The Curse of the Brand von Aylatha ================================================================================ Kapitel 21: A gathering Hope ---------------------------- Micaiah's name had been like a rallying call for the retainers and all those who had still some hope left in their lives. They had not been able to recruit many fighters, but they also needed cooks, people who did the sewing, worked as carpenters or helped forging weapons. Izuka had wanted to attack Talrega, but Micaiah had objected it. The others had been impressed to hear about her visions and Izuka had left the tent in a fury. Mi­caiah had suggested to attack the independent province Marado instead. They had been victorious and Lady Fiona had joined them, along with her horse­men. "Lady Fiona, you are General Lanvega's daughter, correct?", Micaiah asked. "Yes. My father had served the king who ruled before Ashnard. He left the army because he didn't want to serve Ashnard... did you hear the rumours that Ashnard killed his own father?" "No, never." "Well, supposedly it was the plague that wiped out the entire royal family save Ashnard, but I doubt it. I think that Ashnard helped things a little." "Yes, it sounds very fishy." "Anyway, during the Mad King's war we remained neutral and Crimea ignored us, thanks to that. After my father's death I became the steward of Marado. At first, I tried to cooperate with the empire to protect my people, and because I didn't want to get involved in this conflict, but they didn't care about that. So I decided to join you." "And I'm glad to have you on our side." Again, Micaiah had quarreled with Izuka. He had suggested that they could poison a lake near a begnion prison camp and watch the enemy die. Micaiah had pointed out that the prisoners would be harmed as well and that this would stain the prince's name. Izuka had called her an insolent girl and left. Micaiah had suggested another strategy. While Tauroneo and the knights of Marado acted as a decoy force, Micaiah and the others infiltrated the building to liberate the prisoners. As Sothe was picking the lock of a cell, they heard a call. "Soooooo-ooooooooothe!" "What the - " A boy with red hair, probably a few years younger than Sothe, came running towards them. He was accompanied by a huge green tiger and a raven. He casually burned a begnion soldier to ashes and skidded to a stop in front of them. "Tormod! Did you get my letter?" "Sothe! What in blazes did you do, you scurvy traitor?!" "What are you talking about?" "You grew! Too tall!" "And I expected you to make sense... listen, I got more important things to do." "It's important to me!" "Whatever. How about the investigation I asked you to do?" "I have news for you. But! There's no time to talk in the middle of a battle. Let's roast some soldiers first!" They managed to liberate all prisoners before the enemy received reinforcements. On the way back to camp, Sothe introduced Tormod and his companions to Mi­caiah, then Tormod started his report. "I thought it best to show your letter to the empress. She had, just as we guessed, no idea what was going on. Along with the prime minister and Senator Maian, she traced the lead to a certain fraction of senators. Now she's snapping mad, but without a proof, she can't publically move against them. She promised, however, to help you in any way possible. That's why we're here." "Well, that's good news", Micaiah said. "Yes", Sothe said, smiling. "Come on, Tormod, I'll show you around. We have some catching-up to do, after all!" The two friends left, followed by Vika. Micaiah sighed. "That Sothe... it's the first time ever I've seen him so cheerful and delighted. I've taken care of him for so long... he always tried to be more grown up than the grown-ups..." "Careful", Muarim said, a slight growl entering his voice. "Remarks like that reveal that you are older than you look." "What?" "Among the laguz, there are some who deny half-breeds such as you any dignity or right to exist. Take due care." He turned and walked away. "Oh... oh no..." "Ever since that silver-haired wench joined that so-called "liberation army", they've won one battle after another!", General Jarod fumed. His superior, Duke Numida of the Imperial Senate, gave him a cold and indifferent look. "Does it bother the shepherd when his sheep bang their heads against the fence? No. They cannot possibly win against our forces." Jarod banged his iron-clad fist on the table. "You seem to fail to see the problem, senator. News of this might eventually reach Begnion." "That – would be less desirable. Though you and I know that we have been only fair and just in our rule, it would be better to avoid an inquiry... Sephiran, the Imperial Prime Minister, casts a grim eye on dishonesty and is quick to judge." "We should wipe out this rebellion before things get out of hand. Then the people will turn their sheep eyes back on us." "I agree. What funding you need is yours. Do it quickly. Do you have a plan?" "Yes. That little witch... she already escaped me several times. But I'll be sure to make this her last battle. She is so determined to help others, we should be able to use that against her... yes, I have a perfect strategy." He bowed to Numida and strode out of the room where his aide Alder waited. As Micaiah was on her way to the hospital section of the camp, she met Vika. "Hello, Vika." Vika let out a shriek and jumped three meters backwards, using her wings. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to startle you." Vika didn't reply, she just kept staring at Micaiah. "Did I do something to offend you? Whenever we meet, you leave and you never talk to me..." "It – it's not because of you. It's me." Vika took a step closer. "Every time we meet, I just get that feeling that I must avoid you for some reason..." "Oh..." She can probably feel what I am, just like Muarim could. I am so glad he kept it a secret... "Don't look so sad! I want to overcome this. I don't like this feeling... I want to be your friend." "Really?" "Yes, really. Here, take this. It's thanks to this little statue that I met the boss and Muarim. It's a lucky charm." "Thank you, Vika. I'll treasure it. But now I have to go – Laura's tended to the inju­red soldiers all morning, now it's my turn." The soldiers who hadn't see her heal before were awed by her powers. Micaiah had already treated several of them when she sensed a disturbance. A young woman came rushing into the tent. "Maiden! Please help them! You're the only one who can!" "Calm down and tell me what's going on." "The begnion soldiers are collecting all prisoners from the nearby camps in Shifu Swamp to execute them!" "A mass-execution? My spies have reported no such thing", Izuka said. "It is most likely an enemy trap." "Yes, but if we don't do anything, we risk many lives!", Micaiah replied. "So what? What are those lives in comparison to the army? If we go there, we risk the annihilation of the entire Liberation Army!" "Prince Pelleas..." "I want to help them as well, but Izuka is right. It's too risky", Pelleas answered. "I understand. That's why I won't take any troops. Only myself and my old friends will go." "That – you can't do that!", Izuka exclaimed. "Do you want to try and stop me?" Sothe pulled his dagger out a few inches, just enough for Izuka to see. "Micaiah, please be careful", Pelleas said. "If it's too much for you, retreat. We can't risk losing you." "I understand. I'll come back safely, and I'll bring the prisoners, too." Vika alighted in front of them. "The situation is as follows: the begnion soldiers have spread throughout the swamp and it looks as if they're about to push the prisoners into the water. They brought no horses, but two wyverns. We'll need to act quickly, general." Micaiah nodded. "We'll have to split up. Vika, Muarim, Queen Nailah, Volug, you rescue the prisoners and take them someplace safe. After that, you join the fight. Rafiel and Laura, you support us from the back and everyone else tackles the enemy units. But the draco-knights might be a problem..." "Just leave them to me", Ilyana said. "I'll roast them – and then I'll eat them!" Sothe laughed. "Ilyana is as hungry as ever. But don't worry about those winged snakes, Tormod, Muarim and I know how to fight them as well." Micaiah nodded and gave the order to move out. This was by far the hardest fight they've ever had. The water and the muddy ground made it difficult and even dangerous to move. But they managed to catch the begnion soldiers off guard, which was a big advantage. While Leonardo supported them from behind, Laura kept watch for Rafiel who was singing his galdrar to help the others. Micaiah noticed that he wasn't flying, instead he walked behind the healer. The laguz had quickly done their part and were now joining the fight. Nailah was fighting even fiercer than Volug and Micaiah was glad the wolf queen was on her side. Eventually, they closed in on the enemy commander, a sage. Tormod, Ilyana and Micaiah stepped forward to fight him. "Silver-haired wench! I'll present your head to General Jarod!" "Where is he, the coward?", Sothe asked. "Looks he prefers letting others do the dirty work." "Taking innocent people as hostages just to lure me out – this is unforgivable! In the name of the Goddess Ashera, you shall be punished!", Micaiah shouted. They attacked. He was strong, but not strong enough to deal with two mages and a sage alone. The remaining soldiers fled and Micaiah's little army picked up the prisoners. As they approached the stony path that led down into the valley where the camp was, they suddenly heard people shouting and cheering. As Micaiah looked down, she could see a large crowd at the entrance. "Look! Up there! The maiden has returned!" "And she's rescued the prisoners!" "Our saviour!" "Our priestess! The Priestess of Dawn!" "You should wave to them", Nailah suggested. "People like it when their heroes seem approachable." Micaiah smiled at her, then she raised her hand. Micaiah had retreated to a deserted corner of the camp to get some time to think about what had happened recently. Whenever she started doubting her decision, she thought of the people she was helping. "Micaiah? What are you doing here on your own?" "Sothe. I needed some time to myself." "I understand, but I don't like it when you're by yourself." "We're still inside camp. And you don't have to worry, I won't leave you again." "Come on, stop reading my mind!" Micaiah chuckled. "Sothe! Micaiah! Come quickly!" Tormod came running towards them, his eyes full of fear. "What's wrong?", Sothe asked, shocked. "It's Muarim! You have to do something!" Tormod seized Sothe's arm and pulled him towards his tent. "What happened?", Micaiah asked, feeling a wave of concern coming from Tormod. "It started all out of a sudden. Muarim transformed and growled at me... when I seized him and yelled his name, he reverted, but the time between the transforma­tions grew shorter and shorter... and his eyes... it was as if one of them was looking at me!" "One of them? What's that?" But the boys ignored her question. They entered the tent. Vika was trying to calm Muarim whose eyes were shining as if he was about to lose his mind. And the next moment he transformed again. Tormod sauntered forward and seized both sides of the tiger's head. "Muarim! Listen to me! Calm down!" The tiger shivered and transformed back. "Little one... run away... I – I can hardly control myself any longer... I d-don't want to hurt you.... aaaaaarrrgh!" Again, Muarim transformed. "No! I won't let you! I won't let you go feral!" Muarim tried to shake Tormod off. Vika watched them, horrified. Micaiah turned to the entrance of the tent. "What's that song?" Rafiel entered. "That's the Galdr of Rebirth! I heard it last time in Melior", Sothe explained. Micaiah shivered. "What is this feeling I get? This is - " As the galdr started to take effect, Muarim transformed back and buckled over. "Muarim!" Tormod bent over him. "No need to worry, he is just asleep", Rafiel said gently. "When he wakes up, he will be his old self." "Thank you so much", Tormod whispered. "Without Muarim, life would be... Vika, help me." The two of them carried him over to his bed. "How could this happen?", Micaiah asked. "I'd like to know that myself", Sothe replied darkly. "Feral Ones?", Pelleas asked, surprised. "Yes. During the Mad King's War Daein used laguz who had been driven mad by a drug. They were fighting like killing machines, fighting until they died", Sothe explai­ned. "It apparently was developed by a mad scientist working for the king. That villain escaped, however." "Are you referring to my brilliant discovery?", Izuka asked, sounding displeased. "You – you gave Muarim that drug?!", Tormod asked, outraged. "Why, yes." "Is that why you were so eager for them to join the army?", Sothe asked. "Of course. This is all those sub-humans are good for, after all." "You little bastard!" Tormod rushed forward. "Wait, please!", Pelleas called. "It is obvious Izuka did something terrible to that sub- I mean, the laguz. But I promise you he won't do it again." "My prince! You can't possibly apologize to those peasants!", Izuka exclaimed. "Why you – I got enough of you all!" Tormod stormed out of the tent. "Leave, Izuka", Pelleas ordered. Izuka stared at him in disbelief. Sothe grabbed him and pushed him out of the tent. "So you say my father used warped laguz during the war?", Pelleas asked. "Yes. We saw the place were they were "created". It was terrible.... but what was worse was that Ashnard used one of them as a private steed – a goldoan black dragon." "Do you happen to know that dragon's name?", Almedha asked. "Rajaion." Almedha gasped. "Is something the matter?", Micaiah asked. "No, it's nothing." "We had his fiancee, Ena, with us", Sothe continued. "Rajaion was turned back to his real self by Prince Reyson and Princess Leanne, but he died shortly after that – in Ena's arms." "That's really terrible", Pelleas agreed. "I'll make sure this doesn't happen again for sure." Almedha left the tent shortly after that to clear her head. What Sothe had told them had shocked her more than she wanted to admit. Feeling exhausted, she leaned against a pole. "Almedha? Do you have a moment?" "Kurth! You startled me." "My apologies. But it's so hard to get to talk to you alone – you never leave Pelleas' side." "What can I do for you?" "Are you going to stay here? Why not go home, together?" "I'm sorry, Kurth. But I can't leave him." "I see. In that case, please take this." "This is a Sending Stone! Do you really want to give me something that precious?" "It's alright. Take it. And promise me you will stay safe." Almedha smiled briefly. "You too." "Prince Pelleas, why do you rely so much on Izuka?", Micaiah asked. "He makes almost all the decisions for you. You're the prince, you shouldn't have to ask anyone for permission or let them decide for you!" Sothe had left to check on Tormod and Muarim, but Micaiah wanted to discuss this issue. "You're right, of course, but you see, the thing is, if Izuka hadn't found me, I'd still be living in that orphanage. He taught me everything I needed to know in order to be­come a true heir to the throne, and he contacted Tauroneo and the others. And he reunited me with my mother..." "I see. You were a no-one, but then Izuka came and you had everything. He provi­ded you with a reason to live for, a goal, friends, admirers and a loving parent... So you feel you owe him." "Micaiah - " "Oh, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have - " "You're amazing! You really can read minds! You saw right through me. Ah, just look at me... I'm sweating..." He wiped his forehead. "Prince Pelleas! That mark..." "Oh. That. It's a mark of Spirit Protection." "Spirit Protection?" "Yes. When a mage forms a pact with a spirit, this manifests as a mark. But what am I talking about! You have the Spirit Protection yourself." "What do you mean?" "I saw you wash your hands the other day. I wanted to talk to you right away, but my mother called. But – do you mean to say you didn't enter the pact yourself?" "No." "Hm, then the spirit probably chose you. This is a very rare phenomenon that happens among newborns. But we should keep this to ourselves... We don't want people to confuse us with the Branded." "The Branded? What are those?" "I'm pretty certain it refers to beorc with laguz blood in their veins. Can you imagine that? Having laguz blood? Anyway, I suffered terrible abuse from the people who mistook me for a Branded. They just have no idea what a Spirit Charmer is..." "I think I now understand more about this and the marks we share... please excuse me." Why... why do all people think it is wrong to have laguz blood? I don't think there's anything wrong with me! Hosted by Animexx e.V. (