Blind As A Bat von abgemeldet (As far as love goes) ================================================================================ Kapitel 1: As far as love goes ------------------------------ It was about twenty years ago, that I'd met her. When I saw her for the first time, she was the most beautiful creature I'd ever seen. Even though I had seen Succubi that could shatter a soul only with their sheer beauty and angels so gorgeous that they could make men seize their weapons by just appearing on the battlefield. Even though she was the most beautiful creature I'd ever seen. In the following years I came to see her as often as I could, without telling her about my feelings or about my true nature. After two years of sorrowful waiting I confessed her my love, confessed to her everything about me. What I was, the fact, that we could never be together, the pain I felt about that. Her only answer was a kiss, light and gentle, strong and lustful, everything was said just with this wonderful kiss. We would be together, at least as long as heaven and hell would allow us. Every minute with her, was worth the most painful ways to die. We lived peacefully on earth for nearly twenty years. Twenty years I didn't visit hell and twenty years, heaven ignored or missed the fact, that an archdevil was living among the humans. I don't know why they didn't came after us for all those years. Lucifer might have thought of it as interesting to wait for heaven's reaction, he might have even thought, that it would be nice to let me enjoy the love I'd found for some time, but why heaven didn't came after us was a riddle to me. Of course I didn't use my powers but still, an archdevil posed a great threat to whole humanity if it weren't for the angels and still they didn't do anything against my being on earth. But it doesn't matter why they didn't came after us now. Because now they have arrived and they have arrived to the exact same time. I know, because I can here the sound of battle in front of our house, I know because I can feel the presence of cherubim and lower demons outside. As I step out of the door I see a battlefield. About five hundred lower demons fight a whole battalion of cherubim. Of course those poor small demons don't stand the slightest chance against about hundred warriors that were solely made for the purpose of opposing devils. But still they would never flee or surrender, because both means the same end as fighting. Suddenly I can feel her at my back, she is hugging me, kissing my back softly. I tell her, that it will be over soon, that I can defeat those angels, but they would send more and eventually even an archangel. I tell her, that they will kill us both. She silently asks, if we will see ourselves again after death. With sorrow in my heart I shake my head and explain, that me, as a soulless being, won't enter any afterlife and will vanish into eternity. She on other hand, would go to hell, for having committed one of the greatest sins, to love a demon. With tears in her eyes, she tells me, that she doesn't want to exist any longer than me, not in this nor in any other world. I tell her, that there might be one other possibility, but that I don't want to do that. She begs me to tell her, so I start to explain, that demons can devour souls in order to transport them easier to hell and to my former lord. I also tell her, that if those souls aren't given to Lucifer, they become a part of the demon and strengthen him. She looks at me with a little happiness in her face and tells me to do that. I don't answer and stare at the cherubim, as they are about to end their battle and proceed to their next. She begs me to answer, I slightly push her back into the house and close the door. Now ready for battle I send a wave of destructive energy towards the angels and the few remaining demons. Just before this wave of death reaches my enemies, two seraphim appear in front of the small army and activate a magic shield. As my magic touches theirs, those two seraphim are instantly destroyed, but they have protected the cherubim from any harm. As they rush towards me I don't have any time left to send another wave, so I summon my trustworthy rapier and ready myself for combat. Just seconds before the first cherubim reaches me, I take on my demonic form and unfold my gigantic wings. As my enemy comes into reach, he instantly dies, eradicated by a swift blow of my blade. Now I myself start moving and bolt through the masses of angels, always avoiding attacks and attacking myself. More and more angels fall around me and even though I receive some wounds non of them goes deep. Suddenly, while in a spin, I notice an angel with six wings. Another seraph and he is building up a holy barrier together with another one. Having noticed their trap early enough I rush towards one of the angelic magicians and separate his head from his body. The other one, understanding he has been noticed, vanishes immediately, giving me no time to destroy him as well. After nearly half an hour I have killed all the angels and I'm bleeding nearly everywhere on my body, but non of their blades has cut deep enough to pose any threat. Even though I bother to heal those wounds, while she slowly steps out of the house. Again, she begs me to devour her soul, to make us one, so we could be together for eternity when I fade into nothingness. Again, I cannot answer, but I cannot watch her cry either and tears are welling up her eyes ones again. I hardly think about it, but somehow, I can't think of a decision and again, I am forced to delay my thinking, as my name is called out to. As I turn around, I see another archdevil I have fought side by side with in countless battles against heaven. His eyes show only disgust for what I have done and I know, that he will come at me with everything he has. I tell her to go back inside the house again and, with some reluctance she goes. He starts asking me questions, but I don't answer a single one of them because it doesn't matter anyway, I have chosen my path and I don't expect anyone to understand that. While he is still talking I concentrate my power, to my fingertip. As he is finished, he lets out a mocking laughter and then comes at me. As he reaches me, I step forward and touch him with my fingertip, releasing all of my build up energy into his body. He is instantly ripped apart and I am bathed in ash. I called out to her and she rushes towards me, to hug me, kiss me, and again, beg me. Still not able do choose, I feel an extreme change of atmosphere, as though a terribly strong aura had just entered this world. And that is just as it is, as I turn around, I can see an archangel descending from the sky. He is descending slowly, knowing, that I have nowhere to run to. With only one gaze at this creature, who will be my doom, I decide on what to do. I turn around once again and kiss her, I put all of my love and warmth into that kiss and without a further word, devour her soul through this kiss as well. At first fear and pain washes over her face, but as soon as she realises what I am doing, she starts to embrace that pain and a delighting happiness washes over her face. As I am finished her body falls weakly to the ground and I turn around once again, facing the archangel as he lands on earth. As I ready myself for battle, I feel a strange sensation from inside of me, as though she was giving me another last kiss. With this kiss, a power enters my body, I had never thought of as possible. Being ready for my final battle I start my first attack. As I reach the archangel I myself am astounded by my speed and strength. The archangel tries to throw me back, but I can hold my ground and before he can try again, I hit directly into the darkness that conceals his face. As I punch against something, he stumbles backwards and attacks immediately again. This time he has the advantage as our swords clash against each other, because he was coming at me not only with his sword, but also with his fist, hitting me so hard, that I practically fly backwards. As I land on the ground, he is standing above me, trying to ram his sword into my chest, but I manage to roll to the side and catapult myself into the air with a flap of my wings. Still in the air, I propell myself towards my enemy with another strong flap of my wings and again, our swords crash against each other. As I stare into the darkness, which conceals his face, the power inside of me starts to withdraw. The archangel seems to notice that and gives his sword a strong push again, catapulting me backwards and following me immediately. Still in an uncontrolled flight, the angel appears next to me and rams his elbow into my chest, crashing me into the ground. I want to react, but before I can even move a finger, his foot is placed on my chest. With his faceless mask of darkness he looks down on me, as he rises his sword, to bring it down for his final strike. As he brings his sword down again two words escape his mouthless face. The two last words I ever heard and the most satisfying words I ever heard, lucky one. With this his sword cuts off my head and as my body was engulfed by fire, my only thought was, that now, I could be together with her forever. And so I fade into the darkness, into the nothingness, but I am happy. Hosted by Animexx e.V. (