Letters of Apology and Farewell von Annaleinchen (Shuji/Akira - Nobuta wo Produce) ================================================================================ Kapitel 1: Akira ---------------- Chapter 01: Akira To say that Kusano Akira was a normal boy would be easy but it would definitely be a lie because Akira was far from normal. To ordinary standarts at least. He never gave anything about the opinion of others. He never acted like other kids of his age regardless what age it was. Whether it was the age of 8 or 14. When someone looked at him he was always happy, and carefree. A little bit loony, yes, but it fit him perfectly and nobody knew it elsewise. Well, at least everyone thought they would knew him but that was just a mask he wanted them to see. Because, apart from others believes Akira was a litte genius but still normal guy with oridnary wishes and his own problems and desires he had to deal with. Even though everyone thought that the name "Kusano Akira" and words like "problem", "normal" and even "sad" couldn't be said in one breath. But that was just because none of them bothered to take a look past the happy surface. Nobody tried to understand his feelings which were like some kind of tornardo inside of him, ready to destroy everything that would dare to come near it. Like a wild beast locked up in a cage, just waiting for the right moment to strike and destroy it's prey. But Akira wouldn't let those emotions take controll over him. He restrained himself by throwing all of his existence into his studies. Yes, studies. Of course anybody believed that it was just his fathers money and not he himself who brought him his good grades but he knew that good grades weren't falling from the sky so he made the best out of his time. He studied at night when there wasn't anybody else around to disturb him. And he never told anybody from is class what he got in exams. Not that there was anybody who was interested in what he was doing anyway. Akira turned into a very private boy when he started school and that didn't change when he became older. He never was an active part of his classes. They all thought he was insane and just not normal so they wouldn't dare to befriend him. But he was alright with that. He didn't care about their facile views. They were all shallow and "just look good and be rich and you're my friend"-types of people. When he hated something more than everything else then it was this kind of people. Just thinking about looks, money, status. That was all they cared about. If they had just looked closer they would have noticed that Akira was the son of one of the riches people in Japan - not that he's give a damn about that. He always fantasized about how they would kiss his - unexpected - well-formed butt to get his attention but of course he wouldn't care. He would just laugh in their faces and walk away. He never gave much about friendship ... that was ... until his 2nd year in highschool where he was put in the same class as Kiritani Shuji. Kiritani Shuji was the most popular student of the school. He was good-looking, had good grades and on top of that he was very popular with girls. Nearly every girl wanted to go out with him. No offence but ... it was understandable. Akira himself felt attracted to his classmate. Yeah. That was his inner most secret. Not only was Akira "loony", "strange" and a "loner", he was also gay and had a huge crush on the star student who definitely wasn't sharing his preferences because it was well know to the entire school that Mr. I'm - too - sexy - for - walking - around - withoug - a - firearms certificate - Kiritani Shuji was going out with the most attractive and desired girl in the entire school, Uehara Mariko. Akira knew that there was no chance for him to start a relationship with his beloved one. So he stayed silent, watching Shuji from the other side of the classroom where he was seated. He watched silently as Shuji joked around with his friends, laughed with them, smiled gently when Mariko came during lunch-break to pick him up and of course while Shuji waved towards his friends, made his special "Bye Byecycle"-move just before following his girlfriend out of the classroom. Slightly depressed and sad Akira signed to himself while visualising how it could be when he would be at Mariko's place. He lost himself in his thoughts whilst walking through the school to get to his favourite place for his lunch: the rooftop. Once there he straddled one of the chairs, folding his arms ontop of the backrest, took out the small pack of soymild and slowly began drinking. During all of that, lost in his thoughts and phantasies about himself hugging Shuji, whispering gentle declarations of his love into the others ear and sharing loving kisses. He was so absorbed in this picture his mind had created notice that small, crystal tears made their way down his slightly flushed cheeks. It didn't notice the soft thud of the door and neither did he notice the low sound of the steps nearing his sitting spot and stopping not far behind him. The sad boy signed again, placed the soymild-pack on the floor and buried his head in his entwined arms letting out a small, muffled sobs. The person who was standing behind him didn't know what to do so they slowly made their way over to the crying boy and hestistandly placed a smooth, warm hand on top of Akira's shoulder and asked: "Are you OK?" Shocked upon the sudden and unexpected contact and the gentle voice he just knew way too well, the surprised youth whirled around and stared into the concern-filled brown eyes of none other than Kiritani Shuji with his own wide, teary and slightly red ones. Kapitel 2: Shuji ---------------- Kiritani Shuji was an ordinary boy. Happy, friendly and always helping his friends when they needed aid. He had a strong will and lots of ideas and visions for his future. But of course, like every human, he had a weak point, too. His was the other peoples views. He gave far too much credit to what other people where thinking of him and was always bending to their will and wishes. He learned how to put on an obedient mask and attitude at a very early age so that he wouldn't disappoint his parents and his little baby brother. But of course he had an opinion of his own, too. He just didn't show it on the outside. Always swimming with the flow. Deep down he was afraid of losing his friends should they discover that he wasn't that kind of person they all believed him to be. He wasn't as self-confident as he made them believe he was. He always had doubts about what he had to do, what he should say, what was the right thing to do. But of course...being Kiritani Shuji he never showed any of these emotions on his face. He was always collected and knew just what to do should there be problems or misunderstandings. He had another side, too. At home he was a completely different person. Always laughing, doing funny things, telling stupid stories and he was even cooking for his family. His father was working all day long and his mother was overseas doing whatever she was doing at the moment. He never could tell in which country she was running around. Therefore he was taking over nearly all the housework like cleaning, cooking, washing and other things which had to be done. You could say that he had a second personality but the truth was....he never showed his true self to someone. Whether his friends nor to his own family. Shuji became a popular guy when he started highschool. He couldn't understand why the girls were all running around him, trying to get his attention. He never considered himself good-looking or attractive. He thought he was just a bit above average because he had seen more sexy and hot guys running around on the streets and everytime when he met another one of those guys he always tried to think of the various things they had to do for their looks to be like that. And he never understood why someone would voluntarily waste so much of their precious time just standing in front of the mirror trying to get their hair into the perfect position or why they spend so much money for beauty-products like creams and other cosmetics. And of course he was always stunned at hearing how often someone could go to the hairdresser to get their hair cut just one centimeter. He would probably never understand. He himself never wasted his time and money that way. But he started to look out for cosmetics when he entered his 2nd year in highschool. He knew why he began to be choosey but he would never admit it to himself let alone his friends. .... The reason was a boy in his class. A boy named Kusano Akira. He immediately noticed the other youth when he first entered his new homeroom. The boy was sitting on the other side of the room while he was seated next to the windows. They locked eyes for a spit second but it was enough for him to burn this picture unerasable into is mind. He doubted that he would be able to ever forget the positively surprised yet sad and lonely look in the brunettes eyes. He swore to himself that he would get those attracting and beautiful eyes to shine in pleasure and pure happiness. Shuji didn't know why he made that particular vow to himself but he was determined to put everything he had to do into action to fulfill his oath to himself. Just a few weeks after the start of the new school year Shuji was surprised by a certain girl who was telling him that she liked him and would like to go out with him when he had similar feeling for her like she had for him. This particular girl was his soon-to-be girlfriend Uehara Mariko. Shuji had listened to the other guys talking about her. Telling rumors about her beauty and such but he himself hadn't been interested in talking about that girl. He never gave much about girls anyway. He thought that he wasn't grown up enough to be ready to start a relationship with somebody but deep down he just never wanted to admit the truth to himself. The truth that he already gave his heart away to one of his classmates. A boy non the less. A boy with light brown hair and sad eyes. And then there came the day where he finally got to talk to Kusano Akira without any bystanders listening. It was a normal day. He was just about to eat lunch together with his girlfriend when he saw his sad class mate slowly walking down the hall straight towards the stairs which lead to the rooftop where Shuji himself enjoyed staying when he needed some time to himself to think. He apologised hastily, saying he had forgotten something and couldn't join Mariko for lunch and without waiting for an answer rushed away from the room he was just about to enter and followed Akira to the roof. He waited some minutes in front of the door before he took a deep breath and went out into the fresh air just to be surpised with a sight he would have never expected. There he sat. Kusano Akira. Alone and staring into space while drinking his beloved soymilk. Oh yeah. Of course Shuji noticed the other boys liking for this special drink. But he couldn't concentrate on that thought. Slowly he made his way over to the other boy just to be frozen to the spot just a few steps away from him. He noticed the silent tears which were running down the youths cheeks and Shuji couldn't remember to have ever seen the other boy cry. He didn't know what to do and therefore he was shocked again to see the other ones head fall on top of his folded armes where he started to cry and sob. That was the moment where Shuji decided to approach the other boy because it was obvious that Akira hadn't noticed that he wasn't alone anymore. He closed the last gap between them, placed his hand on one of the trembling shoulders and whispered the only words that would come to his mind at that moment. "Are you OK?" Afterwards he could have hit himself for being so dumb and saying something so foolish like that. It was crystal clear that the other teen wasn't ok. He wouldn't be crying just for fun, would he? But Shuji's mind stopped working after this point because the other one whirled around and was staring at him with eyes wide open and definitely way too shocked to do anything else than staring into Shuji's eyes. Kapitel 3: Affectionate Gestures -------------------------------- "Are you OK?" Those words still hung in the air without a respond from the addressed person. They just stared at each other, not knowing what to say. "I....uhm....you...." Akira didn't know what he should say to the other teen who was standing in front of him. He didn't feel quite comfortable with Shuji staring at him with a searching look in his eyes. Hastily he brought his right arm to his face to wipe the tears away, embarassed that his classmates had seen them. Shuji didn't know what he should do. He stood there...in front of a obviously confused boy who was crying and now trying to hide his tears even though he knew that Shuji had already seen them. He couldn't bear to see the other boy's despair anymore and without a word he let himself fall on his knees and pulled the other boy into a comforting hug. He buried one hand in the soft hair of Akira, crawling the sensitive spot on his neck gently while the other was hugging him tightly onto his own upper body. He burrowed his face in the soft neck and whispered soothing words into the others ear. The crying boy was shocked beyond all means. He would have expected everything to happen besides what was going on right now. He thought Shuji would start laughing or asking questions without a break and he even thought that the other boy would simply turn around and walk away, letting him sit there alone. And now....here he was....being pressed against the other boy, pulled off of the chair he was sitting on just seconds ago, hearing gentle words from him. "uh...wha...what are you d-doing?" Akira was really confused but couldn't restrain himself enough to not enjoy the hug and letting himself relax against the other teens body. He signed and gave in to the urge of resting his head on the should of the one in kneeling in front of him. The kneeling boy couldn't help but feeling relieved when he noticed that the other youth finally gave up trying to be strong and started leaning against him, burying his head in the nape of his neck, clinging at his shirt, trying to get even closer to him. His eyes widened slightly when he felt a wet warmth running down his neck only to be soaked up to the collar of his shirt. He shifted his head a little to take a glance at the now so small-looking boy leaning on him for support. He knew it would be inappropriate to ask what happened to make the normally self-controlled boy cry so hard and hold fast at someone he had never talked to. Shuji displaced his position a bit so that he now was sitting on the floor and Akira ended up straddling him. The brunette lifted his head to gaze up at the sky, not knowing what to besides stroking Akira's back in small circles. He could feel how sad the boy was and therefore he couldn't do anything to stop a small tear from running down his cheek. They sat there for a few more minutes, waiting for the sobbing boy, who was still sitting on the lap of the slightly smaller one, to be ready and composed enough for the talk which was definitely in order. They both knew that this incident on the school-rooftop was changing their relationship fundamentally. They both felt that there was a bond forming between them which had never been built up to another person. Akira was exhausted. He couldn't remember crying so hard in his entire life. Let alone in front of someone else. He never even cried in front of his parents so why would he cry openly in front of a stranger? With one last low sob he sat up, overlooked the fact that he was still sitting on the lap of Shuji and looked straight into a pair of sparkling, yet sad eyes. "Gomen ne...I...I d-don't know why..." Akira stopped midsentence when his classmate gently closed his mouth with his hand, laying four fingers on his full, pink lips. Shuji was surprised how soft those lips were but he refused to let his emotions become visible on his face. Instead he smiled softly and shook his head. "Iie...it's ok. I won't ask you for the reason. I just want you to know that I'll be there for you should you need someone to talk to. I know, we don't know each other that good, but I just want you to know, that I'll be there for you." During his little talk Shuji moved his hands to Akira's cheeks in order to brush the wet streaks, the tears left behind, away. The red eyed boy couldn’t believe what he was hearing. His mind had yet to register what exactly was going on. He just knew that his secret love held him in his arms and that was all what mattered to him at the moment. He smiled a little and gave Shuji a thankful nod. "Thank you. I hope you know what your words mean to me." Akira leaned forward and wrapped his arms around the brunettes shoulders. He didn't want to get up and Shuji hadn't made a move to do so, he even clasped his arms around his upper body and hugged him back, so je just continued to be seated ontop of him. There was a comforting silence between them until Akira took a deep breath, worked up his courage, settled back, locked his eyes with Shuji's and asked: "Ano~ Shuji-kun?...Does this mean...we're friends now?..." He knew he sounded insecure but at the moment he didn't care. He didn't want to put up an act in front of Shuji so he let his emotions become visible in his voice and face. Shuji was surprised when Akira leaned over for a hug but he just smiled, even though the other youth couldn't see it from his position, and put his armes around the other one, too. Alarmed he looked up when he heard the other one shakingly taking a deep breath and retreated from the hug. "Ano~ Shuji-kun?...Does this mean...we're friends now?..." Had he heard right? Akira wanted to be friends with him? Or did he take it the wrong way? The corners of his mouth curled up into a bright smile and he gave the other one a happy nod. "But of course. Don't tell me you thought I would comfort you and then go back to not talking to you. I wanted to be friends with you since the beginning of the term but ... somehow ... haven't had enough courage to start a conversation first. You looked so distant and when I saw that sad look in your eyes I didn't dare to talk to you. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have run away....I..." He couldn't finish his sentence because this time it was Akira's turn to silence him with his index finger. "hmmm....nope. It's ok. I wouldn't have known what to talk about, anyway. So....let's start from the beginning?" He smirked into Shuji's face and winked cheekily. He got up, adjusted his clothes and held his hand out. "Hi. I'm Kusano Akira. Hajimemashite." Totally caught off guard Shuji remained seated on the floor, looking up at Akira unbelievingly. But he quickly caught himself again and got up, too. "Hi. I'm Kiritani Shuji. Nice to meet you, too." He grasped Akira's outstretched hand and shook it enthusiastically. Kapitel 4: Getting Close ------------------------ Chapter 04 : Getting Close The Sun was going down, making the ocean look like it would consist out of millions of diamonds. The view was beautiful and it always made Akira think back to his 2nd year in high school back in Tokyo. It was not that long ago. Just 2 years but in these 2 years a lot had happened. He thought back to this fateful day when he was crying on the roof of his school during lunch break. Crying his heart out because of his one-sided love. His love towards his now best friend. Yeah, a lot had happened. After that day a deep friendship had been build between them. At first they didn't want others to know about them - god, that sounded like a forbidden love affair - but then they meet Nobuko. The silent, shy girl made them realize that it wasn't good to act like you were somebody else in front of others. It just lead to big problems. Problems and distrust. Like Shuji had to experience when their other classmates found out that he broke up with his girlfriend. Akira couldn't understand why he did it because Shuji never mentioned the reason why he took that step. But deep inside Akira was happy that he did what he did because now he didn't have to worry about some girl clinging at his best friend and still secret love. The brunette smiles slightly at this thought. He knew it was not nice to think that way but he couldn't bring himself to stop doing it. Of course he had to admit that he was a bit jealous but at the same time he knew that he had no reason to be so. He was with his belove d Shuji and even when the other girls in class tried to get his attention or kept asking him out he flatout refused, always saying that there was already a special person his heart belonged to and Akira was literaly dying to find out who this special person was. But again regardless of how often he asked Shuji the other boy stayed silent and kept his seemingly most hidden secret. The young teen signed and let himself fall back into the soft sand he was sitting on. The sun had already gone down and the first stars started to appear on the dark blue sky. He crossed his arms behind his head and looked up to the letting his thoughts wander back to the day where Nobuta told him to follow Shuji. Akira didn't know that the girl had found out about his feelings long ago and already knew to whom they were directed to. But she kept silent until that fateful day where Shuji told his class that he had to move to Hokkaido because of his dad. Everyone could see how hard it was for Shuji to tell them and not just turn around and run out of the classroom. He held is back so tightly that his knuckles could clearly been seen. Akira hated his classmates for being so ignorant towards Shujis situations and his feelings. He always tried hard not to disappoint their imaginations even though he knew that it was wrong. But at the end they all could see what they did to the poor boy and said goodbye to him when he was already on his way to his new home. And exactly that was the moment where Nobuta told him to follow his own heart. To follow his first friend and love and stay with him. It was just natural that Akira was deeply shocked that she knew about his most hidden secret but at the same time he was relived that there at least was somebody he could talk to and who wouldn't judge him. And of course Akira being himself he followed Shuji and went the entire way to Hokkaido, transferred into his school and even managed it to arrive a day before him to give the other boy the biggest surprise in his life. The laying boy chuckled as he remembered the expression on Shujis face when he noticed Akira standing in the back of the classroom, leaning against the window frame, giving him his infamous "kon"-gesture while smiling softly. His eyes started to sparkle at the thought of them fooling around at the beach he was currently laying on, laughing and even jumping into the water fully clothed. At that moment he knew that he had done the right thing and the next day he send Nobuko a message thanking her over and over again for making him follow Shuji. He stopped his thoughts when he heard the approaching steps in the sand behind him. "Oi, what are you doing? You'll catch a cold when you stay there for too long and you don't want that, don't you? I mean....Vacation just started and it would be a shame if you had to stay in bed for the entire 14 days.", Shuji spoke softly while letting himself fall next to the boy who was now watching him closely. Akira went back to watching the stars. After a few moments he answered: "Of course I don't want to get sick but I just somehow forgot that I was only wearing a t-shirt and it's just a beautiful night. Don't you think so, too? I mean, look at the stars. They are shining so brightly tonight. I just couldn't leave. They somehow made me think about what happened 2 years ago. It made me realise something." Surprised Shuji turned his head towards his best friend. "What? And what did you realise?" This truely caught his interrest. It wasn't an everyday event that Akira, the normally hyper, everytime-happy and always smiling boy had such deep thoughts that he forgot that he still was only clad in a t-shirt. The brunette chuckled lightly and said in a low voice: "I realised that....I did the right thing when I followed my heart and went here to be with you......Shuji-kun." Akira turned his head so that he was now looking directly into Shujis eyes which were slightly widened. "Uhm....huh?...."m the confusion clearly showed on Shuji's face, "Wha...What do you mean? You're saying....strange stuff Akira-kun. Did the "romantic" mood get you?" It was more than clear that Shuji was embarrassed and didn't know what to say but he tried to cover it up with a joke....and of course...it didn't work. Akira just smiled at the other boys attempt to hide the his blushing cheeks with turning his gaze towards ne now black ocean. He sat up and crossed his legs, never letting his eyes lose contact with the other one's face. 'I have to tell him now. If not now then never. We've been far too close for him to just throw away our friendship. Not that he would ever do that. I just know it. Besides....hope isn't lost, yet. Maybe....', Akira thought. Collecting every bit of his courage he lifted his right hand and gently placed it on the heated cheek of the other boy. The contact of the slightly cold hand made Shuji jump a little but he refused to look at Akira. Instead he fixed his gaze on the water. "...Shuji-kun?....Would you look at me?....", Akira tried not to be so obviously nervous but it could be heard in his voice that he just wanted to get up and run away...far away. There was a thick silence between the two 2nd year college students until Akira tried again. "...Shuji....please....", he pleaded. The begging sound of the brunettes voice finally showed it's effect and Shuji slowly turned around to face Akira. At first he was hesitant but then he looked directly into the deep eyes of the one in front of him. "Akira....I....don't know wha-", Shuji was cut of when Akira started to shake his head. "Shhh Shuji. Let me tell you this now or I won't be able to do so in my entire life. Please. Just listen to what I have to say and when I'm finished you can tell me what you think, ok?", said Akira. Shuji started to get more confused at this. Akira sounded deadly serious. It must be something really important that he wanted him to know. He understood how much it meant to Akira therefore he stayed silent and just nodded his head approvingly, showing the other boy that he wouldn't say anything till he was finished. Smiling at the respond of Shuji, Akira closed his eyes for a second and took a deep breath before he started to talk. "Well, Shuji, you know that I've never been one to show my emotions freely in front of others. I'm sure that you still remember the day we started to be friends. The day I sat on the roof of the school, crying my eyes out. God, I was deeply shocked that I wasn't alone there at that day, but I'm happy that it happened, because...otherwise I don't think we would have become friends....", he paused and Shuji smiled a bit and gave a short nod for Akira to continue, "....you know....I wanted to be friends with you long before we ended up in the same class...a happy coincidence may I say...but I never dared to talk to you. I always was a "lonely wolf" and the other kids never talked to me unless they had to, ok, it was quite fine with me because I never wanted to talk to people like them but then....I met you. I saw you a few times in 1st year of high school but you were always talking to your friends and I haven't had enough courage to walk up to you and talk to you. You can't imagine how happy I was when we ended up in the same class.... ." At this Akira let his gaze wander off to the horizon. He sighed dropped his right hand into the sand and softly continued his little speech. "I was stunned when our look met. I felt like I was drowning in you eyes. I can't remember to have ever seen such deep and emotion filled eyes before. And somehow ... I knew that there was something deep inside of me that I had missed for my whole life....Something I always wanted but never was able to get. Do you know what I mean?", Akira turned around to look at Shuji but Shuji could only shake his head slightly so the brunette continued softly, "....love. I never experienced something like love in my entire life. Regardless if it was of the amicable way or the romantic one. Even my parents never showed me that they loved me. I was already as far as to thing that I would never be able to love or be loved...that was...until that day. I felt something stirring inside of me. A comforting and warm feeling." Again Akira turned around to look at the water with a smile. "At first I didn't know what that feeling was but after some time I realised that I had developed feelings for you. Deep feelings. I forcefully had to realise that I had started to love you....", he told Shuji. He didn't see the widening of Shujis eyes when he realised what Akira was trying to tell him. And of course Akira didn't notice how the brown eyes of Shuji started to sparkle and how a bright smile was forming on his lips. "... And then the day you had your lunch with Mariko....I couldn't take it anymore...I went to the roof and just started to cry. I couldn't hold the tears inside of me anymore....I never cryed in front of other persons. I never cried in front of my parents. So I chose to cry alone on the rooftop of the school. And then ... you appeared behind me...out of thin air....I was so shocked. I didn't know what to do. But your words comforted me and the gentle look in your eyes....it was the final straw...i couldn't take it anymore....well...you know what happened next. I was so happy to be your friend. I was so happy to be finally able to be with you. I really hope you can understand my feelings, Shuji. I don't expect you to return them but....I would be glad when I wouldn't push me away just because I.....I.....", at this point he broke up and stayed silent, not able to form the words that were playing in his head over and over. 'I really hope he won't hate me for what I said.' Shuji continued look at Akira. He looked so small now that he had tucked up his legs to his chest and wrapped his arms around his knees. It was a strange picture. He never imagined the strong Boy like that. Of course he knew that nobody could be strong all the time like it had happened 2 years ago. But ... Shuji was overjoyed to hear those words from the other teen. He would have never managed to gather enough courage to tell his special someone his feelings. This special person he always mentioned when some girl asked him out or told him her feelings. This special person he couldn't get out of his mind since they first met. This special person....who was now sitting right in front of him, fearing his anger or some other negative reaction. He closed his eyes, shook his head and took a deep breath. He fixed his eyes on the slightly trembling form of his best friend grinned. Shuji couldn't hold himself back any longer therefore he wrapped his arms around Akiras shoulders and hugged him tightly. "Thank you, Akira. Thank you so much. I would have never been able to tell you what I'm going to tell you know if it weren't for your words. Akira....I....", he stopped, looked deeply into the shocked eyes of the other boy, "I....I love you. Akira suki dayo.", as Shuji said that he blushed intensely. If it would be possible Akira's eyes would have widened even more. The brunette couldn't believe what he had heard. Shuji, his Shuji had said that he loved him...His mind refused to work...it just repeated Shujis last sentence over and over again. After some minutes of silence Akira dared to move again....he blinked hastily and opened his mouth to say something but is voice flat out refused to make a sound. He tried again and this time he was only able to let out a happy shout. He started to laugh uncontrollable and threw himself against Shuji causing him to fall over, landing on his back with Akira on top of him. Akira laughed and hugged the other boy while he started to roll around with him in the sand. "Ha ha ha ha ha ha .... I can't believe it. Gods....Ha ha ha ha ha....Do you know how happy you made me? Do you know? Do you? Akira HAPPY~" At this Shuji started to laugh to and happily joined Akira in his childish behaviour. They continued to roll around in the sand until they ended up being washed over of a big wave. They stopped their movements and remained frozen in spot because just now they realized their positions. Again Shuji layed on the sand with Akira all over him. Their clothes were wet from the water which continued to wash over their legs up to their hips. Their hair was limply haning off the heads. Akira supported his body weight with his forarms and their faces were just centimetres away of each other. Each of them was breathing heavily. Shuji still had his hands rested on the other boys hips, starring up into Akira's deep eyes, noticed the brunettes chest move rapidly against his own, feeling the hot breath against his own lips. Akira didn't dare to move. He layed on top of Shuji, on the beach, wet from the oceanwater and breathing heavily from the messing around. He based himself on his forearms which were placed directly next to Shuji's head. He noticed the little drops falling from his hair on his best friends cheeks but he was caught in the moment and the loving look in Shuji's eyes. He could feel the atmosphere heaten. Slowly he lowered his head, not losing the connection of their eyes. Right before he reached the lips of Shuji he stopped, seeing the other one closing his eyes slowly and welcoming the next move he also closed his eyes and closed the remaining space between them, putting his lips gently on top of the other boy's. A wave of emotions was rushing over them. They felt the feelings of the other one while they continued to gently move their lips against the other pair. The kiss was soft and and pure, filled with every emotion they had vor each other. Shuji moved his hands from Akira's hips over his back just to let them rest on his shoulderblades, pressing him closer to himself. He could feel Akira letting his tongue move over his bottom lip, gently asking for entrance. He signed contently and slowly opened his lips to let the other boy's tongue move into his mouth, moaning slightly at the touch of his own and Akira's. He moved his head to give the boy on top a better entrance. The brunette slowly let his tongue move against Shuji's. Stroking it, messaging it and alluring it along with his own into his own mouth. They continued to kiss gently for a while until they both had to stop because of the lack of air. Keeping their eyes closed they panted a few times before they looked at each other again. Both of them had a deep blush on their cheeks and a slightly clouded look in their eyes. "...wow...", was all Shuji could say. Akira could only nod and say, "Yeah...wow...I never thought...it would feel so good." The brunette smiled and nudged Shujis nose with his own. "...But....does that mean, we're ..t-together now...?", Shuji asked shyly. Surprised Akira's eyebrow rose a bit. Reassuringly he stroked Shujis hair and answered simply: "But of course ... or do you think I would kiss just for fun? ... Well, of course I'll start doing that now...", he winked playfully at Shuji, "...but only with you." Akira leaned down and placed a short kiss on Shuji's lips. The other boy blushed deeper and nodded smiling. "Hm....I think we should go home now. I mean...I don't want you to catch a cold now, ne?", said Akira and stood up just to reach out to help Shuji getting up. "No, you won't.", giggled Shuji and let himself being pulled to his feet. Akira started to walk of after he grabbed Shujis hand. They walked to the street until they reached the frontdoor of Shuji's house. "Well....see ya tomorrow?", asked Shuji. "But of course, honey, kon", Akira said in his childish manner with his little hand-fox. "Uhm....do you wanna come over tomorrow? I could cook us lunch.", offered the slightly smaller boy. "Hontou? You would cook something for me?", exclaimed Akira overjoyed and flung his arms around Shujis shoulders. Giggling Shuji stroked over Akiras head when the other boy buried his face in his neck and started nibbling and softly sucking on the soft skin. "Sure. Everything for you, you know?" They stayed like that for a few more moments until Akira was satisfied with his work, licked over the abused spot and leaned back. "Well then, see ya tomorrow. I'll be there at...something around....8.", and with that he turned around and started running towards his home. Shuji stood there for a few seconds, but then he finally realised what time the other one had said and whirled around, "WHAT? Oi, Akira~...", he tried to stop the other boy but he already was too far away. He signed defeated, "Hn....That's so typical for him...." Shaking his head he turned around to open the door to get some sleep before his hyper now-boyfriend would come over. Hosted by Animexx e.V. (http://www.animexx.de)