The Curse of the Brand von Aylatha ================================================================================ Kapitel 32: The Heart of Crimea ------------------------------- "Queen Elincia! It's awful, mylady! The Begnion army has crossed our border and is marching towards Gallia as we speak!", a soldier reported. Elincia rose from her throne. "What?! I refused them permission to do that!" "Looks like the senate could care less", Lucia observed. "That's not all, Your Majesty. The begnion soldiers are attacking villages and stealing supplies from our people!" Elincia turned pale. "I would have never thought they would dare to do that", she whispered. "Surely this cannot be the will of the apostle." "Your Majesty, if we do nothing, Begnion will take this as an invitation to continue", Lucia pointed out. "You are right... They will have to answer to me! General Geoffrey, leader of the Crimean Royal Knights, I hereby order you to remove the begnion soldiers from our villages and protect our people. You may use force if necessary." "At once, Your Majesty! Kieran, gather the knights!" "Yes, sir!" Elincia turned to Marcia, who had been standing next to the throne. "I'm sorry to drag you into this, Marcia... Now you'll have to fight your own country­men..." "No, don't apologize, I'm really glad to be here! It was very kind of you to offer me a place in the royal knights, but hiring my sponge-brained, spine-deprived brother might qualify you for sainthood. Speaking of which, I'd better go look for my useless big brother. Knowing him, he's in the bar drinking or gambling..." Marcia hurried after the men, mumbling to herself. To Elincia's dismay, Geoffrey had to use force. After several fierce battles the knights had managed to drive the marauders away from the villages. To prevent more bloodshed, Elincia proposed a peace talk and Senator Valtome agreed to come to Melior. The young queen eyed the senator critically. With his almost waist-long fizzy hair he looked like a woman. "Senator Valtome, I sincerely regret having to meet under these circumstances." "Oh, I completely agree, Your Majesty. I would have never dreamed we would suffer so much mistreatment from our allies. So, you have decided that Crimea will side with Gallia, and honour the alliance with those filthy sub-humans over ours?" "As I've said earlier, Crimea will side neither with Begnion nor with the Laguz Allian­ce. We remain neutral. This is my final answer." "Ah, then please enlighten me... why prevent us from getting what we needed? Begnion is your suzerain. You should be... delighted... to comply with our request for supplies. But instead, you launch an ambush and inflict horrible pain on us, your loving guardians. Now, Begnion is a patient parent, but I hope you realise that your actions thus far have amounted to treason and sedition..." Elincia felt anger welling up inside her. "You have violated our borders, stole from my people and inflicted harm upon them. I will not allow such actions within my lands, no matter who the aggressor may be!" "How quaint. Uweee-heee-heee!" His laughter made a shiver run down Elincia's spine. "Your Majesty, do you know what the penalties are for the crimes you've committed? I can only assume you do not, or you would not so rashly endanger your life. But do not worry, Queen Elincia. Once Begnion has your crown – along with your head – removed for treason, I am pretty sure we will take very good care of your people." "Senator Valtome!", a tall begnion knight exclaimed. "I think, after the dust has settled, I will place my portrait right over your throne – yes. It was a pleasure chatting with Your Majesty. I am leaving now. She's all yours, general." Valtome turned on his heel and strode out of the throne room, several soldiers following him. The general turned to face Elincia. "Your Majesty, please forgive my superior officer's insolence." "Wait, I recognise you. You came to our aid during the Mad King's War... General Zelgius, wasn't it?" "Yes, Your Majesty. This is the second time I've had the honor of seeing you. I sin­cerely apologize for my army's actions during the resupply operation. Please, for­give us." "The begnion army and the apostle gave us much support in our reconstruction effort. Crimea will always appreciate Begnion's generosity. However, Crimea and Gallia are allies. As such, we cannot take side in this quarrel. Please understand." "I understand, Your Majesty. My soldiers will refrain from levying supplies while in Crimea." Elincia inclined her head. "Thank you for your understanding." "However, I must ask you to to agree on these two points: First, the imperial army shall be given leave to pass through Crimea toward Gallia. Second, we shall be al­lowed to engage the gallian army in towns near the Crimea-Gallia border." "Excuse me?! This peace-talk is meaningless! You will still do battle and spill blood within our borders!" "I'm afraid this is the best I can offer. It's sometimes necessary to cut your losses for the greater good. Please think on it. Tomorrow, my army will begin to march toward Gallia. If the crimean army does not interfere, I will take this as a sign of agreement. Farewell, Your Majesty." He bowed and turned to leave. "General Zelgius, please wait! Does the apostle know anything about this war with the laguz?" Zelgius didn't reply. "It's just very hard for me to believe... Is this war truly the will of the apostle?" "That is not for me to answer, Your Majesty." "Then at least tell me: is the apostle safe?" Zelgius closed his eyes. "Excuse me, I must go." Elincia watched him leave, unable to shake off the feeling that something was very wrong. "A decision has been made. We need to move out at once", Maian told the others. "What happened?", Tibarn asked. "It is as I feared. Valtome has had his way. The begnion army has occupied a few forts near the border. They are still organising everything, but we must make haste, if we are to stop them from crossing into Gallia." "Grrr... does that mean Crimea has broken the treaty?", Skrimir asked. "Not – as such", Ranulf replied. "They are not siding with Begnion, after all. But since Begnion is the suzerain state, Crimea can't simply ignore the senator's re­quest." "Suze-what? What's that?" "Well, it's kinda difficult to explain... Crimea and Daein used to be part of the em­pire, and Begnion still holds influence over them. That's why the daein crown was passed on to the empress after the Mad King's war. Ike, anything you want to add?" "No. I thought the whole idea was ridiculous from the start." Maian couldn't suppress a smile. "For us this means that Queen Elincia cannot refuse Valtome's orders", she explai­ned. "By trying she is putting her own life at risk – most senators – do not like being defied, to say the least." "Well, that settles it, then", Tibarn said. "You two just come up with a decent strategy to get us through this mess." "We will try our best", Soren promised. Everyone had taken their positions. This time, Tibarn would fight with them, too. Their strategy based on the stronger units carving a path while Tibarn, Nala and some of Maian's guards would cover her as she tried to reach Zelgius. But then something happened even Maian hadn't anticipated. A single pegasus came gliding down from the cliffs to the west and alighted right in between the two armies. Queen Elincia dismounted and addressed both armies. "I have come today to declare the will of Crimea and her people. Do both sides insist on this fight?" "Of course I do, you silly girl!", Valtome spat. "Why do you interfere?! Puppet rulers such as yourself should stay in their pretty castles and play dress-up!" "Get out of the way, Elincia!", Tibarn called. "This is our fight. I have a few accounts to settle!" "Now that I have heard both sides, here is our answer." Elincia drew her sword Amiti and held it high into the air. "We stand by our believes! We will not fight, nor allow you to settle your quarrel on our lands!" She dropped the sword into the grass. For a few moments, no-one moved or spoke. Then, Tibarn began to laugh. He rushed forward. Elincia flinched, but didn't back away. "Ike, I always thought you were the craziest beorc I ever met, but you have some serious competition!" Maian silently agreed. "You are braver than most laguz I've seen. Skrimir! We can't endanger someone as noble as Queen Elincia! Let's pull back – for now." "Hah! Understood." The laguz started their retreat. Maian and the mercenaries hesitated, however. "Can't we at least say hello to Queen Elincia?", Mist asked. "Sure, we haven't seen her in a while", her brother replied. "And I have to try and talk to Zelgius", Maian added. "That insolent girl! Who does she think she is?! Oh, very well, then I'll deal with her now! I command you to attack! Kill the queen!", Valtome ordered. Zelgius stared at him. He can't be serious! I cannot allow this to happen. Valtome's men moved out. Zelgius stayed where he was. "Er, general, shouldn't we help Duke Culbert's forces?", Levail asked. "No." "But - " "I will take all the responsibility for this. But I refuse to go along with that. This is even beneath him!" "But - " "Tell me, Levail, could you lay down your weapon while surrounded by soldiers of two different armies that are about to fight?" "Well, I – no, I couldn't do that." "Queen Elincia did something even I would be hard pressed to do. For that, we must show our respect. We will not fight, and I will not have any insubordination. Let us pull back as well." Zelgius turned away. Levail was not the only one to follow. "What's happening over there?!", Ike asked angrily. "Valtome has given order to kill the queen", Maian said quietly. "That bastard... Greil Mercenaries, looks like we got our old job back! Protect Queen Elincia!" "Allow me to come with you. I would like to use this opportunity to kill that traitor." "You are more than welcome, senator." As they rushed to the queen's aid, Maian noticed the Crimean Royal Knights da­shing down the cliffs. Apparently, they had expected something like this to happen. Elincia still refused to move, even though the begnion soldiers were almost on her. Maian urged her steed forward and held out her hand. "Your Majesty!" Elincia instantly recognised her. "Senator Maian!" She seized Maian's hand and Maian managed to pull her onto the pegasus, though she had to use magic. "Hold on tightly, for I am going after that traitor Valtome! I want his head." "I didn't know you were a fighter, senator." "I trust there are a few things you do not know about me." "True. But I do hope I will get some answers from you – General Zelgius was not very talkative." "But at least he was decent enough to withdraw." "Yes, it is fortunate that at least one of this army's leaders knows how to behave himself." Maian made her steed accelerate. "Draco-knights on 12 o'clock!", Elincia called. "I know, I have seen them. Please stop yelling in my ear, that hurts!" "I'm sorry." Maian shot a barrage of light globes at the soldiers. Some of them managed to dodge and one hurled a spear at them. Maian made her pegasus roll sidewards, both riders clinging on for dear life. With a roar, Nala came ascending towards them, roasting one soldier and clawing two others off their steeds. The others fled, only to be attacked by Maian's remaining winged guards. Haar and Jill had joined them. Haar seemed to be enjoying himself. Maian knew he still held a grudge against the senate. The mercenaries and Maian's beasts had joined forces with the Royal Knights and together they started to drive the begnion soldiers back. Valtome watched the battle. This wasn't at all what he had intended. Zelgius had deserted him, and the crimeans had joined forces with a bunch of sellswords and Senator Maian's guards. And the senator was currently headed in his direction. "Senator Valtome! The situation has turned against us! Please, you must retreat!", the commander called. "Fine. Deal with those dogs for me." Zelgius... I'll have you pay for that! Maian's pegasus alighted next to the Royal Knights and Elincia slipped off her steed. "Thank you for saving me, Senator Maian." "It was my pleasure." "Our thanks go to you as well", General Geoffrey said to Ike. "Don't mention it. But you sure are more relaxed these days." "Yes, but it wasn't easy, as you can imagine." "Of course. But you did what had to be done. Crimea really has grown strong." "And you are part of this strength, remember?" Ike smiled. "Yes. And I am very proud of my homeland." "But what will happen now?", Soren asked. "We managed to chase them off, but only because Zelgius and most of the imperial army didn't fight." "I do not know what Valtome will do, but one thing is for sure: Zelgius is in big trouble", Maian replied. "Why?", Ike asked. "The punishment for insubordination is severe. And knowing Valtome, he will make sure Zelgius gets punished." "Can't we do anything to help him?", Mist asked. "I am afraid not. Even with flying units we would not get there in time, and infiltrating their camp would be impossible. Only a miracle can save him now..." Hosted by Animexx e.V. (