Cold von abgemeldet (light x l) ================================================================================ Kapitel 2: english version -------------------------- Cold ~Looking back at me I see That I never really got it right~ Sit in my room, my arms wrapped around my knees. Tears run over my cheeks. My eyes are red. “Why?” is my only thought. ~I never stopped to think of you I’m always wrapped up in things I cannot win~ I still see your face. Your eyes wide of shock. And the fear in them, as I showed you the truth. I am Kira! ~You are the antidote that gets me by Something strong Like a drug that gets me high~ I see your angel like face in front of me. Your dark eyes and your pale lips. The white, marble like skin. ~What I really meant to say Was I’m sorry for the way I am I never meant to be so cold Never meant to be so cold~ I think of the first time we met. You told me, who you really are. L, the great detective, my worst enemy and the only thing I could think of, was your death. How I slowly kill you. ~What I really meant to say Was I’m sorry for the way I am I never meant to be so cold Never meant to be so cold~ I remember the times in which we tried to catch the Yotsuba Kira together. We nearly became something like friends. But then my memories came back and I began to hate you again. ~To you I’m sorry about all the lies Maybe in a different light You could see me stand on my own again~ But can I still hate you? My feelings are so confusing. The fear to lose together with the panic for you. From you. The death which comes fast and steadily and which will apart us. ~Cause now I can see You were the antidote that got me by Something strong Like a drug that got me high~ Now I cry salty tears, when I think of it, how you have been lying in my arms. As the life vanished from you and your gaze faded away. Overcome by the memory of your lighter becoming grip. ~What I really meant to say Was I’m sorry for the way I am I never meant to be so cold Never meant to be so cold~ I remember our time together. And when I think of it, that your death was my entire fault. That you had to die for the girl, who is so dumb, that it drives me crazy. ~What I really meant to say Is I’m sorry for the way I am I never meant to be so cold Never meant to be so cold~ When I want to punish myself for my atrocities, I think of, how you have smiled for me. That smile was only for me. Nobody else has ever seen it. And for that I love you. ~I never meant to be so cold~ But I never showed you my feelings and my fear, that you could reject me, let me hate you even more. My angel of justice. I will never forget you. ~I never really wanted you to see The screwed up side of me that I keep Locked inside of me so deep~ The madness made me become that, what I am, but you always accepted me. Or was it just a lie? Have you even seen it? I’m sure you have. But you have never said a thing. ~It always seems to get to me I never really wanted you to go~ And again I begin to cry. My heart bursts into a thousand pieces. My hands shake. I bite my thumb, like you have done it, when you were thinking. Where are you? ~So many things you should have known I guess for me there’s just no hope I never meant to be so cold~ Suddenly you wrap your army around me and whisper into my ear: “I love you!” Immediately the tears are gone and I think of the rubber Ryuk has showed me. The rubber of a Shinigami with which you can erase a name out of the Death Note and reanimate this person. ~What I really meant to say Is I’m sorry for the way I am I never meant to be so cold Never meant to be so cold~ I kiss you and I know you will be for ever mine. And when you go, I’ll go with you. Because we belong together. Kira and L. Murderer and master detective. Raito and Ryuuzaki. With my tongue I bet for entrance into your mouth. You let me in and aquiace in being mine. ~What I really meant to say Is I’m sorry for the way I am I never meant to be so cold Never meant to be so cold~ Happy Ending ^^ Characters: Light/Raito/Kira, L/Ryuuzaki, Ryuk and Misa from Death Note © by Takeshi Obata and Tsugumi Ohba. Song: So cold © by Crossfade Story: © by me Hope you enjoyed it ^^ Hosted by Animexx e.V. (