The Curse of the Brand von Aylatha ================================================================================ Kapitel 34: Just Cause ---------------------- The daein army had fortified the bridge and refused to let them pass without a fight – much to Sanaki's dismay. Maian struggled with her knowledge and the desire to tell Sanaki everything – but didn't dare to risk it. The smell of snow was in the air. Maian had been taught that the winters in Daein were long and harsh, and she really wasn't looking forward to this journey. Sanaki had sent messengers three times over to the daein side, but their comman­der refused to hear them out. "We have no choice but to force our way through", Ike said. "Very well", Sanaki said reluctantly. "Once we have crossed the bridge, I will petition King Pelleas to let us pass through Daein." "You should better not expect this to work", Maian replied. "As I said earlier, Daein has sided with the senate." Just as they were about to set out, Tibarn arrived. "Sorry it took me so long to come here. Reyson was so determined to go to the battlefield, I had to tie him to his bed." "Really?", Ike asked. "Nah, just kidding. He passed out earlier. So, I'm having a different anchor slow me down this time." Leanne came swooping down. "I – um, I will fight. Yes?" "I wish you and Reyson would be more heron-like. Like Rafiel. Calm, graceful, ele­gant, all that." "Never mind Tibarn, Leanne. We're glad to have you", Ike reassured her. Leanne beamed at him. "This looks seriously bad", Sothe said. He and Micaiah were watching the fight on the bridge from a hill nearby, along with a messenger of the senate. "They're simply wiping our forces out. And it's not just the laguz – Crimea has joined them. See the soldiers with the green uniforms? Blimey, even the Crimean Royal Knights have moved out..." "There are lots of red ones, too", Micaiah observed. "Yes. More than half of the imperial army stayed with the apostle." "And the black ones are losing more and more ground..." "See those pegasus knights? That's the Holy Guards. Their deputy commander, Ta­nith, is a fierce warrior. Her own subordinates fear her, they call her "Great Demon". Standing in her way is probably the most stupid thing you could do. The comman­der, General Sigrun, is supposed to be more gentle, but still determined to protect her lady. But we're fortunate King Caineghis and Queen Elincia aren't here. I've never seen the Lion King fight, but he's supposed to be very strong." "And the queen?" "Well, I only saw her fight in the Mad King's war. She wasn't outstanding, but good enough to keep up with Tanith's pegasus knights. And she's a fairly good healer and since she's riding a pegasus, she can be where she's needed in the blink of an eye." "I see. And what else can you tell me about Crimea?" "Well, it appears that the delbray-siblings aren't here, either. They probably stayed with the queen. Lady Lucia is an awesome swordsmaster, almost as strong as Commander Ike. And she has direct control over the palace guards. Her brother, General Geoffrey, is the commander of the Crimean Royal Knights. He uses lances and bows, and he' really good. It seems that his deputy, Kieran, is in command of the knights right now." "What – what is that?! A dragon?!" "Yeah, it seems they got a goldoan. Now that's bad." "Her name is Nala and she belongs to Senator Maian", the begnion priest explai­ned. "The senator and her men joined forces with the alliance some time ago. She is quite a strong sage herself and she has a mixed guard, made up of beorc and sub-humans - " "It's laguz, man!", Sothe spat at him. "Try to remember that!" A blinding flash of light enveloped part of the bridge. "What was that?!", Sothe asked. "That was a spell, a powerful one. Is the senator a light sage?" "Yes", the priest replied. "I see..." "I have heard that Senator Maian is very different from other senators – and I be­lieve that", Sothe said. "Just look at which side she's chosen." The end of the bridge was in sight. Ike mustered his remaining strength to sprint past some daein soldiers to where their commander was. Soren was, as always, right behind him. Ike's flying units had attacked the enemy draco-knights and lured them away from the bridge, so the others could concentrate on the enemies on the ground. "You there, daein commander! The situation has turned against you! Surrender while you still can, the apostle promises you to have mercy!" "Silence! The Maiden of Dawn has ordered us to hold the bridge. And I take no mercy from a fraud!" "Do you want to die here?", Ike asked in disbelief. "For the maiden, I would gladly give my life! She is our priestess!" "They're fanatics, just as I told you", Soren said. The daein commander fired his crossbow at Ike and he could just dodge in time. With a roar, Nala came diving down and crashed onto the commander, killing him with her sheer weight. Ike gave her a nod. "Thanks!" "Don't mention it." "Micaiah, this is bad. Our commander has already fallen, it's only a matter of time 'til they break through." "Understood. Order our troops to pull back." "What? No!", the priest shouted. "You can't do that! You have to stop them!" "We can't hold them off", Micaiah replied calmly. "Then just destroy the bridge!" "Are you out of your mind?! Our soldiers are still on the bridge! Besides, half of this army is airborne, so that wouldn't bother them too much. We will retreat!" "I will tell your king about this. And I doubt the senate will be too pleased!" "We could just leave you behind and see what the apostle's army does to you", So­the said threateningly. The priest went pale. Micaiah turned and started to climb down the hill. All of a sudden, she stumbled. Sothe caught her arm. "Micaiah!" "Sothe... don't... everyone is watching. Just – act normal..." "Micaiah, hang in there!" The world seemed to blur and spin around her, and then – darkness... "Good work, Ike", Sanaki said, once all of their soldiers had crossed the bridge. "They weren't much stronger than last time, but they sure put up a fight. It seems this is all because of their maiden." "Have you met her?" "I saw her when we crossed the Ribahn, but had no chance to speak with her. But Soren did." "Would you tell me about her?" "She is strong, though not as strong as I am. And she seems to care very strongly for Sothe – I believe that is her weakness. But she is unlike any general I've seen before. I don't think she is a regular soldier", Soren replied. "I see. Well, let us set up camp for today. I will send a messenger to King Pelleas immediately." Hosted by Animexx e.V. (