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suis0u   [Zeichner-Galerie] Upload: 08.11.2018 09:48
{ Fin’dhel / Find’hel / Findhel } - from the German “Findelkind” (word for a abandoned child) and the engl. “find help”

A forgotten god of the times past. Findhel is very old, but the memories of his own origin are lost in his mind and in the end, he doesn’t care.

Like his name gives away, he has his purpose in helping lost children or any kind of children in danger and know to ask by whispering his name and the small phrase:

“For Death’s cradle I / we don’t want to lay, please help, please help. Fin’dhel may help.”

He lives in the woods and the world in between since he despises the modern age and most humans with their tendency to violence, cruelty and destruction. His jackdaw is his small helper and ears and eyes, so when he or the jackdaw find a child in need, he will took it, to live further in the world in between.

Touched with his magic and under his protection, the child will change slowly over many, many years, since time will lose any meaning.. and become part of the supernatural. It will change in a shape to fit his soul, spirit or creature alike, but a part of the other world that humans barely can’t touch.
“A old soul he is, a deity of the past days. Many never knew who he was and only children still know how to whisper his name in time of darkness, despair and greatest fear.

Just few will remember, but legends exists… and stories inspired of his being like ‘Peter Pan’ or ‘the Pied Piper of Hamelin’. Nothing really true but still a part of what was not forgotten.
He’s a deity of the past days, all the other gods already dead and forgotten.
Alone he will remain and follow his duties and purpose until no child need to whisper his name anymore.”
Verwendete Referenz:

Fantasie, männlicher Charakter, Geister, Spirits und Übersinnliches

Bleistift, Computer koloriert

Eigener Charakter


Kommentare (2)

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Bitte keine Beleidigungen oder Flames! Falls Ihr Kritik habt, formuliert sie bitte konstruktiv.
Von:  Minzschokolade
2018-11-11T09:08:07+00:00 11.11.2018 10:08
Looks great! I like his expression.
Von:  Gamesh
2018-11-08T13:44:05+00:00 08.11.2018 14:44
It is beautyfully made. I like it a lot. Your picture lives without bright colours, which I find impressing! Thumbs up!