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IRC-Server: UnrealIRCd


Alle Nutzer

Befehl Auswirkung
ADMIN [server] Zeigt Informationen über die Administraton des angegebenen Servers an. Ist kein Server angegeben, werden die Informationen über den Server ausgegeben zu dem man verbunden ist.
AWAY [reason] Stellt den eigenen Status auf Abwesend.Man kann eine Information angeben, warum man abwesend ist. Ist diese Information nicht angegeben, wird der eigene Status wieder auf Anwesend gestellt.
CREDITS [server] Zeigt Informationen über das Entwicklerteams des angegebenen Servers. Ist kein Server angegeben, so werden die Informationen des Servers angezeigt, zu dem man verbunden ist.
CYCLE #chan1[,#chan2...] "Hüpft" aus den übergebenen Channels heraus und betritt diese sofort wieder. Es hat die gleiche Wirkung, wie wenn man erst PART und dann JOIN für die Channels ausführen würde. (Temporäre Rechte gehen dabei verloren, wenn man gebannt ist, kommt man nicht wieder in den Channel etc.)
DALINFO [server] Zeigt Informationen über die historische Entwicklung des übergebenen Servers an. Wenn kein Server angegeben ist, werden die Informationen zu dem Server ausgegeben, zu dem man verbunden ist.
DCCALLOW {{+|-}nick[,{+|-}nick...]|list|help} Verwaltet DCC-Anfragen. Mit +nick lässt der Server die DCC-Anfragen von dem angegebenen Nick zu. Wenn man jedoch -nick eingibt, werden DCC-Anfragen von dem angegebenen Nick geblockt. Mit list kann man sich die aktuell Verwalteten Nicks ansehen und mit help die Hilfe (auf englisch) anzeigen lassen.
Diese Einstellungen gelten jeweils nur für die aktuelle Sitzung.
INVITE [nick #channel] Lädt einen Nutzer in einen Channel ein. Dafür braucht man mindestens ChanOp in diesem Channel, wenn der Channel auf +i gesetzt ist. Werden Nick und Channel nicht angegeben, so wird eine Liste von Channels angezeigt, zu denen man eingeladen wurde.
ISON nick[ nick...] Gibt die Nicks der Nutzer zurück, die sich gerade in dem IRC-Netzwerk befinden - also gerade online sind.
JOIN {0|#chan1[,#chan2...] [key1[,key2...] Mit diesem Befehl kann man Channels betreten, wenn diese existieren, oder Channels erstellen, wenn diese noch nicht existieren. Die Keys muss man angeben, wenn der Channel Passwortgeschützt (+k) ist.
Gibt man nur eine 0 als Parameter an, so verlässt man alle Channels. Das ist so, als würde man jeden Channel Parten - kann allerdings keine Part-Nachricht angeben.
KICK #channel nick [reason] Wirft einen Nutzer aus dem angegebenen Channel. Dafür benötigt man mindestens HalfOp in diesem Channel. Wird kein Grund angegeben, wird der eigene Nick als Grund verwendet.
KNOCK channel message Klopft an einem Channel an, wenn dieser Invite-Only (+i) ist. Man kann damit erbitten in diesen Channel eingeladen zu werden. Ein Op kann darauf hin den INVITE-Befehl ausführen.
LICENSE [server] Gibt die Informationen über die Lizenz, unter welcher der angegebene Server steht. Ist kein Server angegeben, so werden die Informationen zu dem Server ausgegeben, zu dem man gerade verbunden ist.
LINKS Gibt Informationen über die Server, die zu dem IRC-Netzwerk gehören. U:Line-Server (Services) werden nur für IRCOps angezeigt.
LIST [flags] Listet die Channels in dem IRC-Netzwerk auf. Flags sind:
  • mask Eine Such-Maske, kann Wildcards enthalten.
  • >number Nur Channels die mehr Nutzer haben als angegeben.
  • <number Nur Channels die weniger Nutzer haben als angegeben.
  • !mask Nur Channels, auf die die Maske nicht zutrifft.
LUSERS [server] Gibt Informationen über die Verbindungen zu dem Server. Zum Beispiel die Anzahl der gerade verbundenen Nutzer oder die maximale Anzahl der verbundenen Nutzer, die erreicht wurde. Ist der Server nicht angegeben, werden Informationen ausgegeben, die das gesamten IRC-Netzwerk zusammenfassen.
MAP Stellt die Struktur des IRC-Netzwerkes "graphisch" dar. Zeit in einer Art Baumstruktur, welcher Server mit welchem Verbunden ist.
MODE {#chan|nick}
[{+|-}m1[m2...][{+|-}m3[m4...]][ arg1...]]
Wenn nur ein Channel oder ein Nick angegeben ist, werden die aktuellen Modes des Channels bzw. Nutzers angezeigt (falls man diese sehen darf). Manche Modes verlangen bestimmte Parameter (args), zum Beispiel ein Ban (+b). Wenn man diesen zusätzlichen Parameter nicht angibt, wird in der Regel eine Übersicht angezeigt, über die gesetzten Parameter. "/mode #bla +b" listet somit alle Bans des Channels #bla auf.
Siehe auch: Channel-Modes
Siehe auch: User-Modes
MODULE Listet vom Server verwendete Module mitsamt deren Beschreibung auf. "3RD" markiert Module, die von "Dritten" geschrieben wurden.
MOTD [server] Zeigt die MOTD (Message Of The Day / Nachricht des Tages) des angegebenen Servers an. Ist kein Server angegeben, so wird die MOTD des Servers angezeigt, zu dem man verbunden ist.
Die MOTD enthält meist einige nützliche Informationen, wie Links zum Regelwerk oder Hinweise zu aktuellen Änderungen.
NAMES #channel Zeigt eine Liste der Nutzer an, die sich in dem Channel aufhalten. Allerdings werden nur die Nutzer angezeigt, die nicht den User-Mode +i (invisible) haben. Der Channel darf auch nicht privat (+p) oder secret (+s) sein.
NICK newnick Wechselt den Nickname, sofern der neue Nick nicht bereits vergeben ist und keine ungültigen Zeichen enthält.

Send a notice to a user, channel or server.
/NOTICE <nick> <text>

Send a notice to a user.
Ex: /NOTICE Blah hi, how are you?

/NOTICE <#channel> <text>

Send a notice to a channel.
Ex: /NOTICE #room Hi all, this is annoying

/NOTICE <prefix><#channel> <text>

Send a notice to users with <prefix> and higher in <#channel> only
Ex: /NOTICE @#room This goes to +oaq
/NOTICE +#room This goes to +vhoaq
NOTE: You need at least voice in order to send to +#chan/%#chan/@#chan
and at least ops to send to &#chan/~#chan.

/NOTICE $<mask> <text>

Send a notice to all users on servers matching <mask> [Oper only]
This is shown in the status window by most clients.
Ex: /NOTICE $*.mynet.net We will be upgrading our net in the next hour
Note that in most cases services (/OS GLOBAL) is a better alternative.

Multiple targets are also supported, like /NOTICE <nick1>,<nick2>,<nick3>.
NOTE: In case of some old clients (eg: ircII) you cannot use /notice
to use any of the 'advanced features', you'll then have to use:
'/QUOTE NOTICE @#channel blah' or something similar.


Used to part (or leave) a channel you currently occupy.
All those in the channel will be notified of your departure.
If you specify a reason it will be displayed to the users on the channel
Syntax: PART <chan>,<chan2>,<chan3>,<chan4> <reason>
Example: PART #Support

        PART #Lobby,#IRCd See ya later!

PING server1[ server2...] Sendet einen Ping an den übergebenen Server (kann auch ein Nick oder ein Channel sein). Diesen Befehl nutzt man in der Regel um zu prüfen ob die Verbindung noch aufrecht steht.
Dieser Befehl ist nicht zu verwechseln mit dem CTCP-PING.
PONG server1[ server2...] Ein Pong ist die Antwort auf ein Ping. Der Server sendet regelmäßig Pings, wenn man nicht auf aktiv ist, um zu prüfen ob man noch von dem Server aus erreichbar ist. Wenn man auf diese Pings nicht mit einem Pong antwortet, so wird man vom Server getrennt (Ping timeout). Dies kann passieren, wenn die Internetverbindung zusammenbricht.
In der Regel muss man diese Pongs nicht manuell senden - dies wird durch die verwendeten IRC-Programme automatisch gemacht.

Send a message to a user, channel or server.
/PRIVMSG <nick> <text>

Send a private message.
Ex: /PRIVMSG Blah hi, how are you?

/PRIVMSG <#channel> <text>

Send a message to a channel.
Ex: /PRIVMSG #room Hi all

/PRIVMSG <prefix><#channel> <text>

Send a message to users with <prefix> and higher in <#channel> only
Ex: /PRIVMSG @#room This goes to +oaq
/PRIVMSG +#room This goes to +vhoaq
NOTE: You need at least voice in order to send to +#chan/%#chan/@#chan
and at least ops to send to &#chan/~#chan.

/PRIVMSG $<mask> <text>

Send a message to all users on servers matching <mask> [Oper only]
This is shown in the status window by most clients.
Ex: /PRIVMSG $*.mynet.net We will be upgrading our net in the next hour
Note that in most cases services (/OS GLOBAL) is a better alternative.

Multiple targets are also supported, like /PRIVMSG <nick1>,<nick2>,<nick3>.
NOTE: In case of some old clients (eg: ircII) you cannot use /msg
or /privmsg to use any of the 'advanced features', you'll then have to use:
'/QUOTE PRIVMSG @#channel blah' or something similar.

QUIT [reason] Schliesst die Verbindung zum IRC-Netzwerk. Ist kein Grund angegeben, so wird der eigene Nick als Grund angegeben.
Dieser Befehl beendet quasi eine Sitzung und löscht somit auch Einstellungen, wie die SILENCE-List oder die DCCALLOW-Einstellungen.
RULES [server] Zeigt die Regeln für den angegebenen Server an. Ist kein Server angegeben, werden die Regeln von dem Server angezeigt, zu dem man verbunden ist.
SETNAME newrealname Ändert den eigenen Real-Name. Die Verwendung dieser Funktion ist aufgrund der Verwendung von LoginServ im Animexx IRC-Netzwerk unterbunden.

Ignores messages from a user or list of users at the Server itself.
Syntax: SILENCE +nickname (Adds a nickname to SILENCE list)

       SILENCE -nickname (Removes a nickname from the SILENCE list)
SILENCE (Lists the current SILENCE list)


Provides certain Statistical information about the server
Syntax: STATS <flags>
Example: STATS u
Type /stats without parameters to get a list of available flags.

TIME [server] Gibt das Datum und die Zeit des angegebenen Servers zurück. Ist kein Server angegeben, so wird die Information des Servers zurückgegeben, zu dem man gerade verbunden ist.

Sets/Changes the topic of the channel in question,
or just display the current Topic.
Syntax: TOPIC <channel> (Displays the current topic)

        TOPIC <channel> <topic> (Changes topic)

Example: TOPIC #Operhelp

        TOPIC #Lobby Welcome to #Lobby!!

USERHOST nick Gibt die Host-Maske des angegebenen Nutzers zurück. Die Host des Nutzers ist in der Regel verschlüsselt, wenn dieser den User-Mode +x verwendet.
Diese Funktion wird in der Regel von Skripts oder Bots verwendet.
USERIP nick Gibt die IP-Adresse des angegebenen Nutzers zurück. Die IP-Adresse des Nutzers ist in der Regel verschlüsselt, wenn dieser den User-Mode +x verwendet.
Diese Funktion wird in der Regel von Skripts oder Bots verwendet.
VERSION [server] Gibt Versionsinformationen über den angegebenen Server zurück. Ist keine Server angegeben, werden die Informationen des Servers zurückgegeben, zu dem man gerade verbunden ist.

Hides your real hostname with a virtual hostname
provided by the IRC server , using SETHOST.
Synatx: VHOST <login> <password>
Example: VHOST openbsd ilovecypto


Watch is a notify-type system on the server which is both faster
and uses less network resources than any old-style notify
system. The server will send you a message when any nickname
in your watch list logs on or off.
The watch list DOES NOT REMAIN BETWEEN SESSIONS - You (or your
script or client) must add the nicknames to your watch list every
time you connect to an IRC server.
Syntax: WATCH +nick1 +nick2 +nick3 (Add nicknames)

       WATCH -nick (Delete nicknames)
WATCH (View which users are online)


Retrieves information about users
/WHO [+|-][acghimnsuMRI] [args]
Flags are specified like channel modes, the flags cgmnsu all have arguments
Flags are set to a positive check by +, a negative check by -
The flags available:
Flag a: user is away
Flag c <channel>: user is on <channel>, no wildcards accepted
Flag g <gcos/realname>: user has string <gcos> in his/her GCOS,
wildcards accepted, oper only
Flag h <host>: user has string <host> in his/her hostname, wildcards are accepted
Flag i <ip>: user has string <ip> in his/her IP address
Flag m <usermodes>: user has <usermodes> set, only o/C/A/a/N for nonopers
Flag n <nick>: user has string <nick> in his/her nickname, wildcards accepted
Flag s <server>: user is on server <server>, wildcards not accepted
Flag u <user>: user has string <user> in his/her username, wildcards accepted
Behavior flags:
Flag M: check for user in channels I am a member of
Flag R: show users' real hostnames
Flag I: show users' IP addresses
For backwards compatibility, /who 0 o still shows +o users
Example: WHO +m o
Status flags:
The who command shows several flags in the returned result to indicate
different information about the user. These flags are explained below:
G - User is /away (gone)
H - User is not /away (here)
r - User is using a registered nickname
B - User is a bot (+B)
* - User is an IRC Operator
~ - User is a Channel Owner (+q)
& - User is a Channel Admin (+a)
@ - User is a Channel Operator (+o)
% - User is a Halfop (+h)
+ - User is Voiced (+v)
! - User is +H and you are an IRC Operator
? - User is only visible because you are an IRC Operator


Shows information about the user in question,
such as their \"Name\", channels they are
currently in, their hostmask, etc.
Syntax: WHOIS <user>
Example: WHOIS hAtbLaDe
Status flags:
The list of channels shown in the WHOIS reply can include one or more
status flags to indicate information about the channel. These flags are
described below:
~ - User is a Channel Owner (+q)
& - User is a Channel Admin (+a)
@ - User is a Channel Operator (+o)
% - User is a Halfop (+h)
+ - User is Voiced (+v)
! - User has channels hidden in whois (+p) and you are an IRC Operator
? - The channel is secret (+s) and you are an IRC Operator


Retrieves previous WHOIS information for users
no longer connected to the server.
Syntax: WHOWAS <nickname>

WHOWAS <nickname> <max number of replies>

Example: WHOWAS hAtbLaDe

Admins / Opers

Befehl Auswirkung

Sends a message to all online Admins
Syntax: ADCHAT <text>
Example: ADCHAT Hey guys! I'm finally here.


Adds a line to the end of the MOTD
Syntax: ADDMOTD <text>
Example: ADDMOTD Play nice!


Adds a line to the end of the OPERMOTD
Syntax: ADDOMOTD <text>
Example: ADDOMOTD Abuse it and lose it!


Sends a message to all ircops (global).
Syntax: CHATOPS <message>
Example: CHATOPS Gonna k:line that user ...


Changes the hostname of a user currently on the IRC network.
IRC Operator only command.
Syntax: CHGHOST <nick> <host>
Example: CHGHOST hAtbLaDe root.me.com


Changes the Ident of a user currently on the IRC network.
IRC Operator only command.
Syntax: CHGIDENT <nick> <ident>
Example: CHGIDENT hAtbLaDe sheep


Changes the \"IRC Name\" (or \"Real Name\") of a user currently on the IRC network.
IRC Operator only command.
Syntax: CHGNAME <nick> <name>
Example: CHGNAME hAtbLaDe Gotta new name :)


This command will disconnect all unknown connections from the
IRC server.
Syntax: CLOSE


Links another IRC server to the one you are currently on.
Remote connections are also possible.
IRC Operator only command.
Syntax: CONNECT <server> [port]

        CONNECT <leaf> <port> <hub>

Example: CONNECT leaf.*

        CONNECT leaf.* 6667 hub.*


Adds a DCC Deny for that Filename mask. This means that any
DCC sends of Files matching that Filename mask will be rejected.
IRC Operator only command.
Syntax: DCCDENY <filename mask> <reason>


Kills the IRC daemon, disconnecting all users currently on that server.
IRC Operator only command.
Syntax: DIE

       DIE <password>


Returns information about the IRC server's DNS cache.
Note, since most clients have a builtin DNS command,
you will most likely need to use /raw DNS to use this.
There are also 2 other variants:
'DNS l' will show you the DNS cache entries
'DNS i' will give you details about the nameserver config
"Syntax: DNS [option]"


This command provides timed G:Lines. If you match a G:Line you cannot
connect to ANY server on the IRC network
A time of 0 in the GLINE makes it permanent (Never Expires).
You may also specify the time in the format 1d10h15m30s.
IRC Operator only command.
Syntax: GLINE <user@host mask or nick> [time] <reason>

(Adds a G:line for user@host)
GLINE -<user@host mask> (Removes a G:line for user@host)

Example: GLINE *@*.idiot.net 900 Spammers (Adds a 15 min G:line)

        GLINE *@*.idiot.net 1d5h Spammers (Adds a 29 hour G:line)
GLINE Idiot 1d Abuse
GLINE -*@*.idiot.net

NOTE: requires the can_gkline oper flag


Sends a global \"Message\" to all IRCops. Only viewable by IRCops
(unlike WALLOPS, which can be viewed by normal users).
Syntax: GLOBOPS <message>
Example: GLOBOPS Lets get em clones ..


This command provides timed global Z:line. If you match a Global Z:Line you cannot
connect to ANY server on the IRC network
A time of 0 in the GZLINE makes it permanent (Never Expires).
You may also specify the time in the format 1d10h15m30s.
IRC Operator only command.
Syntax: GZLINE <*@ipmask> <seconds to be banned> :<reason>

(Adds a Global Z:line for *@ipmask)
GZLINE -<*@ipmask> (Removes a Global Z:line for *@ipmask)

Example: GZLINE *@4.16.200.* 900 Spammers (Adds a 15 min Global Z:line)

        GZLINE *@4.16.200.* 1d5h Spammers (Adds a 29 hour Global Z:line)

NOTE: requires the can_gzline oper flag


Switches the server In & Out of High Traffic Mode
HTM is activated when the server is receiving extremely high amounts of information.
IRC Operator only command.
Syntax: HTM [option]
If no option is specified it just displays the current HTM state
If an option is specified it does a more specific task, valid options are:
ON - Force HTM to activate
OFF - Force HTM to deactivate
NOISY - Make HTM announce when it is entering/leaving HTM
QUIET - Stop HTM from announcing when it is entering/leaving HTM
TO <value> - Tell HTM at what incoming rate to activate HTM


Forcefully Disconnects users from an IRC Server.
IRC Operator only command.
Syntax: KILL <user1>,<user2>,<user3>,... <reason>
Example: KILL Jack16 Cloning is not allowed


This command provides timed K:Lines. If you match a K:Line you cannot
connect to the server
A time of 0 in the KLINE makes it permanent (Never Expires).
You may also specify the time in the format 1d10h15m30s.
IRC Operator only command.
Syntax: KLINE <hostmask or nick> [time] <reason> (adds a Kline)

        KLINE -<hostmask> (removes a Kline)

Example: KLINE *@*.aol.com Abuse (Adds a permanent K:line)

        KLINE *@*.someisp.com 2d Abuse (Adds a K:line for 2 days)
KLINE Idiot 1d Please go away
KLINE -*@*.aol.com


This command is like a Traceroute for IRC servers
You type in /LAG irc.fyremoon.net and it will
reply from every server it passes with time and so on
Useful for looking where lag is and optional TS future/past travels
Syntax: LAG <server>


Sends a message to all IRCops at this server (local).
Syntax: LOCOPS <message>
Example: LOCOPS Gonna k:line that user ...


This command will return a 'hash' of the string that has been specified,
you can use this hash for any encrypted passwords in your configuration file:
eg: for oper::password, vhost::password, etc.
Available types (in order of 'secureness'):

  *NIX: crypt, md5, sha1 [*], ripemd160 [*]

Windows: crypt [*], md5, sha1, ripemd160 [*]
[*: only available if compiled with SSL support]
Syntax: MKPASSWD <method> <password>
Example: MKPASSWD md5 IamTeh1337


This will give you a list of all modules loaded.
Depending on whether you are a normal user or an oper
it will give different output.
-- normal user: --
Syntax of command: MODULE
Output of command: *** name - (description) [3RD]
the [3RD] flag is present if it's an 3rd party module.
-- ircop: --
Syntax of command: MODULE [server]
Output of command: *** name - version (description) [optional flags]
flags can be:
[PERM]: permanent module (not possible to unload/reload)
[Unloading]: module is in the process of unloading
[3RD] 3rd party module
[OLD?] Lacking Mod_Version, forgot to recompile an old beta* module?
Additionally you'll see a list of which hooks and command
overrides are present (the hook number can be looked up in


Sends a message to all online NetAdmins
Syntax: NACHAT <text>
Example: NACHAT Hey guys! How is everything?


Shows the IRCd Operator MOTD
IRC Operator only command.


Prompts the server to reread the configuration files.
IRC Operator only command.
Syntax: REHASH <servername> -<flags>

       REHASH -<flags>

If servername and flags are not specified this rehashes the
unrealircd.conf , removing any temporary k:lines.
If servername is specified, this is used to rehash config files on servername.
Only NetAdmins may specify a server name.
The flags are used to rehash other config files, valid flags are:

-motd     - Rehashes all MOTD files and RULES files (including tld{})
-opermotd - Rehashes the OPERMOTD
-botmotd - Rehashes the BOTMOTD
-garbage - Force garbage collection


Kills and Restarts the IRC daemon, disconnecting all users
currently on that server.
IRC Operator only command.

       RESTART <password>
RESTART <password> <reason>


This will calculate the Lag (In milliseconds) between servers
Syntax: RPING <servermask>


Forces a user to join a channel.
Services Admin Command
Syntax: SAJOIN <nick> <channel>,[<channel2>..]
Example: SAJOIN hAtbLaDe #OperHelp

        SAJOIN hAtbLaDe #Support,#IRCHelp


Allows a Services Administrator to change the mode on a channel,
without having Operator status.
Services Admin Command
Syntax: SAMODE <channel> <mode>
Example: SAMODE #Support +m


Forces a user to part a channel.
Services Admin Command
Syntax: SAPART <nick> <channel>,[<channel2>..] [<comment>]
Example: SAPART hAtbLaDe #OperHelp

        SAPART hAtbLaDe #Support,#IRCHelp
SAPART hAtbLaDe #Support,#IRCHelp Go away


With this command you can change your Server Info Line
Without having to squit and reconnect.
This is a Server Admin/Co Admin only command
Syntax: SDESC <New description>
Example: SDESC Fly High, Fly Free


This command is so you can change your Virtual host (Vhost)
to anything you want, except special characters.
IRC Operator only command.
Syntax: SETHOST <new hostname>
Example: SETHOST i.have.hairy.armpits


With this command you can change your Ident (Username).
IRC Operator only command.
Syntax: SETIDENT <new ident>
Example: SETIDENT l33t


Prevents a user from executing ANY command except ADMIN
and respond to Server Pings. Shuns are global (like glines).
A time of 0 in the SHUN makes it permanent (Never Expires).
You may also specify the time in the format 1d10h15m30s.
IRC Operator only command.
Syntax: SHUN <nickname> <time> :<Reason> (Shun the nickname for time in seconds)

        SHUN +<user@host> <time> :<Reason>(Shun the user@host for time in seconds)
SHUN -<user@host> (Removes the SHUN for user@host)
SHUN (View the current SHUN list)

Example: SHUN +foobar@aol.com 600 :Spamming

(Shuns foobar@aol.com for 10 mins for Spamming)
SHUN +foobar@aol.com 1d6h :Spamming (Adds a 30 hour SHUN)

NOTE: requires the can_gkline oper flag


This command adds/removes global spam filters.
Spamfilters can be used to get rid of spam, advertising, bots, etc.
Use: /spamfilter [add|del|remove|+|-] [type] [action] [tkltime] [reason] [regex]
[type] specifies the target type, you can specify multiple targets:

         'c' channel msg, 'p' private msg, 'n' private notice,
'N' channel notice, 'P' part msg, 'q' quit msg, 'd' dcc,
'a' away, 't' topic, 'u' user (nick!user@host:realname ban)

[action] specifies the action to be taken (only 1 action can be specified):

         'kill', 'tempshun' (only shun current session), 'shun',
'kline', 'gline', 'zline', 'gzline', 'block' (blocks the msg),
'dccblock' (unable to send any dccs), 'viruschan' (part all channels
and join the virus help chan), 'warn' (warn for IRC Operators).

[regex] this is the actual regex where we should block on
[tkltime] the duration of the *LINEs placed by action (use '-' to use the default

         set::spamfilter::ban-time, this value is ignored for block/tempshun');

[reason] the reason for the *LINE or blockmsg, CANNOT CONTAIN SPACES,

         '_' will be translated to spaces. Again, if you use '-' for this
the default (set::spamfilter::ban-reason) is used.

A few examples (note they will probably linewrap!):
/spamfilter add p block - - Come watch me on my webcam
/spamfilter add p block - Possible_virus_detected,_join_#help Come watch me on my webcam
/spamfilter add p tempshun - - You_are_infected me\.mpg
/spamfilter add p gline - - Come watch me on my webcam
/spamfilter add p gline 3h Please_go_to_www.viruscan.xx/nicepage/virus=blah Come watch me on my webcam
/spamfilter add p kill - Please_go_to_www.viruscan.xx/nicepage/virus=blah Come watch me on my webcam
/spamfilter del p block - - Come watch me on my webcam*
/spamfilter add cN gzline 1d No_advertising_please come to irc\..+\..+


Disconnects an IRC Server from the network.
Usually used in routing of servers.
IRC Operator only command.
Syntax: SQUIT <server>
Example: SQUIT leaf.*


Add/remove 'temporary shuns'.
Temporary shuns are shuns added on a specified target for
_the current session only_, this means if the user reconnects
the shun will be gone.
Syntax: TEMPSHUN [+|-]<nickname> [reason]
Example: TEMPSHUN evilguy suspected infection

        TEMPSHUN -niceguy


You can use TRACE on servers or users.
When used on a user it will give you class and lag info.
If you use it on a server it gives you class/version/link info.
Sometimes TRACE can be confusing, especially if you are using
it for the first time.
Syntax: TRACE <servername|nickname>
Example: TRACE irc.fyremoon.net


This is a highly advanced command used to Adjust the
Internal IRC clock.
IRC Operator only command.
Syntax: TSCTL OFFSET +|- <time> (Adjust internal IRC clock)

       TSCTL TIME (Will give TS report)
TSCTL ALLTIME (Shows the TS report of all server)
TSCTL SVSTIME <timestamp> (Sets the Time on all Servers)


If the EXACT file you type is found it is removed, else it uses wildcards to search
IRC Operator only command.
Syntax: UNDCCDENY <filename mask>


Sends a \"Message\" to all those with the umode +w.
Only IRCops can send Wallops, while anyone with the mode +w
can view them.
Syntax: WALLOPS <message>


This command provides timed Z:Lines. If you match a Z:Line you cannot
connect to the server
A time of 0 in the ZLINE makes it permanent (Never Expires).
You may also specify the time in the format 1d10h15m30s.
IRC Operator only command.
Syntax: ZLINE <*@ipmask> [time] <reason> (adds a Zline)

        ZLINE -<*@ipmask> (removes a Zline)

Example: ZLINE *@ Abuse (Adds a permanent Z:line)

        ZLINE *@ 2d Abuse (Adds a Z:line for 2 days)

NOTE: requires the can_zline oper flag


Befehl Auswirkung

Bans a Nickname or a certain Nickname mask from the Server.
Must be sent through an U:Lined server.
Syntax: SQLINE <nickmask> :<Reason>
Example: SQLINE *Bot* :No bots


Changes the Usermode of a nickname and displays
the change to the user.
Must be sent through an U:Lined server.
Syntax: SVS2MODE <nickname> <usermodes>
Example: SVS2MODE hAtbLaDe +h


Enable 'no fake lag' for a user.
Must be sent through an U:Lined server.
Syntax: SVS2NOLAG [+|-] <nickname>
Example: SVS2NOLAG + joe


Changes the snomask of a nickname and displays
the change to the user.
Must be sent through an U:Lined server.
Syntax: SVS2SNO <nickname> <snomasks>
Example: SVS2SNO joe +Gc


Adds the given Filename mask to DCCDENY
Must be sent through an U:Lined server.
Syntax: :server SVSFLINE + file :reason (Add the filename)

       :server SVSFLINE - file (Deletes the filename)
 :server SVSFLINE * (Wipes the DCCDENY list)

SVSJOIN Anmerkung
Dieser Befehlt wirkt, als würde der User den JOIN-Befehl senden - umgeht also keine Bans oder Passwortsperren.

Forces a user to join a channel.
Must be sent through an U:Lined server.
Syntax: SVSJOIN <nick> <channel>[,<channel2>..] [key1[,key2[..]]]
Example: SVSJOIN hAtbLaDe #jail

        SVSJOIN hAtbLaDe #jail,#zoo


Forcefully disconnects a user from the network.
Must be sent through an U:Lined server.
Syntax: SVSKILL <user> :<reason>
Example: SVSKILL Lamer21 :Goodbye


Changes the global and/or local maximum user count
for a server. If -1 is specified for either of the
values, the current value is kept.
Must be sent through an U:Lined server.
Syntax: SVSLUSERS <server> <globalmax|-1> <localmax|-1>
Example: SVSLUSERS irc.test.com -1 200


Changes the mode of the User in question.
Must be sent through an U:Lined server.
Syntax: SVSMODE <nickname> <usermode>
Example: SVSMODE hAtbLaDe +i


Changes the Services Message Of The Day
Must be sent through an U:Lined server.
Syntax: SVSMOTD # :<text> (Adds to Services MOTD)

       SVSMOTD !         (Deletes the MOTD)
SVSMOTD ! :<text> (Deletes and Adds text)

Example: SVSMOTD # :Services MOTD


Changes the nickname of the user in question.
Must be sent through an U:Lined server.
Syntax: SVSNICK <nickname> <new nickname> <timestamp>
Example: SVSNICK hAtbLaDe Foobar 963086432


Adds a global realname ban.
Must be sent through an U:Lined server.
The reason must be a single parameter therefore
spaces are indicated by _, Unreal will internally
translate these to spaces.
Syntax: SVSNLINE + <reason_for_ban> :<realname> (To add a ban)

        SVSNLINE - :<realname> (To remove a ban)
SVSNLINE * (To clear all bans)

Example: SVSNLINE + sub7_drone :*sub7*


Enable 'no fake lag' for a user.
Must be sent through an U:Lined server.
Syntax: SVSNOLAG [+|-] <nickname>
Example: SVSNOLAG + joe


Enables or disables whether IRCop functions
exist on the server in question or not.
Must be sent through an U:Lined server.
Syntax: SVSNOOP <server> <+/->
Example: SVSNOOP leaf.* -


Gives nick Operflags like the ones in O:lines.
Remember to set SVSMODE +o and alike.
Must be sent through an U:Lined server.
Syntax: SVSO <nick> <+operflags> (Adds the Operflags)

        SVSO <nick> - (Removes all O:Line flags)

Example: SVSO SomeNick +bBkK


Forces a user to leave a channel.
Must be sent through an U:Lined server.
Syntax: SVSPART <nick> <channel>[,<channel2>..] [<comment>]
Example: SVSPART hAtbLaDe #Hanson

        SVSPART hAtbLaDe #Hanson,#AOL
SVSPART hAtbLaDe #Hanson,#AOL You must leave


Changes the SILENCE list of a user.
Must be sent through an U:Lined server.
In contrast to the SILENCE command, you can add/remove
multiple entries in one line.
Syntax: SVSSILENCE <nick> :<silence parameters>
Example: SVSSILENCE Blah :+*!*@*.com +*!*@*.bla.co.uk


Changes the snomask of the User in question.
Must be sent through an U:Lined server.
Syntax: SVSSNO <nickname> <snomasks>
Example: SVSSNO joe +Gc


Changes the WATCH list of a user.
Must be sent through an U:Lined server.
Syntax: SVSWATCH <nick> :<watch parameters>
Example: SVSWATCH Blah :+Blih!*@* +Bluh!*@* +Bleh!*@*.com


Changes the WHOIS message of the Nickname.
Must be sent through an U:Lined server.
Syntax: SWHOIS <nick> :<message> (Sets the SWHOIS)

        SWHOIS <nick> :  (Resets the SWHOIS)

Example: SWHOIS SomeNick :is a lamer


Un-Bans a Nickname or Nickname mask
Must be sent through an U:Lined server.
Synax: UNSQLINE <nickmask>
Example: UNSQLINE *Bot*

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