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"Tomorrow, surely" DoKomi 2016 (Leseprobe)

Zeichner: citro   -   [Dōjinshi]
Erstellt: 12.04.2016
Neueste Seite: 12.04.2016
Nicht abgeschlossen
Stichwörter: Shōnen-Ai, Romantik, Leseprobe
Kategorie: Kurzgeschichte
Leserichtung: Japanisch
Kapitel: 1
Seiten: 6
  • Seiten: 6
    Neueste Seite: 12.04.2016
    Status: Nicht abgeschlossen

size: A5
pages: 36

Naoki runs into his former junior from high school Shouta during a late-night walk, and of course can't leave him alone like that. Bringing Shouta back home may be a good move to talk the past over, but they both get confronted with things that happened years ago…

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