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The Curse of the Brand



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Riddles in the Dark

Around dusk, the Greil Army reached a small settlement. They set up camp at the edge of the forest on a hilltop and then went to explore the village.

"Amazing. We've been travelling for miles now, and there hasn't been a single mo­ving person", Ike said.

"And yet the other plants and animals seem completely unaffected", Nailah added. "The only creatures that were turned to stone were laguz and beorc. A miracle of the goddess, indeed."

"My sister just sent a warning about "Disciples of Order". It seems that Ashera has freed them from stone to fight for her", Rafiel said. "They have also received a blessing of protection from her, and they nearly beat Leanne's team."

"Worse, they could attack any time and we'd have no idea who or where they are", Soren said. "I'll start working on contingency plans immediately."

"All right, everyone. Get back to camp and be sure to keep your weapons in reach tonight", Ike ordered.

They had lit a watch-fire in the middle of their camp and built a wall of sandbags around it. Ike knew that this made it easy for the enemy to spot them, but without any light they would be unable to see them, either.

Ike saw Rafiel sitting next to the fire and went over to talk to him.

"What's wrong, Prince Rafiel? Are you feeling sick?"

"No. I am alright. Thank you, though."

"You're a real puzzle, you know that?"

"Why do you say that?"

"You look a lot like your brother Reyson, but you are nothing like him. Reyson looks delicate, but on the inside he's all iron. You, on the other hand... I don't know. I worry that I might kill you if I shout too loud or something."

Rafiel bowed his head.

"I'm sorry."

"See? That's exactly what I mean! You should get mad at me for saying that, not say "I'm sorry". I mean, come on!"

"I-I apologize."

"There you go again! What I mean is that - "

"That's enough, Ike", Nailah said, appearing out of the darkness. "Rafiel is every­thing that herons are expected to be: quiet, elegant and delicate. Those are words used to describe herons, and he fits all three."

"Yeah, well, none of those words fit Reyson."

"True. Maybe Princess Leanne is only so sweet and innocent because she was asleep for twenty years. Prince Reyson certainly doesn't seem to have any of the characteristics herons are known for."

"King Tibarn did mention that "real" herons are more like Prince Rafiel."

"Prince Reyson spent a long time in the care of the hawk tribe. No doubt he's picked up all sorts of quirks. Thank goodness Reyson hasn't picked up Tibarn's speech or mannerisms, though. That would be completely ridiculous. Can you ima­gine a man with Reyson's looks, talking and acting like Tibarn? I don't think I could help but laugh at him."

"Well, he told me he wanted to be just like Tibarn. He admires him a great deal."

"Reyson said that?", Rafiel asked.

"Yeah. What about you?"

"Well... sure, it'd be nice to be a bit more like Tibarn, I suppose."

"Well, it looks like you guys really are brothers after all."

"Ike, be quiet!", Nailah said. "You're a bad influence. I won't allow Rafiel to be tainted like that."

It was getting dark and Ike ordered some of his men to keep watch.

"Ena, how is Prince Kurthnaga feeling?", Ike asked the dragon girl.

"Not good. He keeps staring into space, doesn't talk and he hasn't touched a bite of his food."

"I'm sorry to hear that. I wanted to ask him some questions, but it can wait."

That moment, one of the sentinels gave the signal.

"Commander, we're surrounded!"

"What?! That's impossible!"

"How could they get so close without us seeing them?", Ena asked.

"I don't know", Nailah said. "There was no sign or scent of their approach... I won­der if they simply materialized?"

"Ena, stay here!", Ike ordered. "Protect Kurthnaga's tent at all costs!"


"Everyone else, move out!"

At first, they just waited until the enemy moved into the light of the watch-fire, but soon they started to leave camp and drive the enemies back. Soren and Ike teamed up. Ike took on anyone foolish enough to approach them and Soren finished them off.

Yune's blessing had made Ike a whole lot stronger, and none of the enemies stood a chance against him. Jill and Haar attacked the enemy from above. Mist, Titania and Oscar sped across the battlefield, slaying enemies left and right. Shinon and Rolf had climbed onto a tree and fired arrows at the disciples. Gatrie, Mia and Boyd stayed back to make sure none of them could harm Rhys or Rafiel, who were responsible for the support.

The enemies were strong, but not really a match for the famous Greil Mercenaries. And Nailah was a nice addition to their group.

"This looks like all of them", Ike said. "Fanatics that appear out of nowhere and attack from darkness... this'll be tough."

They returned to camp and Ike went to see Ena.

"Are you alright? Why didn't you transform?"

"I didn't want Prince Kurthnaga to get frightened, so I tried to hold them off in this shape. He hates blood..."

"This can't go on. I'm going to talk to him."

Ike entered the tent.

"Hey, Prince Kurthnaga!"

Kurthnaga made a strange sound and retreated from Ike.

"S-stay away..."

"What's wrong? Don't you remember me?"

"Uuunhhhhhh... That smell... the blood... on your sword..."

"What, this? No problem, I'll go drop it."

Ike dumped the sword into the snow outside the tent.

"Hey, look. No sword. Are you okay now?"

Kurthnaga slowly came over to Ike.


"Good. I wanted to talk to you a little. Do you remember who I am?"

"Yes. We met once – three years ago, in Goldoa."

"That's right", Ike replied, smiling. "You do remember. You helped us when our ship ran aground... and you gave us food and water."

"Yes... you were the first beorc I had ever met."

"Prince Kurthnaga, there's something I have to ask you. Before Yune's awakening, why did you side with Daein to fight us and the apostle? The dragon tribe is neutral, and known for its hatred of blood and war. As the dragon prince, I can't see why you would do it."

"I suppose I owe you an explanation. First of all, you have to understand that the dragon tribes had nothing to do with any of this. I – I disobeyed my father and the laws of our country. I joined the battle against all my training, out of my own free will. Ena saw me leaving, or I wouldn't have brought her into this. I just wanted... I just wanted to help my sister."

"Sister? You have a sister in Daein?"

"Yes... My sister's name is Almedha. She was the wife of late King Ashnard."

"Mad King Ashnard was married to a princess of Goldoa?"

"Yes. And then that savage held his own baby hostage – the baby born of my sister. Then he took my brother, Rajaion, and warped him to use him as a steed, like a common wyvern."

"I'm sorry. I didn't know..."

"Ike, you were there during my brother's last hour. I'm sorry to ask you, but when my brother died... did he die peacefully?"

"Yes, he did. Before he died, Reyson and Leanne were able to undo what Ashnard had done to him. Rajaion was passing on in Ena's arms, with a content smile, as if he was just sleeping peacefully."

"Thank you", Kurthnaga said, closing his eyes. "It's a tremendous relief to hear that... My sister was tangled by Ashnard's schemes, our brother was killed and her son taken away... She was unable to return to Goldoa and consult our father... my sister has suffered so much. I wanted to help her."

"So that's why you came to Daein. It must've been difficult for you to tell me that. Thank you."

"Actually, it makes me feel a little better by just talking about it."

"I won't repeat anything you just told me. I swear on my father's grave."

Ike left Kurthnaga's tent, lost in his own thoughts.

The Black Knight and the dragon tribes... they both lead back to Daein. Something about that country always drags me back to it...


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