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What TYPE of blue are you? - Test results

Autor:  Babbel

For 40 % you are: ICE BLUE! Like ice itself, you're emotionally frail, but much kindness and empathy comes out of that. Also, you hate cruelty, and are probably a little disappointed at our rather imperfect world. The right thing and loyalty is inhumanly important to you. You're quite shy, but still have a good amount of good friends. And, you're not the most stupid person around, thankfully. Your sensitivity is extreme, and that has its cons, too. It can make you rather paranoid to your friends, thus even annoying them. I'm not saying that sensitivity is a bad thing; it's just that everyone needs balance in essentially everything. (hey, that rhymes!) You might need to be a little emotionally stronger than that.
26.5913 % of 1681 Quiz participants had this profile!

Langeweile ^^

Autor:  Babbel
- Available: Mayyyybe
- Age: 25...yet
- Annoyance: grumpy, unfriendly People; lies
- Allergic: Some trees in spring (which is a shame, cause it's my favourite season ;_;)
- Animal: cat, rabbit,....
- Actor: Orlando Bloom, Audrey Tutou, Supernatural Cast ;P

- Beer: i usually don't drink beer, but when i have to, Radler would do it ^^
- Birthday/Birthplace: 22th march/Nürnberg
- Best Friends: love them
- Body Part on opposite sex: Eyes
- Best feeling in the world: being hugged and held close
- Blind or Deaf: Blind
- Best weather: Wind
- Been in Love: Yes
- Been bitched out?: Yeah
- Been on stage?: Yes XD *the Maria in a nativity play*
- Believe in yourself?: Sometimes
- Believe in life on other planets: why not
- Believe in miracles: Yes
- Believe in Magic:
- Believe in God:
- Believe in Satan:
- Believe in Santa: Sure XD
- Believe in Ghosts/Spirits: i do hope the exist
- Believe in Evolution: I guess

- Car: don't have one...
- Candy: Chocolate, Lollipop, Icecream
- Color: Pastell
- Cried in school: Yes
- Chocolate/ vanilla: Chocolate
- Chinese/Mexican: Chinese
- Cake or pie: Cake
- Countries to visit: Japan, Ireland, New Zealand, ....

- Day or Night: Both
- Dream vehicle: Mini
- Danced: Yes
- Dance in the rain?: Yes
- Dance in the middle of the street?: Yes
- Do the splits?:
- Eggs: idk, they shouldn't slime
- Eyes: green
- Everyone has: fears
- Ever failed a class?: Jap

- First crush: tent camp
- Food: too many!
- Full name: B.S.G.W.
- First thoughts waking up: 'Sleepy' -o-

- Greatest Fear: Loss
- Giver or taker: both
- Goals: being happy
- Gum: cinnamon
- Get along with your parents?: Yes
- Good luck charms: little Angel, ring

- Hair Color: undefined...a bit blond, a bit red
- Height: 164,5 cm
- Happy: I'm working hard to be!
- Holidays: Love
- How do you want to die: in the arms of someone beloved
- Health freak?: not when it comes to candy
- Hate: circumstances

I - (In guys/girls)
- Eye colour: green
- Hair Colour: brown
- Height: 1,78m
- Clothing Style: comfortable
- Ice Cream: Straciatella, Banana
- Instrument: guitar

- Jewelry: neclace, ring of engagement, catring, bangle, watch, earrings
- Job: child care worker

- Kids: perhaps next year :>
- Kickboxing or karate: karate
- Keep a journal?: I used to

- Longest Car Ride: 24 h
- Love: anytime
- Letter: <3
- Laughed so hard you cried: yes
- Love at first sight: possible and beautiful; i never experienced it and don't think, it's necessary

- Milk flavour: Vanille
- Movie:
- Mooned anyone?:
- Marriage: this year in June ^^
- Motion sickness?: some sort of rheumatism
- McD's or BK: McD's

- Number of Siblings: 1
- Number of Piercings: none
- Number: 3

- Overused Phrases: "You're strong!"
- One wish: Miracles
- One phobia: Loss

- Place you'd like to live: mmh...anyplace, that holds the people i love. Oh, and the north sea!
- Pepsi/Coke: Pepsi

- Quail: ?
- Questionnaires: ?????

- Reason to cry: Yeah, there are some ^^
- Reality T.V.: bäh
- Radio Station: star fm, Antenne
- Roll your tongue in a circle?: Yay!

- Song: Cher "You haven't seen the last of me"
- Shoe size: 8,5-9 depending on the shoe
- Sushi: epic
- Skipped school: yes
- Slept outside: when I went camping
- Seen a dead body?: yes
- Smoked?: occasionally
- Skinny dipped?: not so far
- Shower daily?: usually
- Sing well?: compared to jared padalecki...yes XD
- In the shower?: yes!
- Swear?: I try not to...but yes, i do XD
- Stuffed Animals?: Many many many
- Single/Group dates: O_O
- Strawberries/Blueberries: both
- Scientists need to invent: candys, which don't make fat

- Time for bed: changes constantly
- Thunderstorms: oh...love!!! As long as i'm safe and sound
- Touch your tongue to your nose?: no

- Unpredictable?: usually not
- Under the influence?: of my moodswings and other people
- Understanding?: fairly

- Vegetable you hate: none
- Vegetable you love: cucumber
- Vacation spot: North sea

- Weakness: Chocolate milk
- When you grow up: writer
- Which one of your friends acts the most like you: Tinchen=soul-twin
- Who makes you laugh the most: a few different people
- Worst feeling: being alone
- Wanted to be a model?: never serious
- Where do we go when we die:
- Worst weather: hot and humid
- Walk with a book on your head?: i can

- X-Rays: my teeth, back

-Year it is now: 2011
-Yellow: belly

- Zoo animal: the snow owl (as a kid, i was always fascinated by her)
- Zodiac sign: Aeries (but to be honest...Piscues's more like it)


Autor:  Babbel
Heute ist der erste Tag vom Rest meines Lebens.
Heute verlier ich meine Zeit und lebe in den Tag hinein.
Ich nehm mir die Zeit, um gut zu sein zu mir,
will mir Zeit lassen mit meiner Angst bis morgen.
Heute nehm ich mir das Leben vor dem Tod.

*Jochen Mariss*

Wurde (von Mone) getaggt und habs net gecheckt ;-)

Autor:  Babbel
a) Mache eine Liste über dich mit 7 Sachen (die nicht jeder kennt)
b) Suche dir dann 7 Leute die dasselbe tun müssen
c) Du darfst nicht die Person nehmen die dich getagged hat oder schreiben
"ich nehme jeden der will ..."

~ * ~

1. Ich bin auf den Geschmack gekommen (Rosa, pink, ... es geht nimma ohne ;_;)

2. Wenn mich jemand anlügt (richtige Lügen und keine kleinen Schwindeleien oder Notlügen) und ich dahinterkomme, ist die Person für mich gestorben. Da bin ich sehr empfindlich ^^°

3. Auch wenn ich denke, dass eine Person für mich gestorben ist, kann ich doch nicht hart zu bleiben und sie wegstossen, wenn sie Probleme hat (grad erst wieder gemerkt *seufz*)

4. Ich bin sehr sehr sehr nostalgisch und hänge an unheimlich vielen Dingen und Erinnerungen

5. Meine Nürnberger Familie ist das Ultimum (schliesst Stefan schon mit ein :))

6. Ich habe ständig Albträume von meiner Hochzeit!!! Immer!!! Von allem!

7. Ich hoffe!

Ich tag: Daisuke_SB, Zipp, JannLee, Elos, Mikiyo, Schlomo-chan, Ferrith

2 Jahre

Autor:  Babbel

Wenn die Liebe einen Weg zum Himmel fände und Erinnerungen zu Stufen würden,
dann würde ich hinaufsteigen und dich zurückholen.

Von welchem Baum bist du gefallen?

Autor:  Babbel
Haselnuss (Außergewöhnlich) –
charmant, anspruchslos, sehr verständnisvoll, weiß es einen Eindruck zu hinterlassen, aktiver Kämpfer für soziale Gerechtigkeit, beliebt, gefühlvoll, komplizierter Liebhaber, ehrlicher, toleranter Partner, genaue Vorstellung von Gerechtigkeit.



Autor:  Babbel

Your a Ditzy Uke
You never know whats going on. Whenever a guy shows his affection for you, you just think its out of the kindness of their hearts, but its actually from raging hormons to get into your pants X3 yummm

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