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The Curse of the Brand



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The White Prince

"The assignment the apostle gave us really was a strange one", Ike told Elincia once they had returned. "I've no idea why she wanted us to raid that merchant ca­ravan."

"The cargo really bothers me", Titania added. "I can't help myself but think there were living beings inside those crates. And they were heavy."

"I heard that the cargo was handed over into the custody of Senator Maian, so I think it will be alright", Elincia replied. "She is a very nice person."

"You met her?", Ike asked, surprised. "I've never seen her before."

"Well, she told me she doesn't like being around people too much, she rather keeps to herself. But she has promised me to help in any way possible, and I believe she meant it."

"I see... and today's mission wasn't a total waste of time, the payment was great and we got a new man."

"If you are talking about that Makalov guy, I tell you something: that guy's going to be more trouble than help", Soren said. "We would have been better off if we had killed him along with those merchants."

"Soren! Don't be so cold, he is Marcia's brother, after all!", Mist exclaimed.

"So what? Like I care! Besides, do you have any idea how much money he owed several people? He owed those merchants as well!"

"He'll simply work without pay until he has repaid the money he owes us", Ike replied. "I'm not about to let this idiot ruin my company."


Sanaki heard the sound of clashing swords. She stepped into the courtyard and stopped in the shadow of a pillar.

Commander Ike and his sister, Mist, were practising. A powerful strike send Mist flying through the air. She hit the floor pretty hard and lay there for some moments.

"Get up, Mist!", Ike shouted. "In a fight you would be dead by now."

Slowly, the girl got to her feet.

"I know that. But your blow was just too hard..."

"I won't go easy on you just because you're a girl. Father was never easy on me, either..."

"Yeah, I remember how he used to knock you unconscious..."

"In battle, you have to be always on your guard. The slightest mistake invites death."

"Father always said that... Say, Ike, how long will it take me until I can use this sword in battle?"

"Hm." He tilted his head to one side. "About two years, if you are a quick learner and don't neglect your training."

"So long?"

"I'm not going to let you stand in the front line if you're not capable of keeping your­self safe. It's too risky. Until you're ready, you stay at the rear, with Rhys and Rolf."

"Alright. As long as you don't leave me behind..."

Mist's gaze wandered over her surroundings and settled on Sanaki.

"Brother! Look!"

Ike whirled around, sword still drawn. Sanaki stepped out of the shadows.

"Apostle." He sheathed his sword. "Can I help you?"

"You could stop glaring at me like that", she suggested.

Ike blinked, he had obviously not expected an answer like that.

"Don't think it's because of you, I always look like that."

"Is that so?"

"It's true!", Mist interjected. "He has about three different kinds of glares, and he hardly ever smiles. It's a pity, really..."

"Shut up, Mist."

"I have come to offer you a new assignment", Sanaki said. "We have had a series of break-ins lately. My soldiers have tracked down those bandits to Grann Desert. I want you to go there and arrest their leaders."

"You want them alive?"


"Hm. That's going to cost you extra, you know. Making prisoners is something I have no experience with – we are usually hired to drive bandits away or kill them, if we have to."

"Money is not the point."

"In that case, please provide us with as much information as possible."

"Commander Sigrun will brief you before you leave."

"Good. Are you all by yourself today? Normally, there's at least one guard tailing behind you."

"Sigrun and Tanith are both busy, but Maian should be somewhere close... I wonder what is the matter with her. She has been acting really strange ever since she retur­ned from her summer vacation."

"Princess Elincia told me the senator doesn't like being around people."

"Well, that's only partly true. It depends on the people – Maian does not mind spen­ding her time with me or Sephiran – and one of her guards, Nala, always follows her like a shadow. But I know Maian is not fond of the other senators – I think they disgust her. She has a very pure heart, and some of them – well, never mind that."

"Senator Maian doesn't have many friends, right?", Mist asked.

"No... I'm not sure if you can call the relationship between her and Nala friendship, but apart from her the only friend she has is Sephiran."

"Very much like Soren", Ike observed.

"Soren? Oh, you mean your cold little mage."

"Yeah, that's him. I'm his only friend and I think that I am the only one he trusts. He never attempted to get friends with the others – although Mist would surely have liked to be friends with him."

"Did something happen to him? I mean, there has to be a reason for this...", Sanaki mused.

"I don't know. Soren never spoke about his past, and I'd rather not ask him."


Soren stood behind a window on the first floor and looked down onto the three people talking in the court. They were talking about him now.

I wonder... will they ever find out why I'm like this? I didn't choose this life... It just happened to me...

A sudden feeling told him that he was being watched. Soren whirled around.

"Who is it? I know you're there! It's no use hiding."

"There is no need to be anxious. I mean you no harm."

Someone moved on the gallery upstairs. The light falling through a window made it impossible for Soren to see more than just the silhouette, but he could tell it was a woman.

"Who are you? Show yourself!"

"You are in no position to order me around, therefore I see no reason whatsoever to do as you say."

The figure abruptly moved into the shadows and disappeared. Soren shook his head.

What was that strange feeling I had just now?


Thanks to Sigrun's information, the Greil Mercenaries had found the ruins that were supposed to be the bandits' hideout. Ike stopped on top of a dune and looked at his companions.

The original members of the mercenaries were, apart from Titania, Mist and Soren, Oscar, a former Royal Knight who wielded lances, his younger brothers Boyd, an axe-fighter and Rolf, an archer, Gatrie, an armoured knight wielding lances and Rhys, a healer. But a lot of people had joined them ever since the war had started. Mia, a myrmidon, had been rescued by Greil. Ilyana was an elemental mage spe­cialising on thunder magic who had been forced to fight for Daein against her will. Brom, an armoured axe knight and Nephenee, a halberdier, were two milicians from the village of Ohma and Kieran a member of the Royal Knights who had turned out to be Oscar's self-appointed life-long rival. He used an axe in battle. Ike and his companions had rescued those three along with Sephiran from a prison camp. Then there was Zihark, a myrmidon who had helped them board the ship in Port Toha. King Caineghis had sent two of his soldiers, the cat Lethe and the tiger Mor­decai, along. Then there was Marcia, a former member of the Holy Guards who had joined Ike searching for her brother, Makalov, she used lances. Makalov was a sword paladin. Astrid was a noble from Begnion, a bow paladin who had offered to help them. Then there was Sothe, a stowaway thief who had boarded their ship in search for someone. Ike had offered not to punish him if he worked for them. Sothe was content with getting three meals a day and having a place to stay, unlike the mysterious man Volke, who charged money for every lock he opened. He had claimed to have a report for Ike that would cost him 50.000 gold – an amount of money Ike just didn't have. The last member of the group was the daein wyvern knight Jill, who was only a few years older than Mist. Jill had pursued them on her own and had been forced to join them because she was unable to land in Goldoa, Phoenecis or Kilvas. A convinced hater of the laguz – she had always called them sub-humans – she had now realized that this was wrong and offered Ike her help.

As they approached the ruins, Ike noticed that someone was coming to meet them. A small figure clad in a long hooded cloak and a tiger.

"Who are you and what do you want?", the hooded figure demanded to know.

"I'm Ike, Commander of the Greil Mercenaries. We were hired to take care of the bandits that roam this area."

"What! More of the senators' dogs! But we won't lose to the likes of you! Brothers! Fight!"

With a loud roar, the tiger transformed. The figure leapt onto his back and the tiger sped away in the direction of the ruins. The entrance was opened and cats, tigers, hawks and ravens filled out.

"Blast!", Ike shouted, drawing his sword. "Why didn't they tell us they were laguz bandits? Soren, Rolf, concentrate on the flying enemies! Everyone else, move out!"

It was a tough fight. The sand made it almost impossible for the riders to move, only the magic-users and the flying units could move at their usual speed.

In accordance to their orders, the mercenaries knocked as many enemies uncon­scious without killing or hurting them too badly. The entrance to the ruins was blocked by the huge green tiger they had met earlier.

"My friends and I are no bandits", he growled as Ike approached, his sword raised. "But I doubt you are interested in this."

"Are you the leader?"


"Then prepare yourself!"

Ike rushed forward. The tiger dodged his attack and retaliated, using teeth and claws. Ike soon realized that he alone was too weak to defeat him. Soren came dashing towards him, his long black robe flowing behind him. He shouted several words in the Ancient Tongue and hurled a fireball at the tiger. The beast growled, instinctively trying to avoid the fire. Ike used the distraction to land a blow that threw the tiger off his feet. He collided with a rock and reverted into his human shape.

"Hah – I give up. Take me with you, or kill me. I do not care. But my friends – would you let them go? Please?"

"If they stop attacking us, yes. Our orders are to capture you."

"No! I won't allow that!"

The boy from earlier came running and threw himself in front of the tiger.

"If you want to take Muarim away, you'll have to kill me first!"

Ike could see that this boy had to be younger than Sothe – he was maybe about Mist's age. And – he was a beorc.

"Little one... I told you to stay hidden..."

"But I won't watch my friends being beaten to death!"

"He's one of you?", Ike asked, surprised.

"No... he has nothing to do with us – sub-humans."

"Stop lying, Muarim! I'm here because I want to! Who is the leader of the Laguz Emancipation Liga? I, Tormod!"

"Hey, slow down!", Ike interjected. "I can't keep up anymore... A laguz who calls himself sub-human, a beorc who claims to be the leader of the Laguz Emancipation Liga... Could somebody please explain to me what the hell is going on?"

Muarim slowly got to his feet, Tormod trying to support him.

"You are willing to listen to us?", Muarim asked, surprised.

"If that makes a few things clearer, yes. The apostle isn't the one to give explana­tions, she just orders us around."

"In that case, let us go inside. Otherwise you will get sunburned."

"It was custom to keep slaves in Begnion?", Titania asked, outraged.

"Yes, until 20 years ago. The empress at the time declared it illegal and all laguz slaves were released – that is, all those who worked for commoners. But some of the nobles still ignore the law... Until a few years ago, many slaves were liberated by – as we believe – a member of the senate, but all off a sudden, that stopped. We don't know why, but ever since we have been breaking into the noble's houses, freeing the slaves. We already tried to tell the senate, but that didn't help."

"But the methods you use make it pretty easy for them to frame you as bandits and hunt you down. Surely you must have realized that", Soren replied.

"We have!", Tormod retorted. "But what should we do? Just leave them be?"

"I might be able to help you", Ike said slowly. "I have an idea... But you two must come with me to Sienne. If the senate will not help you, the apostle maybe will."

"Right. Let's try that."

"So, this is the bandits' leader?", Sanaki asked, sounding surprised. "He is just a child!"

"Hear who's talking", Tormod muttered.

Ike silently agreed with him. Tormod was about one head taller than Sanaki.

"What was that?", Sanaki asked.

"You call me a child? Now that's funny!"

"Ike, why have you brought this rude person to me? What are you plotting?"

"If there is someone doing some plotting, it's you, apostle."

"I have not the slightest idea what you mean."

"You want me to tell you? Fine. First, you give us an assignment that leads us across some laguz slave traders, and then you send us to go and find some "ban­dits" who turn out to be the Laguz Emancipation Liga! A bit obvious, isn't it?"

"And there I thought you would be too stupid to realize that..."

"Excuse me?!"

"Sorry to interrupt you, but what the hell is going on?!", Tormod asked.

"It seems that the apostle knew what was going on about the laguz slaves, and ob­viously she wanted to change it."

"That is correct", Sanaki confirmed. "20 years ago, my honored grandmother, Em­press Misaha, liberated the slaves and made the laguz equals to the beorc. But her dream – which was also my parents' dream – has not yet been realized. My friend Maian has done her best to help the laguz slaves, but some of the other senators suspected her and she had to stop."

"So we were right after all", Muarim said. "It was a member of the senate."

"Yes. Maian was always very much interested in the complete emancipation of the laguz – I was told that her father started it, along with Sephiran. Actually, it was Maian who suggested to let the Greil Mercenaries make contact with your little group. We have watched you for some time, but we were unable to do something ourselves – the Empress of Begnion does not associate with bandits, after all."

"So, are you going to help us?", Tormod asked.

"As much as I can. Which directly leads us to your next task – Ike, I need your help once more."

"What for?"

"I have received reports that Oliver, Duke of Tanas, is acting suspiciously. He is at his summer residence these days. I want you to go there and bring me a proof of – whatever he is doing there. If you can do that, I will grant Princess Elincia my support."

"Very well. I won't fail you."


Reyson glared at the fat man standing in front of him out of hateful eyes.

Damn you, Naesala! I'll never forgive you for betraying me – for selling me! As if I was yours to sell!

Reyson, who was the only survivor of the Serenes Massacre save for his father, King Lorazieh, had been on a trip to the forest along with his childhood-friend Naesala. The raven king had suggested they could spend the night in a senator's empty residence, left Reyson alone and didn't return. Minutes later Reyson had been surrounded by soldiers.

"You are the incarnation of true beauty", the fat man exclaimed. "Do not worry, my lovely bird. I will do you no harm. You will have a wonderful life here with me, oh yes..."

"I have no intention of staying here."

"Oh? Well, it is not like I will ever let you go. None of the other senators can boast with possessing a heron – even Senator Maian's dragon is nothing in comparison to you. I think I will take you to a meeting of the senate, yes... That is, if you are obe­dient."

"I will never obey you, even if it should cost me my life, you ugly fat human!"

"Ooooh, you are even beautiful when you are angry! Those sparkling green eyes, this golden hair and those white wings..."

"Get away from me!"

Reyson seized a vase and hurled it at the man.

"Ouch! My beautiful nose!"

A soldier rushed forward.

"How dare you attack Bishop Tanas, sub-human!"

"No, stand down! You must not touch this beautiful creature!"

"Senator!" Another soldier came hurrying into the room. "We have trouble – a bunch of mercenaries just arrived, they apparently work for the apostle!"

"What?! Now this girl is sticking her nose into my business? I will deal with her!"


As expected, the guards at Tanas' villa weren't too eager to let them onto the grounds, but the letter Sanaki had given Ike convinced them otherwise.

"Slavery? The apostle would really accuse me of something that old-fashioned?", the duke exclaimed.

"She has", Ike replied. "If you would be so kind as to show us around?"

"Of course! I have nothing to hide."

Ike took Oscar and Soren with him, the others waited in front of the building – ex­cept Mist, Titania, Sothe and Rolf, who sneaked away to take a look for themselves. Sothe believed there were some back doors he could open. They split into two groups to be able to search more efficiently.


The relief Reyson had felt when the fat man finally left the room didn't last. There were still two soldiers waiting next to the door, watching each of Reyson's move­ments. He turned to look out of the window, while he stood so that he could still look at them out of the corner of his eye.

Foolish humans... Do you honestly think those wings are just for decoration?

Reyson quickly put his right foot onto the window sill while pushing the window open.

"Hey, stop right there!"

The soldiers rushed forward and one of them grabbed Reyson's arm.

"Let go of me!"

"Titania! Look, up there! Isn't that a bird tribe laguz?"

Reyson turned his head to see a girl standing on the lawn, pointing up at him. She was carrying a staff.

A woman came striding to her side. She was wearing an armour and carrying a hal­berd.

"Yes, you are right. So the rumours were true... Come, we must hurry! We have to tell the commander about this."

The two of them started to run.

"Hold it!", one of the soldiers shouted. "Hey! Are you listening?! Ignorant peasants!"


"Ike! Ike! We've seen him! One of the bird tribe, he's upstairs!"

"Are you sure?", he asked his sister.

"I saw him as well", Titania confirmed. "It looked like he wanted to jump out of the window, but soldiers were holding him. He had long golden hair and white wings..."

"Then he must be one of the heron tribe!", Muarim exclaimed.

"Well then, we have our proof. What say you now, Duke Tanas?", Ike asked.

"Argh! You will not get away with that! To arms, men! Defend me and my price with all you have got!"

"What a fool, to challenge the apostle", Muarim said.

"Greil Mercenaries, prepare for battle! Our objective is to capture Tanas and rescue the Serenes! Got that? Move out!"

Fighting against begnion soldiers was even worse than fighting those of Daein. The guards were elite troops and they certainly knew what they were doing.

The riders had difficulties using their steeds indoors, they could only fight on the ground floor. Marcia and Jill attacked their enemies from above, not caring about broken furniture. Tormod, Rolf, Astrid, Soren and Ilyana supported their allies from the back while Ike, Boyd, Muarim and Gatrie carved a path. Mia, Lethe and Morde­cai finished off what they left over.


Reyson could hear the people fighting. He didn't know the specifics, but it was obvious that those mercenaries had come for him.

The fat duke had barricaded himself in this room, trembling with rage. It wasn't a nice sight.

Reyson thought about trying the window again, but the same moment someone banged against the door.

"Duke Tanas? Are you in there? Open the door, coward, or I'll smash it to pieces!", a voice shouted.

Tanas apparently had no intentions of getting caught. He opened a secret door and disappeared, the next moment the door was smashed open.

A young man with blue eyes and hair dashed in, sword drawn, and looked around wildly. Reyson froze.

"Dammit, where did he go?"

The boy spotted Reyson.

"You are one of the heron tribe, correct?"

"I think that's pretty obvious", Reyson replied coldly.

"You're hurt! Did this man do this to you?"

The boy advanced.

"Stay back!"

"It's alright, I'm not going to hurt you. See?" The boy sheathed his sword. "Someone get Mist up here, the heron's injured!", he shouted in the direction of the door.

"I'll fetch'er!", another man shouted back.

The boy moved closer.

"I told you to stay back, cursed human!"

The boy froze.

"I just want to help you, believe me!"

"I won't fall for that", Reyson hissed."How quickly you forget... 20 years aren't so long for my race, I haven't forgotten what you have done to us! Remember the ge­nocide!"

With that, Reyson leapt out of the window and fled into the dark and desolate vast­ness of Serenes Forest.


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