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The Curse of the Brand



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Blood Contract Part Two

Soren had finally achieved the rank of an arch sage and Ike had given him a decent salary rise. Soren now was thinking about buying some new books.

"I would wait with that until you have returned to your fort", Maian said. "I doubt you will have much time for reading, anyway, and the books would just hinder you. How about you buy some new robes instead? Those look pretty worn."

"Not a bad idea", Soren replied, "but where do I get them from?"

"There is a small town nearby. We could go there, I always wanted to know how commoners live."

"You've never been to a town before?"


"I see. I'll take you along if you promise not to do anything too stupid."

Maian gave him an amused look. "I will try my best."

"Are you sure the two of you want to go alone?", Ike asked.

"There shouldn't be any soldiers stationed there", Soren replied. "And the people themselves won't be a threat to us."

"And I would like to spend a few hours without my guards flinching at every sound, ready to protect my life with theirs..."

"I see. But be careful."

"We will", Soren promised.

Maian seemed to enjoy the short walk through the daein countryside. Snow was covering the ground and it was cold, but Soren didn't mind.

"Why haven't you been to a town before?"

"I spent the first 29 years of my life in seclusion, carefully hidden from public. When I started working for the senate, I barely knew anything about my hometown."

"I see. And senators don't go visiting villages."


The villagers eyed them suspiciously. They had, no doubt, heard that the enemy army was nearby.

Maian was very good at ignoring that, she seemed totally at ease. Soren, however, preferred to keep a close watch on them.

"Hey, you! Are you with the apostle's army?", a man shouted at them.

Maian turned to face the speaker. "Yes, we are. I am Senator Maian, Second Duchess of Idras. But believe me, the two of us have not come here to attack this village."

Why is she telling them that?

The man blushed, apparently the senator had just read his mind.

Did he really believe that? We seem like children to them, after all...

"But you could be spies!", the man answered.

"In that case we would hardly tell you that we belonged to the army, would we?"


"Come, Soren. Let us have a look around."

Soren followed her. Maian moved with her usual grace and elegance, as if this was just the garden behind her house. And Soren soon realised that the people stopped looking at them. He wondered if Maian was making them calm down.

After some time they found a store that sold clothes. They went inside to take a look.

"How about that one?", Maian asked, pointing at a long white cloak.

"Not bad, but white - "

"Did you always wear black?"


"How about a change, then? Besides, it would make a nice contrast to your hair. Such a peculiar dark green..."

"So you noticed. Most people think it's black."

Maian smiled. "Most people are a little dumb."


Soren bought himself a new black robe and the white coat.

When they returned to the fort, everyone seemed to be excited. Soon they found out why: Rafiel, Reyson and Nailah had arrived, and a soldier from Begnion brought them interesting, good news.

"A rebellion's broken out! General Zelgius managed to rescue the prime minister. They joined forces with Duchess Liane of Idras. They started asking people things like, "Who would you rather believe, the senate or the apostle?" and most people chose you, Empress Sanaki! They have gone onto the streets, protesting against the senate's rule and demanding your return! Some of them have even started fighting, the duchess supports them!"

"Those are wonderful news!", Sanaki exclaimed.

"So both Sephiran and my sister are safe", Maian whispered. "I am so glad to hear that..."

"Hopefully this will keep the senate occupied for a while", Ike said. "In the mean­time, we should deal with Micaiah..."

"Micaiah? The daein general?", Rafiel asked.

"Yes, why do you ask?"

"I do not understand why she would do something like that. Please let me talk to her first, I can reason with her, I know it!"

"If you can stop her from fighting, that's just fine with me. But I doubt it – and after what happened in the mountains, most of my men – the laguz especially – long for revenge. I do not believe we will be able to avoid a fight."

"They are still at Nox Castle", Tanith said.

"I see. I will take the laguz and my men. Everyone else still needs to rest."

"I will come with you", Maian said. "There is something I need to investigate – something about her."

"Of course. You are more than welcome to join us."

As everyone went to their rooms to prepare for the oncoming battle, Maian showed up again, bringing a gift.

"What's that?", Soren asked, eying the golden thing she was holding.

"This necklace belonged to my father. I want you to have it."


"It is a gift because you managed to become an arch sage. This is a man's jewellery, I could not possibly wear it."

"But – doesn't it – you know – mean something to you?"

"It does, but I can remember my father without clinging to his possessions. I have no brothers or cousins, so it would just lie in a box and get all dusty. You can keep it, or sell it. Just as you please."

"Sell it! Where could I possibly sell something that precious? At a pawn shop, maybe, but I never go to those... Very well. I will keep it. Thank you for your genero­sity, Senator."

"Not at all. You know, I feel that you need that."

She moved away, leaving Soren utterly confused.


"General Micaiah, it's just as you predicted! The apostle's army is attacking!", a soldier shouted.

"So, Ike let them loose", Sothe said quietly. "Looks like it's just laguz for now, but I bet Ike will come to end this himself."

"You're wrong, Sothe", Micaiah replied.

"What do you mean?"

"We won't lose. And if I have to take them down myself! We need to hold on... For King Pelleas..."

Micaiah looked down on the fortifications of Nox Castle. The soldiers were all uneasy, but also determined to fulfill Micaiah's expectations. She felt a pang of pride.

I have to do this... for their sake...

The outer gate was torn down and the beasts came dashing into the courtyard, while the birds flew over the walls.

The daein soldiers fired their ballistae or used the higher ground to fire spears, spells and arrows at the enemy.

Micaiah and Sothe were standing on the landing in front of the main gate leading into the castle, surrounded by Tauroneo and other strong knights.

Micaiah could sense the anger and hatred of the laguz and realised that they were looking for her.

Soon her forces had to withdraw. No matter how many enemies they defeated, more kept coming. And then the Greil Mercenaries stormed in, followed by Senator Maian and her guards.

"Here they come", Sothe muttered, drawing his dagger.

Micaiah noticed that Soren had bought himself new clothes, and Ike had a different sword.

"That's the sacred blade Ragnell, counterpart to the Black Knight's Alondite. Speaking of which – where the hell is he at a time like this?!"

Suddenly, Micaiah noticed that Soren was right in front of her, hovering in mid-air. She could sense the magic he was using.

"Our last battle, in the gorge. Was that your strategy?"

Micaiah gasped, but didn't reply.

"That was impressive. You killed thousands of beorc soldiers with your little ambush. Well done."

"I - "

"The Maiden of Dawn... what are you? One of the Branded, that's for sure. But there is something else about you... Power. Yes, I can feel it in you. You possess great power."

"Yes, and you would know. There's something very different about you, too. Your energy feels so – ancient. You and I seem to have so much in common."

"That doesn't matter in the slightest. The only thing that does matter is that you are a dangerous adversary. You are also in Ike's path, so it falls to me to remove you. It's almost a shame. Farewell, Maiden of Dawn."

"So, you fight for someone, as well. So very much alike... But I will defeat you! I will protect the ones I love!"

"We'll see about that."

"Wait, Soren! Get me up there!"

"Yes, commander."

Seconds later, Ike appeared next to his friend, held aloft by Soren's magic.

"Micaiah, we have to talk! This is insane!"

"What's insane about people fighting for their country?"

"There's got to be something we can do! Let us help, please!"

"Why would you want to help us, after everything we've done – no, after everything I've done?"

"We know that you don't want this fight. Isn't there any way for us to avoid this?"

Micaiah closed her eyes.

"No. No, I'm afraid there isn't."

"Just talk to me! We can find a way!"

"You don't understand. We can't stop. I'm sorry, but I can't explain it more clearly than that."

"Micaiah, I don't want you to die. I don't want all of your soldiers to die. You have to let me help you."

"Ike... now I see. Now it makes sense."

"What makes sense?"

"Sothe always talks so highly of you. Now I know the reason. You truly are a good person... It's a shame..."

"Why is that a shame?"

"Because it makes what I have to do even harder. Please prepare yourself. It's time to put an end to this."

"As you wish. Goodbye, Micaiah."

Micaiah summoned all her will and strength and fired at Ike, before he or Soren had time to react. But someone else did.

Senator Maian literally dropped out of the sky and blocked Micaiah's attack.

"My apologies, Maiden, but I cannot let you do that."

"Thanks, Maian", Ike said.

"No need to thank me. Without you, we would have a hard time."

"You and Micaiah seem to be much the same", Soren observed.

"Yes, I believe she is heron-blooded, just like me. We possess the same powers, after all."

"But something is different."

"I know."

Micaiah couldn't believe her ears. They were discussing this right in front of Ike – who didn't seem to mind. After having a short glimpse at his thoughts Micaiah reali­sed that Soren had told him about himself and Maian.

As Micaiah readied herself for another attack, she suddenly realised that the courtyard was filled with enemy soldiers.

"General, we are seriously outnumbered!", a soldier shouted.

"Everyone, pull back into the castle! Save your lives!", Micaiah ordered.

As she backed away, Soren stepped onto the balcony.

"Oh no, you won't get away that easily!"

"Let her go, Soren", Maian said softly. "We cannot kill her."

"Why not?"

"We need her alive."

"Did you have another vision?"

"Yes, but an incomplete one. I just know that if we kill her, we all will be doomed. Let her go."

Sothe pulled Micaiah inside. They managed to close the door and bolt it before the alliance arrived. Seconds later, the door began to shake.

"At this rate, they're going to break through", Sothe said grimly.

"Wait a minute", Micaiah said, remembering something. "Didn't Queen Almedha recognise the mark of the Blood Pact right away? Why didn't she tell us earlier? Come on!"

Micaiah dashed through the corridors of Nox Castle, looking for the queen.


"Ike! What's going on? Where did they go?", Ranulf asked.

"Inside. We let them. According to the senator, we mustn't kill Micaiah."

"That won't be possible. If my men find her, they'll tear her to pieces! And there's nothing I can do to prevent that – they're on the verge of losing control."

Maian didn't look happy about that.

"Maybe a galdr could calm them?", Ike asked.

"No, I doubt Leanne could use one on all of them. It's not just my people, you see."

Tibarn, Leanne, Janaff and Ulki joined them.

"Is there a problem?", Tibarn asked.

"Well, sort of."

But just as Ike was about to explain, Ulki held up a hand.

"Wait – what is that? It sounds big – bigger than Nala."

"What, that's possible?", Ike asked.

"Uh-oh", Janaff said. "That's bad."

"How bad?", Tibarn asked.

"It's a Goldoan Black Dragon!"

Tibarn gasped. "Everyone, down! Pretend you're not there."

Moments later the gigantic creature arrived. The dragon took a deep breath and fired a blast that cut off one of the castle's towers. Shouting and screaming, the soldiers tried to get out of the way of the falling stones.

A pegasus appeared in front of the dragon, bearing Elincia and Ena.


"All soldiers are ordered to lay down their weapons immediately!", Ena shouted. "Do so for your own welfare!"

"What do we do now?", Skrimir asked.

"Well, I know that I'm not ready to stand up to a Goldoan Black Dragon", Tibarn replied. "Did you see that blast?! Let's pull back, fast!"


As Micaiah and Sothe searched the castle, Nailah and Rafiel caught up with them.


"Rafiel! Am I glad to see you!"

Micaiah threw herself into his arms. Rafiel gently stroke her hair.

"Micaiah, what is going on? Why are you fighting the apostle?"

"I'm sorry, but I can't tell you. Are you here to help us?"

"I want to talk you out of this."

"Then you are wasting your time. More importantly, we need to find Queen Almedha. We can talk later!"

As they continued, Pelleas showed up and took them to the room his mother was in. Almedha was staring out of the window, at the damage the dragon had caused.

"Queen Almedha, you knew about the Blood Pact right away, didn't you? Why didn't you say anything about how to break it? I had to sacrifice thousands of lives to buy your son the time to find the solution!", Micaiah accused.

"You really have to ask? I knew that if I told you you would butcher my son in order to save your doomed country!"

"Well, he wanted us to do that, but it wouldn't work, because we don't have the do­cument, right?"

"That is correct."

"How about you tell us what you know?", Sothe asked.

"Please, mother. We need to know."

"Very well. You all know the story how the plague killed the entire royal family except my husband, I assume? Well, this story is incorrect. Prince Ashnard was from a line that was never in question of inheriting the throne, there were too many other princes and princesses closer to the king. My husband tricked his father into signing a Blood Contract with a wandering sage and then had the sage invoke the curse. Those who had not already died from the plague were killed by the curse. I was there when it ended... my husband killed his own father and then tore apart the document. That is how he became king, the last of his house."

"Mother, I can't believe you never told me."

"How could you expect me to?! I would rather see all of Daein perish than watch my own son die!"

"Why are you so selfish?", Sothe asked, sounding disgusted.

"It's because of me that my brother died... And my son was taken from me... Do you have any idea how I feel?!"

They all stared at her. That moment, Kurth came rushing in.

"Almedha! Pull yourself together! You have to be strong now, sister!"

"Sister?", the others echoed.

"Kurthnaga... you have come."

"Of course. I could never abandon you. I will help you, just as promised. Just tell me what is going on. We'll end this war."

Pelleas looked thunderstruck. Apparently, he hadn't heard about his uncle before.

"That dragon just now – was that – you?", he asked.

"Yes. Didn't my sister tell you she was a goldoan? Our father is King Deghinsea."

Pelleas gasped.


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