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The Curse of the Brand



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Old Friends, new Allies

Zelgius tried his best to keep his impassive face, although he felt the urge to break every bone in Valtome's body. They were standing in front of Valtome's tent, sur­rounded by the strongest soldiers in the army. Not that any of them would have been much of a challenge.

"I think I warned you not to question my orders, but that apparently wasn't enough – you had to ignore them! People like you are a threat to the army! Therefore it is only just that I deal the most severe punishment."

Zelgius felt no need to comment that.

"Don't worry, your estate and grounds will be looked after – they will be mine, of course! Uweee-heeee-heeeee!"

"Senator Valtome, please wait!", Levail called. "You can't execute General Zelgius, please!"

"Silence, Levail, or do you want to be next?"

The young man gasped and fell silent.

"Oh, but I will make sure to tell your story, general... How you managed to slay hundreds of sub-humans and then died a true hero's death... You will become a le­gend, I promise you that."

"What?! You want to twist the truth and tell the people lies?!", Levail asked in dis­belief.

"Lies? Who is talking about lies? I merely do not wish to trouble the people with things they could not possibly understand. Now, Zelgius. On your knees. It is time for you to die."

Zelgius silently cursed Valtome in any way he could think of as he dropped onto his knees. The soldier who had been appointed the task of executing him stepped for­ward.

A spear, seemingly coming out of nowhere, dug itself into the ground right in front of the executioner.

"Hold it right there, if you care for your life!", a stern, cold voice commanded.

"You!", Valtome cried. "You are Deputy-Commander Tanith of the Holy Guards! What in the name of Ashera are you doing here?!"

Tanith's pegasus alighted and she dismounted.

"I'm afraid the execution has been cancelled, senator. All soldiers loyal to Begnion are to stand down immediately, the apostle will be here shortly! Prepare to receive her properly."

"The apostle?! Impossible!"

Laughing, Zelgius got to his feet.

"It would appear that you reign over this army has ended."

The soldiers were all excited. Tanith gave Zelgius one of her rare smiles.

A group of pegasi appeared and approached quickly. Zelgius spotted Sigrun, who was having another rider with her...

"All kneel before Apostle Sanaki, Empress of Begnion!", Sigrun called.

"It's her! It's really the apostle!"

"She has come to visit us!"

Tanith helped Sanaki off the pegasus and Sigrun dismounted as well. The other members of the Holy Guards stayed on their steeds, some of them gripping their lances tightly, as if they were unsure what to expect.

"My soldiers, I have a declaration to make", Sanaki said. "This war you are fighting, in which already several of your comrades died, was none of my doing. I never wished for war with the Laguz Alliance, on the contrary, I opposed it from the very beginning. This war has been initiated and carried out by the senators – save the prime minister and Senator Maian. I myself was locked up inside Mainal Cathedral while the senators told the public I was ill and took over the empire."

"What? The senators – betray the apostle? Impossible!"

"But why would the apostle lie to us?"

"Do not be deceived, brave soldiers of the empire!", Valtome called. "She is not the true apostle!"

"Oh!", Sigrun replied. "So we are not the true Holy Guards, is that what you mean to say?"

Several people laughed at the absurdity of that thought.

"Do not be deceived!", Valtome repeated. "This is no doubt a plot by that vile Sephi­ran to throw our country into turmoil - "

But he got no chance to finish his sentence. Zelgius seized him around the neck and easily lifted him off his feet.

"Insult my master's good name again and I will snap your neck, Valtome!"

"Jail him", Sanaki ordered. "He is guilty of treason and forging an arrest warrant."

Zelgius dropped the senator, who collapsed.

"Apostle, it is good to see you safe and sound. When General Sigrun told me what had happened... I could hardly believe it. But here you are, and that is all that matters. Three cheers for Apostle Sanaki!"


As the leaders of the Laguz Alliance, the Greil Mercenaries and Maian reached Melior Castle, they were greeted by Lady Lucia of Delbray, head of the palace guards.

"Welcome to Melior! Please, come inside."

They followed Lucia into the courtyard. Queen Elincia was waiting for them at the bottom of the stairs, along with Geoffrey. As they approached the queen, a joyous cry made them all jump.


Empress Sanaki came hurrying down the stairs.


Maian rushed forwards to embrace the apostle. Sanaki hid her face in Maian's chest and Maian gently stroke her hair.

"You are safe... I was so worried..."

"You're one to talk! You were just gone, no-one knew where you were, even your sister had disappeared! I'm so glad to have you back, Maian... Never leave me again..."

"I will not. I promise."

"Funny", Ike said. "This is the first time that I've seen Sanaki act like a child. She's always been so serious, so dignified."

Elincia came over to greet them.

"King Tibarn, King Caineghis, Prince Reyson, it is a pleasure meeting you again!"

"This is my nephew, Skrimir", Caineghis replied. "And here we have Prince Rafiel of Serenes and Queen Nailah of Hatary, and Senator Maian's companions."

Elincia smiled at them. "Let us go inside."

"Thank you all for coming", Sanaki said. "My thanks go also to Queen Elincia who organised this meeting and generously offered her hospitality."

"Not at all", Elincia replied. "Three years ago you did the same for me. I am merely repaying the favor."

Sanaki acknowledged that with a nod.

"First, I have to apologize to you for what the senators did... please understand that this was none of my doing."

"No need to apologize, we never suspected you in the first place. Besides, Senator Maian already told us what happened", Tibarn replied.

"I see. Now that I have left the empire, Lekain has absolute power – and Sephiran is still his prisoner. I have to go back and save my homeland... Please help me re­claim my birthright."

"I see no reason why we shouldn't help."

"I will agree to help you, under a few conditions", Caineghis said. "First, the imme­diate and complete emancipation of any laguz still living in slavery and second that we establish connections between our countries without any bias against laguz or beorc. If you agree on these two points, I am willing to help."

"I accept your conditions. I will also cede Serenes Forest back to the royal family."

"Brother! Did you hear that? We can finally go home!", Reyson exclaimed.

Rafiel smiled, while Leanne rushed forward to embrace Sanaki. The empress loo­ked slightly taken aback.

"Then Crimea, Phoenecis, Serenes and Gallia hereby form an alliance to help Apostle Sanaki", Elincia concluded.

"Thank you. All that remains is – this army needs a leader. I hereby appoint Sir Ike general of our combined armies."

"What the – hey, wait a minute! Not again..."

"I'm sorry, Sir Ike", Sigrun said. "But we thought it better not to tell you beforehand..."

"So you couldn't refuse", Sanaki added, looking smug. "You are the only one who commands enough trust and respect from all nations and races."

"Right, I'll do it. But why not let Zelgius do that? He'd be ideal for the job."

"General Zelgius has returned to Begnion to rescue Sephiran."

"I see. But remember this, apostle: once this is over, you'll get one heck of a bill."

"I know. And I also know you will be worth it. That reminds me – I have something for you. Sigrun!"

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Sigrun placed a wooden case on the table and opened it for Ike to see its contents.

"This is a little payment in advance. I trust you remember this blade", Sanaki said, smiling.

Ike carefully lifted Ragnell out of the crate.

"Yes, I do. But you said it was a national treasure of Begnion because it belonged to Altina..."

"True. But I do not use swords – and I could think of no-one more worthy of wielding this blade."

"I see. Thanks, apostle."

"Well then, we should decide what to do now", Skrimir said, rubbing his big hands together.

"I suggest we take the same route as last time", Soren replied. "We have already fought there and are familiar with the surroundings."

"That sounds good", Sanaki replied. "We need to hurry – about half of the central army's soldiers have run over to join the senate – and they freed Valtome."

"You should have executed him right there!", Maian said angrily.

"I wanted to give him a fair hearing!"

"This is war, we have no time for that! He has turned against you, that is proof enough!"

"Why did they join the senate?", Ike asked.

"The senate has spread rumours that I am not the true apostle", Sanaki explained angrily. "They claim that I am an agent of evil who has come to turn them away from the goddess' graces."

"Rubbish. If someone's an agent of evil, it's that Lekain. I don't believe it... how can people be so stupid?"

Suddenly, Leanne dropped something. Ike recognised Lehran's medallion instantly. Leanne wanted to pick it up, but Maian was quicker. She bent down and reached for the medallion.

Several people gasped.

"Don't!", Mist shouted. "That's - "

Maian's fingers touched the medallion. For a heartbeat, Ike expected her to go ber­serk, but nothing happened. Maian slowly stood up, gazing mesmerized at the me­dallion.

"Of course", she said quietly. "I should have known... it was you all the time..."

"Who is she talking to?", Ike asked.

"You are lonely? No, I cannot do that... I am sorry. So sorry..." A tear was trickling down her cheek. "Can you help us? We need to restore order as quickly as possi­ble..."

Maian seemed to be listening to something only she could hear. The next moment, blue flames shot from the medallion. Maian jumped, but didn't drop the medallion.

"No! Please, calm down... I know you are upset, but please... just sleep..."

The blue fire faded away. Maian took a deep breath and looked up.

"Who were you just talking to?", Ike asked.

Maian looked at him, puzzled. "What do you mean?"

"Do you want to say you don't know?"

"I do not remember... what was I doing just now?"

"You were talking to the medallion."

"Strange. Why would I do that?"

"Speaking of which, you did something very reckless. What if you had gone ber­serk?"

"I did not believe the chances of that were very high", she replied dryly.

Ike flinched when he realised what she was getting at.

Maian handed the medallion back to Leanne.

"Here. Take it away from the battlefields, the chaos is already affecting the Fire Em­blem. We do not want it to get worse."

That moment, a crimean soldier came hurrying into the room.

"Please excuse me, your majesties, but – I have urgent news. Bad news. The Daein Royal Army has appeared at Oribes Bridge. They demand that Crimea hands Apostle Sanaki over into their custody. They claim that she is a fraud and needs to be taken to the senate!"

Sanaki went pale. "What – what is going on here? Why would Daein cooperate with the senate?!"

"They either believe the senate's lies – or the senate is pulling some strings behind the scenes", Tanith growled.

"I believe the latter", Maian said. "That would be just like them – besides, they al­ready made Daein attack the alliance."

"Daein wants to get in our hair again? Perfect!", Ike said. "We should deal with them first."

"I agree", Maian added. "Marching directly into Begnion without addressing this pro­blem might cause more trouble – they might invade Crimea or ambush us on our way to Sienne."

"Well then, let's head for the Great Bridge."


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