Legacy von abgemeldet ================================================================================ Kapitel 1: The old woman's vision, the bonfire ceremony ------------------------------------------------------- Adenydd awoke from her dream very disturbed it seemed as though the spirits were trying to tell her something of great importance. She wondered if the tribe of Ursatavia the Great Bear Goddess was in for something much bigger than just the magic tester's judgment of her students. All she could remember from her dream was the dark god Jal becoming much stronger than the light goddess Keliandra was, and all of Kalnab plunging into total darkness. Close to dusk, the village gathered around the bonfire. The magick tester and Adenydd, the village elder, gave out results of the magick tests. The young village members who had taken the test the week before eagerly awaited the announcement of who had passed. ** Announcements at bonfire** Mia sat cross-legged on a grass mat holding her staff in front of her as she quietly watched the old village woman speak to her people that gathered around the blazing bonfire, in order to celebrate the choosing of the people who had passed the trial of magic the previous week. Under Adenydd's teaching and guidance, most of the mages had passed throughout the years. Now it was time for the new group to find out if they had indeed passed the trial. Mia clasped her gauntlet-covered arm, with her other hand which was nervously shaking. She had memorized those spells for weeks. However, it was hard to concentrating on some of those spells, the smallest thing would distract Mia from her concentration. As the ceremony started, a sharp jab to Mia's ribs suddenly broke up her train of thought. Mia looked up to see, Rose Eryst, her pink haired friend, she whispered in a loud voice. "Mia... I think Adenydd called your name and the magick tester looks impatient." Mia looked up and saw many pairs of eyes looking at her; Mia quickly got up and headed to the front of the gathering to where the women awaited. Adenydd, the village woman, was nearly in her late forties. She was one of the oldest people in the village, as most of the Ursatavians did not have a very long lifespan. Unless a member of their family came from outside the tribe, the people were doomed to very short lives. Mia's People also did not believe in the healing ways of the other tribes. There were also many wars with enemy clans. Adenydd smiled at the young girl and finally announced. "I have good news for you, Mia." Adenydd smiled as her light blue eyes twinkled with something more than just brilliance she seemed some how wise and ageless instead of just her forty-eight years. "You have passed the trial." The magick tester next to Adenydd went on to say. " The next step is to travel to the Crystal Spire guild of Magick." * The Celebration. * After the announcement, drums and rattles began to shake as celebration for those who had passed began. Adenydd talked to Mia and several other students while the celebration and congratulations took place. "Adenydd, you told us that we had to go in search of the Guild right but the magick tester said we had to travel to the Magick School on the continent." Stated pink haired fourteen-year-old Rose Eryst, who also had passed the trial she wore her hair in two long braids tied off with bear shaped barrettes, she had light sienna colored skin. Rose wore a dress her family had made. It was a dark blue with light blue accents in the traditional pattern of the Ursatavians. Adenydd slowly nodded her head with a delicate grace; her bright red hair cloaked her face as it fell forward when she nodded. She replied "Yes, But it is important to go their first. They might ask you to go and find the others who have passed the trials of the other clans, which are wide spread, around here, we have ways of getting to those places." Mia nodded listening to Adenydd and asked " Don't we have a Town here with an Air Transportation service?" Rose replies, "I think it's over in Two Tail City, just by Rambling Brook Pass a day or two from here. The air Transportation service is Called "Griffin Air Transportations." The inventor of the Arial sky ship Is Nigel Starcrow." Azerath had joined the conversation since he had passed. He had dark gray hair that went down to his chin and violet blue eyes. He wore dark gray pants and a blue tunic; he had a silver cloak that had a cloak pin shaped like a bear on it. Arien Durham had also joined them along with her guardian Achaia who was a ring-tailed chinchilla that had watched over Arien since birth. Arien was a quiet girl who rarely spoke; she wore a purple dress with a light lavender cloak also held in place with a bear pin. She had bright ruby hair tied in a braid and emerald green eyes. She spoke softly and suggested "Maybe, we should get some rest, if we plan on going on a journey." Adenydd nodded and replied, "That would be a wise decision. You have a long day ahead since Two Tail City is far away." *In the forest surrounding the village, * A dark figure cloaked in black, cackled and jeered at the site of the people in the village. "Fools," The stranger said in a low mysterious voice. "Do they really think they will get to the guild ... alive!" His rogue fairy companion sat on his shoulder and laughed, her voice tinkling with the sound of bells. "Brainless humans." She said in her bell like voice. "They don't have any idea about what is really going on." The tall figure looked at his friend and nodded. "No, they do not little one, they are fools to think that getting to the magick guild will be simple." He turned and vanished in a plume of purple smoke not leaving a sign that he was there. Hosted by Animexx e.V. (http://www.animexx.de)