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Hetalia's magical fairytales

Zeichner: DenSu   -   [Dōjinshi]
Erstellt: 15.06.2011
Neueste Seite: 07.10.2013
Nicht abgeschlossen
Leserichtung: Westlich
Kapitel: 5
Seiten: 49

Hej, guys :D

I am so sorry! Rumpelstilzkin was paused, because I had to study a lot...  Thank you for your patience :3 There is by now a little compensation with a 4-Strip comic :D And there will be a big Fanart soon :) Sweden_
There had been a re-upload of LittleRedHidingHood, so that the writing is better to read^^

This is a doujinshi about fairytales :)
It's drawn by two people :D (Denmark_ and Sweden_)

We have for now:
- Humpty Dumpty (ArthurxAlfred, Denmark)
- Peter Pumpkin (VashxRoderich)
- Rumpelstilzkin (ArthurxAlfred, France, Canada) (ongoing)
- Little Red Hiding Hood (VashxRoderich) (ongoing)

Next is:
- Old King Cole (DenmarkxSweden, Iceland, Norway, Finland, Sealand)
- Alice in Wonderland (Nordics)
- Jorinde and Joringel (ArthurxAlfred, and some others :D)
- The Wishing-Table, the Gold-Ass, and the Cudgel in the Sack (Roderich, Gilbert, Ludwig, Romano, Veneciano)

If you have any requests, just tell us :) You can decide pairing and fairytale on your own ;)
(You can choose between Denmark_(all blue) and Sweden_ (all grey) to draw, if you want =) )
Write an ens :D

Hope you'll enjoy our doujinshi :D
Please give us reviews :D

P.S.: Denmark is called 'Mikkel', because as we all know, he has no definite name =)

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