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The Curse of the Brand



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Despair and Hope

"Something about those "reinforcements" bothers me", Soren said gloomily.

Ike, Titania, Soren and Elincia had gathered to discuss their strategy.

"What a surprise!", Titania exclaimed. "Mister Soren is displeased. Pray tell us, what is it this time?"

"You haven't realized, captain? I didn't expect you to be so dumb."

"Soren, just get to the point!", Ike demanded.

"Right. This platoon is much larger than the one we received first, but what is more: all soldiers carry the emblems and flags of Begnion. At this rate, the victory will be Begnion's victory, and the deeds of the small group of mercenaries will be discreetly swept away. If that happens, Crimea will be rebuilt the way Begnion wants, and the princess will be nothing more than a puppet ruler. Mark my words!"

"Soren, I think you're exaggerating", Ike stated.

"I agree!", Elincia added. "Surely the empress would never do such a thing!"

"And General Zelgius seems to be an honorable man", Titania concluded. "Do we always have to suspect others like that?"

"Yes, we have to! Just think about Nasir! It was exactly this kind of behaviour that allowed him to remain undetected for so long! Besides, the empress isn't the only one who's dealing here. She might be honest, yes, but I really have my doubts about the senate."

"Then what do you suggest we do?", Ike asked.


Maian, Lehran and Sanaki had gathered to read Tanith's next letter.

"General Ike has ordered General Zelgius and his men to stay in Daein and secure the country. They are supposed to make sure we are not ambushed from behind while making our way to Crimea.

We found two more unexpected allies, this time from Daein: General Tauroneo, who was a friend of General Ike's father, and Sir Haar, a friend and comrade of young Jill. He used to fight under General Shiharam, both of them left Begnion to join the daein army.

We have successfully crossed Oribes Bridge and are now in Crimea. General Pe­trine of the Four Riders has fallen. We were greeted by the survivors of House Delbray, Lady Lucia and General Geoffrey, as well as Bastian, Count of Fayre. Each day, more of the princess' retainers join us. The princess has been provided with a pegasus and arms. Wielding the treasured blade Amiti, she now fights alongside us. We have also received word that Gallia is preparing for war. King Caineghis intends to come to Princess Elincia's aid.

A bad thing is that our captive, Nasir, has fled. He simply disappeared from the camp, without leaving any traces. Apparently, he didn't fight to get out. Ranulf of Gallia had wanted to talk to him, but missed his chance."

"Well, this is getting better every day", Lehran said cheerfully. "The crimean army is growing... It also appears that the people of Crimea have accepted the existence of their princess because Daein has been looking for her so desperately."

"That means her people won't object to her ascending to the throne", Sanaki con­cluded.

"Yes. Elincia of course never expected this to happen – her uncle was supposed to be the next king."

"And now she is even fighting... I never expected her to. She always seemed so gentle, calm and – well – weak."

"Appearances can be deceptive", Maian said. "And it can be a good thing to make the enemy believe you are weak – so you can surprise them with your strength. Besides, the princess needs not to be a strong fighter, but her very presence on the battlefield and her strong will are going to give her followers courage."

"I see."


As Ike's army crossed Marhaut Range into Central Crimea, they were surprised to meet Tibarn.

"Hello, kids. I thought you might need some help."

"Tibarn! So you got my letter!", Reyson exclaimed.

"You wrote him?", Ike asked.

"Yes. We're going to fight Ashnard, right? The more we have, the better."

"I totally agree with you."

"I have news for you", Tibarn said gravely. "But let's meet with the king of beasts first. He's waiting on the other side of the mountains."

King Caineghis was delighted to see Ike and Elincia save and sound. He expressed his congratulations for their achievements. But just as they were about to start some small talk, they were interrupted by Tibarn.

"I don't mean to be rude, but I have some urgent news. Some urgent bad news, I should say. Reyson, I'm sorry."

"About what?"

"Leanne got kidnapped. I suspect it was a daein soldier."

"What?! How could anyone kidnap her from right under your nose?!"

"I have not the slightest idea."

"The Black Knight", Ike said.


"He's a daein general. He can warp himself around... I've seen him doing that after we fought at Delbray Castle."

"He was there?", Ranulf, a gallian captain, asked, surprised.

"Yes. He stayed behind and I waited until we had won the battle before challenging him. But even though I have grown stronger, I was unable to harm him."

"Yeah, I know what's it like. When you boarded the ship in Toha, I fought against him... I wasn't able to as much as scratch him – in my beast form, mind you! – while he moved much too quickly for an armoured knight and his blows were so powerful... if that Sephiran guy hadn't stepped in, that would have been the end of poor old Ranulf."

"You were saved by the Prime Minister of Begnion?", Ike asked.

"Yes, but I had no idea he was someone that important. He looked just like a monk."

"Well, we didn't know either."

"But why would Ashnard order Princess Leanne kidnapped?", Caineghis asked.

"Because of the medallion", Soren said.

"But Leanne can't use that galdr", Ike objected.

"And Ashnard doesn't know."

"If only I had the medallion...", Reyson said. "Then we wouldn't be in danger... I could even calm it when there was a battle going on."

"What do you mean?"

"Any form of chaos affects the medallion. We, the descendants of Lehran, possess the ability to control it."

"Yeah, that's what that stubborn old lizard always says", Tibarn growled. ""Do not fan the flames of war". It's been the same for ages!"

"But what – if there is more than one way for the Dark God to be freed?", Soren mused.

"Oh ho, aren't you the clever one!", Tibarn exclaimed. "That's exactly what the Black Dragon King keeps telling us. That – no matter what – all nations of Tellius must never go to war with each other at the same time."

"Could it be? I think I know Ashnard's ambition. Let's assume that a war between the nations would affect the medallion and free the god. Let's further assume that this works no matter where the medallion is or who is holding it, and that King Daein thinks likewise. I can hear him right now... "Where is the cinder for the blaze I need?" This also explains his surprise attack on Crimea. This was his only option – Begnion is too powerful, he could never win that war. But Crimea, being known rather for having skilled scholars than knights, was easy prey."

Elincia bowed her head, but said nothing.

"Also Ashnard probably expected Crimea's ally Gallia to enter the conflict. And the flames of war would spread – reach the other laguz nations, Begnion – and even­tually – the medallion."

"That would be a logical explanation", Caineghis agreed.

"But then, if we attack him at Melior, wouldn't we be doing him a favour?", Tibarn asked.

"We can't go back now", Ike said. "Not after what we've been through. We have to stop Ashnard and his dark ambitions once and for all! And we have to rescue Leanne."


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