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We'll Be Together Again


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The Return

The blue Mustang turned right and was greeted by the rusty sign announcing "Welcome to Mystic Falls!"

"The hell on earth," the young and handsome driver muttered unperturbed. His name was Damon and he knew this town well. There was nothing welcoming about it. Partially, the reason why he had not been here for ages. But after travelling the world for a century and a half he had found his way back here in lack of inspiration for another destination.

Therapists would probably say he'd be ready to face his demons of the past. Rubbish, in the man's opinion. Sure, there had been things troubling him in the past but he believed to have them all in check - the demons and the emotions which were attached to them.

Following the main street, which was pretty much the town's only street he passed a large real estate, the most expensive estate of the town as well. It belonged to the town mayor Lockwood who was living there with his family. Damon huffed as an evil smile spread across his lips. Had they known who he was they'd be running for their lives by now.

But he didn't mean them any harm. Not the current generation right now. They just happened to have been born into this pathetic family. They had nothing to do with the incident back then. The former generation however had gotten what they deserved and he was sure that none of them actually rested in peace.

Driving further down the road Damon noticed that almost nothing had changed during the last 140 and some years. On the outward that is. If there had been changes in the town's character was yet to find out.

Damon didn't know if it was the fact alone that he was back at this place or maybe the not unimportant addition that there would be a full moon tonight. Right now it was covered by the clouds hanging in the sky but already in a few hours when the sun had set the moon would shine in his full glory.

Talk about demons.

As he felt everything coming back to him Damon slowed down and paid attention to a red light for most likely the very first time. Though he couldn't care less about any citizen's life he didn't want to draw attention to himself by accidently running somebody over while lost in thoughts.

He saw her face... her piercing, brown eyes... her sweet, childlike smile... the slick, brown hair that smelled like roses...

It took him a moment to realize that he was indeed seeing her face. The fact hit him so hard that his left foot unintentionally pushed down the gas pedal but almost instantly his right feet slammed the brakes. With a jolt his car came to a halt, merely inches in front of the woman.

Damon stared at her in disbelief. How was this possible? Was this a déjà-vu? Fate's sick way of humor? Maybe he was dreaming? Or seeing a ghost?

And then her last words echoed in his ears

We'll be together again...


Ich versuch mich mal an einer AU Story, während ich hoffe, dass meine Muse demnächst mal wieder mit Material für Every End Has A Start anrückt. Langsam nervt diese Blockade...

Letztendlich war es dieser letzte Satz, der mich inspiriert hat.In der Serie waren es ja Katherines letzte Worte an Stefan und irgendwie haben die Eindruck auf mich gemacht.

In den nächsten Kapiteln werdet ihr dann erfahren, was damals passiert ist. Ist nämlich nicht ganz so abgelaufen wie in der Serie, ist halt AU.

Hoffe hab euch neugierig genug gemacht, sodass ihr demächst wieder vorbeizuschaut :)

Eure Asu

First Encounter

Eins nach dem anderen, sag ich mir immer, wenn ich sehe wie lang es schon her ist seit ich ein neues Kapitel gepostet hab. Ich fühl mich furchtbar deswegen! Aber die Schule hat mich ein bisschen aus der Bahn geworfen. Muss meine Wunsch-Zukunft jetzt ein wenig umändern. Aber ich meine FFs werden immer noch ein Teil von ihr sein! FF schreiben hilft mir sogar dabei, also werd ich versuchen dran zu bleiben und möglichst regelmäßig ein neues Kapitel zu posten. Hoffe euch gefällt das neues Kapitel!


It took Damon some time to snap back into focus. Finally it was an angry female voice which brought him out of his trance.

"Hey, I'm talking to you!"

"Huh? What?"

Damon took of his sunglasses and blinked a few times. The figure that resembled Katherine so much was still there. So it wasn't a hallucination. Could it be...? No, Katherine was dead. She died in his arms those many years ago. Then who was...

"I'm talking to you!" the Katherine copy snapped. "Keep your thoughts on the road, will you? You nearly ran me over!"


"Sorry?" she repeated incredulously. "I can't believe it."

She shook her head and resumed walking. Watching the first vision of Katherine walking away made him snap out of it.

"Hey, wait!"

She stopped and turned back to him. "Oh, have we finally woken up? Good morning," she added sarcastically.

"I'm sorry. Really. You look familiar," he said. "What's your name?"

She crossed her arms in front of her chest and glared at him. "And who are you?"

"I'll tell you my name if you tell me yours."

A small smiled tucked at the corners of her lips. "I'm Elena."

"Elena who?"

"Elena Gilbert."

Gilbert? How was this possible?

"You don't look like a Gilbert to me," he stated truthfully.

"Ouch." She frowned at him. "How would you know?"

"I once knew a Gilbert."

"What was name?"


"Don't know him," she replied. "But my uncle's name is John Gilbert. Could you mean him?"

"Probably not."

"Hmm... You still haven't told me your name," she reminded him.

"Right. I'm Damon. Damon Salvatore," he told her.

"Salvatore... as in Zach Salvatore from the boarding house?"

"Yeah. Zach's my uncle actually."

"Ah, so you're a cousin of Stefan?" she asked.

Damon's eyes widened in surprised. "You know Stefan?"

"Yeah. We're classmates and he's also my boyfriend."

"Oh, really..."

Cunning bastard, Damon thought. It was so obvious why Stefan was with her. Back then they had been rivals for Katherine's love. Now he was trying to replace Katherine for Elena. Does it work, Damon briefly wondered. Probably not, but he would ask him.

"Well, it was nice meeting you, Damon. I've gotta go now," she said.

"Where are you headed?"

"To the graveyard if you must know."

"You go there often?" he mocked.

"Yes, you jerk. Visiting my parents' grave," she explained offended.

"Oh, I'm sorry," he replied sincerely. "So you're parents are dead."

"Yes, they died last spring," she told him sadly but quickly pushed her emotions back and put on a blank face. "So you're here to stay," she continued the small talk.

"That was the plan actually," Damon replied.

"Then I guess I'll see you around."

"Definitely," he confirmed with a smirk and wiggled his brows at her.

Elena shook her head half-amused before she crossed the street. Damon watched her in the rear view mirror until she turned around a corner. Then he put his ray-bans back on and started the engine of his Mustang.

His thoughts were still occupied with that mysterious girl when she arrived at the boarding house where he knew his distant relative Zach and his stupid brother were living.

"Welcome home, Damon," he muttered sarcastically and put his sunglasses into the pocket of his leather jacket.

He had never felt home anywhere for the last 145 years and he still didn't now that he had returned to Mystic Falls. He probably never would.


"I like this town. I would like to stay," she informed him.

They were sitting on the grass by the lake. Katherine was leaning against Damon's chest, her eyes closed.

"Please do," Damon agreed. "I despise this town and its people. If you were to stay I would no longer be alone."

"You are not alone. You have your brother and your father," she reminded him softly.

"My father is who I despise the most."

"Hmm..." Katherine mused aloud. "To me this town feels like home."

"And to me every place feels like home if only you are around," Damon replied.

"Those are very nice words, Damon. I feel flattered and happy to make you feel this way," she said and kissed him chastely.


Without Katherine in his life every place felt the same, cold and grey and not any could make him feel at home. He missed Katherine terribly. Time didn't heal all wounds after all. He was till hurting like he had lost her only yesterday. But he was also hopeful. He couldn't describe why but he had a hunch that it had something to do with that girl. He wasn't a believer and he definitely wasn't a Buddhist but now might be the time to start believing - in life after death and in reincarnations.


Ich habe vor immer mal wieder einen Flashback einzubringen, der dann erklärt, was damals geschehen ist und was so in Damons Kopf vorgeht.

Bis demnächst,

eure Asu


Kommentare zu dieser Fanfic (1)

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Bitte keine Beleidigungen oder Flames! Falls Ihr Kritik habt, formuliert sie bitte konstruktiv.
Von:  Pueppi
2010-12-28T20:15:53+00:00 28.12.2010 21:15
Oho oho!
Hört sich doch ganz interessant an ... der Anfang gefällt mir jedenfalls :)
Und das Ende des ersten Kapitels gefällt mir auch ... mal wieder ein schöner Cliffhanger, sowas machst du ja gern, das weiß ich ja mittlerweile ;)
Lässt aber auf Interessantes hoffen!
Ich jedenfalls lasse mich überraschen und bin schon gespannt, was du für diese Story geplant hast ^^
Wobei ich mich natürlich auch über ein Update bei Every End Has A Start freuen würde :) Aber egal was, ich freu mich über ein neues Kapitel!
Liebe Grüße ^~^
