Wisdom beyond Measure... von Aylatha ================================================================================ Prolog: Vengeance ----------------- Panting slightly, he dashed down the dark alleyway, looking for his prey. She had to be close, he knew. He wasn't even thinking about using his wand to find her. Taunting her into revealing her­self would be so much better. “What is the matter, Abigail? Are you too scared to stand up to me after successfully mur­dering my mother?! I didn't know that being a Death Eater entailed being a coward!” Tabatha had actually been his mother-in-law, but Roland didn't care about such little de­tails. She had been family, and family was to be protected or – in case of murder – avenged. He was in a strange way happy to see his taunt had had the intended effect. Abby came out from her hiding place to confront him directly. While she – being a Death Eater – knew more about black magic than he'd ever find out, he had an advantage – he was an Auror. Albeit a young one. And she was a year younger than him, so he didn't expect her to be too overly powerful. His words had made her angry, and with a growl, she sent a curse flying in his direction. Roland dodged and retaliated, and soon, the whole alley was glowing brightly with the light from a variety of curses and jinxes. Both duellists were determined to kill the other. A curse rebounding from the ground hit his left knee and Roland cursed. Abigail laughed, clearly delighted that she had managed to land a hit. Roland's mood sank – if possible – even deeper. She blocked his next spell with a shield charm, but dropped it instantly to resume her attack – which was exactly what he had been anticipating. So he sent a second curse right after the first. Having not enough time to react, Abigail was smashed into the wall. There was a sickening crunching noise as several bones in her body were smashed. Roland lowered his wand and looked down at the lifeless figure. I had better inform my unworthy cousin of his wife's demise. And I need to tell Alice to mark her as dead. Abby had been his wife's cousin; she had turned away from the family and joined the Death Eaters. And now she had murdered her own aunt. The blood relation made her crime even worse. Roland quickly checked the injury on his knee, then he turned on the spot and disappeared with a soft popping noise. Hosted by Animexx e.V. (http://www.animexx.de)