Traitors must be punished von abgemeldet ================================================================================ Kapitel 7: Taking over me ------------------------- Taking over me "Axel..." She pants "Xemnas has escaped from prison, and he's after Roxas!" The world around me freezes. Did I just hear right? No, it can't be. he's locked away in prison. Roxas is safe, nothing is going to hurt him. Wait. How did Xion know all this? Does she know what has happened? I had been wondering where she had been all these months? She ran away from the Organization a long time before Roxas or I did, and no one really hears from her. Shaking my head I focus. "What-how-when-How do you know?!" I stutter, not caring if she understands me or not. "He escaped about a couple of days ago" She pants tiredly " I know because I had to get some off my stuff from the castle and I over heard Xigbar and Marluxia talking about it". I feel like slapping her, I don't know why, maybe because she has just given me the worst new problem I could ever get. I study her a bit. She looks tired, her hair is slightly greasy, she's wearing a small light blue dress which ends at her knees. I step aside the entrance of the door and nod for her to come in. We sit on the couch in the living room before discussing about our problem. "So is he definitely coming after Roxas?" I sigh, not wanting the answer to be yes. "I'm so sorry, but...yes." She whispers, knowing that wasn't the answer I wanted. "But what does that stupid prick want with Roxas really, he can't just want him for s-" I cut myself off. "I don't know," She simply says "Another thing I don't get is...well, if Xemnas shot Rox, doesn't he think he's dead? Why would he go after someone he thinks is dead?" "I don't....wait how do you know Rox was shot?" I raise my voice a little. "Namine told me, she always tells me what's happening." She chuckles at my reaction "But what are we..." "I'm going to kill him!!" I scream, and make my way upstairs towards our room, where Roxas is still sound asleep. Roxas POV: I slowly open my eyes to the sound of shouting. I quickly realise Axel isn't next to me, I sit up and scan the room. He's not here, but I hear Axel screaming at someone. I can't understand him but I bet he's arguing with Cloud. Cloud's probably shouting at Axel for burning half the kitchen down while making toast- trust me it has happened. I hear some one stomping up the stairs angrily. Axel bursts through the door. He's mad, his eyes full of hate, his hair sticking out like a hissing cat and his hands clenched into fists. "Why you?!" He screams at me. "Axel?" I whimper not having a clue why he's shouting at me. "Why do you have to do this to me?!" He yells before throwing his chakrams at me. I quickly dodge them, letting them to shred the bed to pieces. I scramble out of the bed, with nothing with my boxers on, how did they get back on, I have no idea. "Axel stop!" I beg him, but he collects his chakrams and throws them at me once more. They bite at my sides, drawing blood. I try to scream but nothing comes out. Fire rises around the room, the flames nipping at my skin, marking it. Yellows, reds, and oranges dance around me, almost blinding my sight. I spot his wild mane of redhead comes closer to me. I try to run, but where? There's only one way out. I want to summon my Keyblade, but I can't bring my self to do it, I don't want to hurt Axel. I want to know why he's doing this, what did I do wrong? Out of the flames a fists jumps out before colliding with my jaw. I hear something crack as I hit the floor. Axel's getting closer to me, I jump to my feet and race towards the door. My skins blistering, my hair burning to a crisp, my lungs tightening to the lack of clean air, my heart racing in fear. I finally reach the door but there's no handle, no handle means no getting out. I hear laughter from behind me. I try to think of a way to get out, or at least get help. I try to scream again but it comes out more of a gasp. I see why. A spike from Axel's chakrams has pieced straight though my back and out of my stomach. Blood circles the spike, drowning the silver in my crimson blood. I turn around to see him smirking at me, before he grabs his weapon, which is still in me. As he grabs it, he quickly spins, making it, and me, twirl around. When he lets go, I go flying into the air before colliding with the window. Glass shatters as my body is thrown into it. It feels like forever before hitting the ground. Blood springs from my mouth when I hit the pavement. I feel my whole body goes hollow, the pain of my bones breaking. I lay there for a while until I look up at the window. I can see Axel looking down on me but then suddenly he changes into that brunette, the one I saw in the bathroom. "Terra." I breathe gently but it wasn't me who said it. But it did come from my mouth. Terra stares deep into my dying eyes before jumping from the window. He lands into a crouched position, transforming back into Axel. He straightens up, and walks up to me. I quickly notice that I'm still in danger. I struggle to my feet, somehow, and limp away from him. I find my self at a park entrance. The park is gloomy and dark, swings creepily dance with the howling wind, leaves scatter against the dark green grass. I forget my fear and almost crawl into the park. I follow a path until I reach a river, a dead end. The river's too wide to jump and flowing too fast to swim across. I turn to leave but Terra is walking up the path. He slowly, deadly, creeps up the path, quickly changing into Axel then back again, continuously. He finally reaches me, and stares at me before hurling his Keyblade at me. As Terra transforms back into Axel ,his keyblade also changes into two deadly Chakrams . I dodge the first but the second plunges its self into my chest and into my heart. I feel my life slip away from me, the blood coats my body. I can feel my self falling until I feel a sharp freezing pain stings through my body. Water rushes into my lung making them collapse of them selves. I try to swim to the surface but the current quickly swipes me away. My body tumbles against the rivers bed as I float along. All my breath finally runs out, my heart stops, my lungs wither away, my blood stops running, my eye lids fall heavy over my eyes and quickly darkness consumes me and- I'm dead. (A.N- more chapters coming soon) Hosted by Animexx e.V. (