the senate confirmed my appointment as the next apostle, it was as if a sigh of relief sounded across the country."

"It's true", Sigrun said. "I still remember your coronation, the first time I ever saw you, Empress Sanaki. With your tiny hand in Sephiran's, you stumbled as you walked... A little girl, barely visible in the grand hallway of the cathedral. It was a moving sight."

"I remember as well. The empress stepped onto her cape and tripped a total of five times."

"Tanith, that hardly seems appropriate", Sigrun scolded.

"I think the country's sigh of relief was unwarranted. I cannot hear the voice of the goddess. I never could. This has perplexed me for years. At first I thought my youth was to blame, but this excuse grows thinner each year. There is no clear age at which previous apostles heard the goddess for the first time, but all of them had heard by now."

"Empress, if this is about what Duke Gaddos said - ", Sigrun began.

"If I am not the true apostle, have I betrayed my people? Even unknowingly? You two are my most trusted friends. How would you feel if I were not the true apostle? Be honest with me."

"You would like an honest answer? Very well. It would change nothing."

"What?" Sanaki gave Sigrun a surprised look.

"If you thought our allegiance was to the office of the apostle, well, then you were wrong. Even from a young age, you have been working with Lord Sephiran and Lady Maian to fight the senate on behalf of the people."

"Our loyalty lies with you, Empress Sanaki. You will always be our empress. Please do not forget that."

Sanaki closed her eyes. "I am blessed... not by the voice of the goddess, but by loyalty such as yours."

"Be strong, Empress Sanaki", Sigrun said. "Even if you are not the apostle, you are still the one, true Empress of Begnion."

Sanaki smiled, suddenly feeling a lot better.


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